
Waking up to a new you. Literally!

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock like usual. Stayed in bed for an extra 5 minutes just enjoying how surprisingly comfortable my bed and sheets felt this morning, before finally getting out of bed groggily once my alarm went off again.

Shambling across the large, luxurious high class bedroom towards the equally as luxurious, fancy bathroom, idly taking in my surroundings, but I was starting to feel as if something wasn't right.

A few seconds later, I finally made it to the bathroom and was about to start getting ready for the day, only to look in the mirror above the sink and suddenly freeze in shock, now wide awake and staring wide eyed at my reflection, a reflection that wasn't my own.

"What the hell?!" Staring back at me wasn't a morbidly obese man of average height with black hair and brown eyes, but instead, in the mirror was a younger looking Abigail from Street Fighter V with a full head of black hair and a pair of brown eyes.

Even my voice wasn't the same, before my voice was a slightly monotone tenor, but now, if my ears aren't playing tricks in me, my voice is a very deep, rumbling bass voice that you could FEEL in your bones if listened to…. kind of cool actually.

While in my stupor, I was observing both myself and my surroundings, finally truly taking in the blue walls, marble flooring of the bathroom and white carpet in the bedroom.

Before I could really start to panick, I was hit by the mother of all migraines as memories of this body's previous owner, William Stone, all at once. William is a 27 year old Underground Fighting Champion in America, both with his fists as well as with…. Duel Monster Cards?!

Furiously searching the memories as fast as possible, I was quick to discover that yes, Duel Monsters was a major thing here, in fact, I was IN THE WORLD OF YUGIOH if the memories of playing a Battleguard Deck using a Custom Duel Disk was anything to go by.

However, last night, William finally met the Spirit in his deck, a freshly emerged yet very powerful spirit, Battleguard King. It had tested William to see if he was worthy of it becoming his Ka, by fighting him in a Shadow Game, a game which William had lost.

Which led to me somehow possessing the recently soulless body…. when I was sleeping in my own bed previously. Did I die in my sleep? I know I had a poor diet and never exercised, but I didn't have any heart or lung problems, and my last visit didn't show any clots or anything forming….

"Have I been ROB'ed?"

Hey everybody, so what do you think? This will be a short story just to get back into writing really. Well, that, and I’ve been reading some Yu-Gi-Oh stories lately and decided to give it a try.

I will try and update every day or two since I’m basically going with the flow on this one. One thing I will say is that I’m just a casual Player and Writer, so while I will use Official Duel Monster Cards, I’m not too familiar on what came out when, and I might tweak some cards as well to fit my taste.

Link_Kokiri_Fancreators' thoughts
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