
Edge of the Void

Location: Unknown

A circular bright orb can be seen levitating in the empty space. On one side, a few bright dots can be seen far far away looking like a bright starry night sky.

On the other side, nothing can be seen as if it represented pure nothingness. The first word that would instinctively come to mid when anyone saw this nothingness is 'void', as if the nothingness was announcing its identity.

'How long have I been here?', questioned the bright orb.

The bright orb, whose name has no need to be mentioned, has been at this unknown location for possibly years. The longer he stays here the more weirder he feels, a phenomenon he is unable to understand.

The only reason he has remained sane till now is because of his willpower and that too seems to be coming to its end.

'Its weird. Although I always had a strong will to live but it was never this strong. I was always lazy yet here I am desperately trying to live. I think I somewhat understand how those poor and hungry people on Earth felt.'

The bright orb is a person from Earth who died at the hands of a 'robber'.

'I gave all my money yet he still killed me. He was most likely employed to kill me, probably by my so called 'brother'.'

The bright orb grumbled with a sense of disdain at the thought of his 'brother'.

The bright orb used to be the youngest son of the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company. Since a young both his 'brother' and him were taught strictly without much familial love, since their mother died early, so any sort of fatherhood and brotherhood was thin and bleak.

The bright orb never liked to spend time with his family and oftentimes shut himself in his room just being a lazy otaku. The few times he came out was only for school or college or university in which he still slept in class.

The orb also had a poor sense of money or rather he did not take money seriously at all. One would often times see him just throw away his money to people who ask him for it without any care. The only times he didn't do this was when his father ordered him not to.

Despite that their father wanted the youngest son to take over his assets. The CEO realized that behind that lazy, carefree son is a smart son who always chooses the easy way and avoids trouble while being down-to-earth.

That alongside the fact that the eldest son was arrogant, disdainful man with a horrible reputation, bad capabilities and a few crimes cemented his decision.

This irked the jealous eldest son who thought he was 'entitled' to all of this, leading to this tragedy.

'That fucker, if you wanted it that much just tell me. I would give it to you gladly.'

During his ramblings, the bright orb failed to sense someone behind him looking at him with a mixture of interest, surprise and most of all relief.

"Young man, are you done venting your annoyance", a man's voice suddenly sounded in the bright orbs ear.

The bright orb immediately turned around only to find a man looking at him.


This was the first thought of the bright orb.

'Nearly as handsome as me'

This was the second narcissistic thought of the bright orb.

'I'm no longer alone'

This was the third thought of the bright orb representing his loneliness over the years.

'Ahh I can't talk, will he leave?'

This was the bright orbs last thought and concern.

"Don't worry I can hear you.", the man said, clearly amused.

'You can hear my thoughts?', the bright orb said with excitement. He can finally converse with someone after all these years.

'Who are you by the way, mister?'

"I am the Space-Time Master of the Void."

'Wow that sounds awesome but I don't know what that means.'

"You will find out in the future."

'I will?'

The bright orb was inwardly confused. Why is this man with such a lofty title talking to him as an elder?

"Young man, do you want to know why you are placed here?"

'Where is here?'

"The Edge of the Void"

The bright orb became silent as he realized what was being inferred by the Space-Time Master of the Void.

Someone put me here.

This is not the natural part after death.

All this is part of that person's plan.

'Why?', the bright orb asked.

"For now you just need to know that we have a plan for you."

'We? I don't like this and why are you telling me this?'

"The plan isn't harmful but your future responsibilities will be immense."

'I don't like that as well'

The bright orb tried to show his unwillingness to work but the Space-Time Master of the Void shamelessly ignored the bright orb. He instead took out a glass sphere placed it between himself and the bright orb.

"This is a treasure that has placed us in a causality skill."

'Causality skill?'

"Causality skills are skills that force the 'effect of a cause'."

'I don't understand.'

"You will in the future."

The man then placed his hand on the glass sphere.

"To this young man infront of me, I will grant him 6 wishes of his choice as he intended along side a boon of my choice as along as the wishes he states are considered reasonable and possible by me. If any wish asked is considered unreasonable or impossible by me, that wishing chance will be lost."

Although no clue of activation of skill was shown but the bright orb felt as if he was connected with the glass sphere. The Space-Time Master of the Void then looked at the bright orb and stated:

"You will be reborn in the Ninja World in the Naruto anime then sent to the rest of the multiverse in the future. Now state your 6 wishes."

The bright orb did not hesitate to contemplate on the best approach to his situation. The space-time master of the void did not rush the bright orb and patiently waited.

After sometime the bright orb finally decided to make his wishes.

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