
Idol Rising [3]

I glanced down at the business card in my hand, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Becoming an idol had always been my dream, but I never imagined that the opportunity would present itself in such an unexpected way.

"I don't know what to say, Raju," I admitted, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. "This is all happening so fast."

I was thinking about becoming an Idol' again but this was too fast, I didn't think that an opportunity come knocking on my doors this quickly.

Still, I have some doubts that I couldn't help but ask.

"Do you remember that I got fired because I was really bad at dancing?"

"Do you think I forgot about t that?"

"And yet here you want to join your company?"

I looked at Raju Shah silently, feeling somewhat suspicious.

Then, Raju chuckled, let out a windy laugh, and shrugged his shoulders.

"When I asked you to come, the first thing I mentioned was your dancing skills. I'm not sure if I'm frustrating someone who is being strict for no reason. However, the higher-ups have instructed me that it doesn't matter and have asked me to call you back."

"Higher ups?"

"Achacha, I haven't told you yet."

Raju cracked his glass and tried to get lucky.

"Do you know that one of the composers Jack Reed?"

"Of course, I know. It's a name you can't help but recognize if you study


"Well, that guy is famous."

Jack Reed

A genius composer who has many hit songs that are recognizable just by hearing the song titles.

He was a man who earned hundreds of millions of dollars in copyright fees every year at a young age.

"That person is the production director at Rising Idol Entertainment. I am effectively the second-in-command after the CEO and I am mainly responsible for casting actors and singers and producing."

He continued.

"But this person is truly unique. His nickname is Fortune Teller."


"I must say that he knows incredibly well what will take off and what will fail. The hit rate is of his fortune-telling almost 99 per cent."

"Does that make sense?"

"It's real, man."

When I laughed and said that this was nonsense, Raju got angry and told me a few examples.

The song "Everybody's Downfall" was chosen as the title.

He strongly persuaded them to put in an actor from the company, saying that a movie with a minor theme that was sure to fail was popular.

The song 'Everybody's Downfall' topped the charts in one day, and the male actor who appeared in the production by crying and eating mustard became a million-dollar actor.

As Raju recounted the story of Jack Reed's uncanny ability to predict success in the entertainment industry, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. It was hard to believe that someone could have such a remarkable talent for foreseeing the outcome of creative endeavours.

"So, you're saying that Jack Reed can predict which projects will be successful?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the concept.

Raju nodded emphatically. "That's right. It's like he has a sixth sense when it comes to entertainment. He can spot a hit from a mile away, and his track record speaks for itself."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of working with someone as legendary as Jack's endeavours.

"It seems that we are off the track. Anyway, Raj the director of Jack Reed wants to join Idol Rising Entertainment's new boys group."

"What? He wants me to join?"

"Yeah, You heard it right."

I was silent as I entered into deep thought. It would be nice to join the Idol Rising and become an Idol.

But few things do not fit in the place.

After thinking for a moment, I glanced towards Raju, who was smiling confidently that I would accept his offer.

But before accepting his offer, I must get to know a few very important things

"Raju, Tell me honestly, That boy group that you asked me to join now. Are they not feeling well right now."

"Huh? What makes you think that?"

"It's pretty obvious, you're selecting new group members for a group that is about to debut and you think I didn't notice that? There must be some internal problems among the group."

I was very tempted to accept Raju's offer and also Jack Reed also wants me to be part of that group.

But is everything is in the world is so easy?

That's what you should think When an incredible opportunity appears suddenly.

Why does this opportunity get to me and no other person?

I'm sure that there are other idols out there in the entertainment world and I was a failed Idol who got kicked out of the group 3 years ago.

So I must take a moment to consider the implications of joining a group that may be experiencing internal issues. While the prospect of becoming an idol again was enticing, I couldn't ignore the potential challenges that might come with it.

Raju sighed, his expression turning serious. "You're right, Raj. There have been some challenges within the group, but it's not really a problem per se. Things are a little complicated."

After that Raju began to explain what's going on currently inside of Idol Rising Entertainment.

Jack Reed was producing a girl's Idol group called 'Bliss.'

The production was a huge success and the company made a huge profit.

Seeing the success of the girl's Idol group, the Company decided to produce a male idol group.

The goal is the 8-member group.

Everything was going fine for a while but a problem arose.

One of the trainees had a very bad personality, that trainee didn't get along with other group members and constantly caused a problem, So the company decided to kick out him from the debut group.

If it was only that there would be no problem.

But Suddenly three out of seven group members decided to leave the company.

The problem was that they decided to leave when their debut profile picture was taken.

With all the commotion going on 4 people had a mental breakdown.

It's been 2 years passed since then and the company has been struggling to find replacements for the departed members and stabilize the group. Despite numerous auditions and trainee evaluations, they haven't been able to find suitable candidates who fit the vision of the group.

Raju explained that this was the reason why they were reaching out to me. They believed that my talent and potential could help fill the gaps in the group and bring a fresh perspective to the team.

As Raju spoke, I couldn't help but sympathize with the challenges the company was facing. It was clear that the situation was more complicated than I had initially thought, and joining the group would mean stepping into a volatile environment.

After hearing Raju's explanation, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. While the opportunity to become an idol again was incredibly tempting, I knew that I needed to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

On one hand, joining Idol Rising Entertainment and the new boy's group could be the chance of a lifetime to pursue my dream and work alongside talented individuals like Jack Reed. On the other hand, the internal issues within the group posed a significant risk, and I wasn't sure if I was prepared to handle the potential challenges that came with it.

While I was thinking whether should I accept the offer or not, Raju opened his mouth again.

"After Bliss took over early this year, Director Jack Reed took over as the boy group's producer."


"We decided to drastically revise the project, which was originally set to be an 8-member group and debut as a 5-member group. There were a lot of auditions, but unfortunately, I don't think there was anyone that Director Jack liked.

"Until today."

Until today, that is.

no way…

"When I was eating lunch with him, your face appeared on the restaurant TV, and the way he looked at you was unusual. When I asked him why he did that, he said this."

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