
Professor Ignis's offer

As the chaos settled, Professor Ignis approached Aria with a stern yet intrigued expression. He observed her with wise amber eyes, recognizing the immense potential she possessed.

"Young lady," he said firmly, his voice carrying both authority and compassion. "You possess an extraordinary gift—a power that can shape your destiny and help protect our world."

Aria's chest tightened with a mix of emotions. She had always believed in the existence of magic and her own abilities, but to hear it affirmed by someone as esteemed as Professor Ignis brought a whole new level of validation.

"I...I don't know," Aria stammered, her voice laced with awe and uncertainty. "I never imagined I could do something like this."

Professor Ignis nodded, acknowledging the overwhelming surge of emotions within Aria. He understood the weight of discovering one's hidden potential.

"That is often the case with those who possess great power," he replied with a gentle smile. "But fear not, young one. At Arcane Academy, we will teach you how to harness and control your abilities."

Aria looked into Professor Ignis's eyes, finding solace and guidance in their amber depths. His words filled her with a sense of purpose and determination.

"What is Arcane Academy?" she asked eagerly, her curiosity bubbling over.

Arcane Academy: two words that held such significance for aspiring defenders like Aria. It was the pinnacle of magical education—a place where gifted individuals came together to hone their skills and prepare for the ever-growing threats that loomed over Avalora.

Professor Ignis's eyes gleamed with pride as he spoke of the prestigious institution.

"Arcane Academy is a school dedicated to training young men and women like yourself," he explained. "Here, you will learn to master your powers and embrace the responsibilities that come with them. You will become defenders of Avalora—guardians against the rising demonic threat that looms over our land."

Aria's heart swelled with a newfound sense of purpose. To be chosen as one of these defenders was an honor she had only ever dreamed of. She couldn't help but imagine herself standing strong against the forces of darkness, protecting those who were unable to protect themselves.

"I want to make a difference," Aria declared, her voice imbued with resolve. "I want to help protect Avalora from whatever threatens it."

Professor Ignis nodded approvingly, his stern expression softening for a moment.

"That is precisely why I believe you are destined for greatness," he replied. "Your summoning powers have proven that you possess the strength and determination needed to defend our land."

Aria felt a spark ignite within her—the spark of hope and purpose she had been yearning for all her life. She knew that attending Arcane Academy would be no easy feat, but it was a challenge she was willing to embrace wholeheartedly.

"I accept," Aria said resolutely, her emerald eyes shining with determination. "I want to become a defender of Avalora."

Professor Ignis's smile widened, an air of acceptance and encouragement surrounding him.

"You have made a wise decision," he said warmly. "At Arcane Academy, you will find others like yourself—individuals who share your passion, drive, and desire to protect Avalora. Together, you will become an unstoppable force against the darkness that threatens our world."

As Professor Ignis extended his hand toward Aria, she reached out and grasped it firmly. In that moment, a bond was formed—one that signified trust, mentorship, and the beginning of an epic journey.

"Welcome to Arcane Academy, Aria Grayson," Professor Ignis said firmly but kindly. "Your life will never be the same again.

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