
Rise of the Eromancer

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and many others—every human has the blood of gods running through their veins, it decides their fate. But Rhys, ever since he was born, showed absolutely no abilities. But at the age of 18, when his world had given up on him, the blood that remained dormant in his veins finally awakened… …The Blood of Eros, the God of Love, Desire…and Coitus.

Romeru · Urban
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339 Chs

Chapter 13: A Sticky Situation Turning Hard

"Rhys, what… is this sticky stuff?"

Both Rhys and Katarina could really only stare at each other as some sort of white, sticky fluid now bridged his finger and Katarina's face. Rhys's silver eyes, completely blank as several thoughts entered his mind.

Katarina also couldn't move, the only thing she could do was just hold Rhys's thick arm.

"Wh—Heh!?" And right when she finally decided to move, her face was once again showered by the white sticky fluid coming out of Rhys's fingers. If she wasn't wearing a pair of glasses, then her eyes would have surely been also covered by the sticky fluid.

"Perhaps… you should let go of my arm, Dr. Lopez?" Rhys's thoughts finally stopped as he looked at his hand.

"That's… probably a good idea," a small awkward chuckle escaped Katarina's lips; her words muffled as she didn't really want the sticky white fluid to enter her mouth. But as she let go of Rhys's arm and started pulling away, a small wince whispered in the air.

"A…ow…" Katarina breathed out, "It's… it's stuck to my hair, do something!"

"I don't know how to stop it, Dr. Lopez…" Rhys instinctively followed the rhythm of Katarina's breaths.

"Try relaxing your arm! And stop moving, you're getting it all over me!"

"Wait, Dr. Lopez…" Rhys then lightly pulled his arm away, but as he did so, the sticky white fluid seemed to instantly harden.


Katarina could not help but tumble forward in fear that her hair would be pulled out from the sudden force. Unfortunately for both of them, Rhys was unable to regain his balance on the stool as he fell backward straight to the floor.

"R… Rhys, are you—" And before Katarina could finish her words, she could not help but take in a deep breath as she realized her lips were only inches away from touching Rhys's—in fact, she could already feel the warmth of their breaths mixing in the air.

"N… no." But that wasn't the only warmth that started to mix together. Katarina felt her buttoned shirt finally snap when they fell… and so, right now; aside from her bra blocking the skin of her humongous bosoms, their skin was completely sticking to each other.

"..." Rhys could really only look to the side as he felt Katarina's flesh mounting on him. The softness of her bosoms, even softer than Arachnea… perhaps—No. Rhys quickly shook off the thoughts that were growing inside his mind.

And soon, his entire body started to relax. And with it, the white stuff that created all this chaos started to soften again, fully turning into liquid and just evaporating completely in a couple of seconds.

Not all of it was gone, however, as a little bit of residue seemed to still be stuck on Katarina's face.

"Dr. Lopez… I'm sorry," Rhys then gently brushed Katarina's cheek.

"R… Rhys, no…" Katarina's breaths started to stutter as she looked directly at Rhys's lips, "We… we shouldn't do this. At least… at least not here in—"

"You still have some on your face, you should probably wash it off." And before Katarina could fully say something she shouldn't say, Rhys gently lifted her up, "We don't know if… it has any other effects."

"..." Katarina could really only quickly cover herself up; her eyes, now completely blank,



"Enhance senses, as well as spider webs?"

Katarina was now covered by curtains as she washed herself from the sink in the clinic. The curtains were slightly thin, however, as Rhys could still completely see her silhouette; the edges of her bosoms, bouncing with Katarina's every movement.

"Are you sure you don't have the blood of the god of spiders instead?" Katarina said as she continued to wipe herself up.

"I… don't know," Rhys said. A lie, of course, as he already fully had an idea of what one of his abilities could do.

The thing that shot out from his fingers were exactly the same as the web that came out of Arachnea.

The 5 Hearts—he could probably copy a part of the target's abilities if he successfully turns them all red.

Wouldn't that mean that if he conquers Katarina's heart… he would gain the power to heal?---Rhys thought as he stared at Katarina's silhouette, the edges of her teats, fully visible in the shadows.

Rhys once again shook his head off of the thoughts that seem to be bombarding and corrupting him persistently. He covered his mouth, only to realize that a smile was actually painted on his face.

"I…" Rhys quickly stood up, "I'm going, Dr. Lopez."

"What? Why!?" Katarina could be seen rushing to immediately get dressed from the other side of the curtain, "We still need to talk about your abilities, Rhys!"

"Let's… talk tomorrow."

"Wait!" Katarina was able to get dressed in no time; her hair, still dripping as she swung the curtains open. But alas, the only thing she was able to see was Rhys closing the door on her.

"...Seriously?" Katarina could really only let out a sigh loud enough to fill her entire clinic. She then started cleaning all the mess on the table… before her eyes reached the gloves she used to check the inside of Rhys's mouth.

"..." Katarina then turned to look at the door as she grabbed the gloves with her bare hands. And as soon as she was sure that no one was there… she placed the gloves beside her cheek.

"Rhys…" Katarina's breaths then started to shudder as she walked toward one of the beds; closing the curtains behind her as she did so.

If Rhys was to see this right now, he would have noticed that the hearts above Katarina's head…

…4 of them were now red.


Rhys gasped for breath as he finally stepped out of the school. He completely forgot to breathe as he just focused on getting away from the situation he found himself in.

He wanted to go back to the dorms to completely collect himself, but there were even more people now than there were before he left with Katarina—the trucks to fill up the hole were also here now.

"..." Rhys started looking around for where to go in the meantime. Since he wouldn't even be able to sleep even if he managed to return to his dorm…

…should he start practicing the abilities he received from Arachnea?

"Rhys Wilder."

And before he could even take a single step to find a place to practice, 2 people suddenly approached him—a man and a woman wearing a suit, and a pair of sunglasses even in the darkness of the night.

"...Yes?" Rhys quickly made sure to cover his face as he answered.

"We're from the Holes Investigation Unit," the woman showed her badge to Rhys as she stepped forward,

"We need you to come with us to the local precinct…

…we have questions about the death of your classmate."

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