

- January 23, 5 A.W. -

'Knock Knock'

"Marghetta Shwalswerg, Unit 06 Captain."

"Come in."

I entered the Major General's office.

A man with a large body was sitting at the centre, Major General Rook Hols.

"Sorry for disturbing you Major General but I am here-"

"I know, here, Approved."

He passed a document on the table with his signature on it. It was the request application I submitted a week ago to get permission to visit the military graveyard.

I picked up the document from the table.

"It's been 5 years. Do you still blame yourself Marghetta?"

I stayed silent staring at the document in my hands. I couldn't answer the question.

'Sigh' "You know it was not your mistake and he wouldn't have blamed you either."

My voice was blocked by emerging emotions.

"You can go."




She left the office.


"Brigadier General Rook, mission accomplished. I can accept other available missions too."

"Haha, well done Marghetta, but you need to rest too. You have to take take care of your body."

"My body is in good condition General, I can do more. I want to join Lieutenant Colonel Arthur's squad, so I need to work hard."

Her eyes were always filled with energy in the past. Those eyes are dull now.



After submitting the document to the soldier at the gate, I entered the cemetery. It was winter, so snow can be seen here and there.

This Cemetery is a military protected place, which honors the death of the soldiers who died serving the Empire.

I walked deeper into the cemetery. The suffocating feeling increases as I move.

'Lieutenant General Arthur, 1600 - 0 A.W.'

The grave was in front of me. Lieutenant's grave. There were many flowers placed on the grave. He was respected and loved by many.

He died after the Cross Front War due to deep injuries, or most people believed so. But I know the truth, he did suicide, in front of me.

"I'm sorry, Marghetta."

I sat beside the grave and removed the snow stacked on it.

"I am 25 now and have been promoted to Captain rank, Lieutenant. Still I am far behind you. But I am working hard you know, one day I will surpass you, I definitely will. Just you wait and se-e.....

..Ah!! here, I brought your-OUR favourite flower Lieutenant Genral Arthur. Carnation. Our favouri-.."

Something hot drip down my cheek.

I have been coming here for the past 4 years, seeing the same grave every year. Giving the same flower. Talking nonsense.

But I can't accept it, it still hurts.

I have been blaming myself for all these years. If only...If..o-only I was a little more dependa...-





Only the sound of falling snow and a girl's emotions could be heard in the silent cemetery.

Next chapter