
~episode II~

Episode 2: Beast vs. Human



Hearing animals scatter across the forest, Xiaoling braced herself for the beast. She could hear each foot step it took, coming closer and closer. She looked up at giant beast as it shadow covered her entire body. In this chapter; Beast vs Human. Who will win?


Xiaoling was now looking at the giant 25 foot blue ogre, who was holding a giant tree as a weapon. "It is here." Isa said in monotone

"No shit Sherlock!"

"My name is Isa." she replied still in monotone

"Shut up!"

Letting out a loud roar that shook the leaves off the trees, the ogre swung down at Xiaoling, only for her to dodge it by a inch. The tree hit the ground making a giant crater in it. "Damn, this thing is strong. I used most of my hp just to dodge It! T^T." She sobbed

The ogre began swinging, and missing every time making it anger by the minute. "I think he is mad, Mi'lady."

"Shut up captain obvious."

"My name is-

"If you don't shut up, your name will be nothing." Xiaoling said with a eyes closed smile


The tree swung down almost hitting Xiaoling, but missed by a inch. The ogre still began to swing but still missed.

'What the...?'

Xiaoling looked closer at the gigantic beast, she noticed something. The ogre had it's left eye slashed out.

'This is strange, come to think of it.... I'm standing in the middle of a ancient forest, far away from any beast, So I would have 37- no, lower than that, I would have 20% chance of running into a beast. Not only that, I sensed the beast coming towards me, before Isa said anything, but the strange part is, it wasn't walking, it was running. It was running at a incredible speed, almost like it was running for it's life, Ogre's normally never back down, they are too territorial... Oh, I understand now.

The question is, Who is strong enough to make this powerful beast run for it's own life. I'm sure they never hurt the beast, the eye would have still been bleeding, so that was probably done long ago. Meaning that person must be over a level 8 rank 8, an ogre never backs down from a fight, the reason it would run is if the person is over a level 10 rank 8, the reason is the person is closer to becoming a celestial.'

Isa was now looking at Xiaoling, "Mi'lady, are you okay?"

'Could it be, she found something out? No... that would be impossible... with one glance? No way.'

"I'm fine. I think it's time to end this."

Xiaoling raised up her right hand and three more buttons came up. The top on saying 'inventory', the middle one saying 'pause' and the last one saying 'skills'. Xiaoling clicked the middle one just as the ogre swung down at her.

Everything froze. The ogre was frozen in place and so was the tree that was one inch from hitting Xiaoling. She sighed in relief. She then went up to the ogre, she looked like a ant standing in front of it. "Mi'lady, are you sure you're okay?"

"The ogre left eye has been slashed, I've been standing on it's left, that's why it kept missing me. Also when I sensed the beast coming our way, I noticed something. It was running, instead of walking, actually if I'm correct it was going at Match 1. Meaning it was most likely running for its life, also it isn't a level 1 rank 5, Isa. You know this," Isa held her head down with her eyes wide "You had me up against a level 4 rank 6 beast."

'She only needed one glance at the ogre face and already figured it out! she figure it was running for its life and she had figured that it wasn't a level 1 rank 5. If I would've known Mi'lady senses were sharper than mine, then I wouldn't be so shocked as I am now. Even though it's been a few centuries, I shouldn't be shocked. Mi'lady IQ, is most likely bigger than that ogre's power level.'

"Mi'lady I-"

"Whatever, I don't really care at this point. Just don't lie to me."

"Yes, Mi'lady."

Xiaoling still had the three buttons in front of her, she clicked on her inventory and saw that all of her old weapons and pills we're still there.

Xiaoling pulled out a Katana, it wasn't a regular one. It was dripped in poison and it was much sharper. She clicked unpaused and swung her Katana up, slicing through the huge tree. Xiaoling used the ogre moment of shock, and stabbed through his heart.

The ogre slowly fell to the ground on his back."Congratulations. You completed your task, your reward, 10 out of 30 points." Xiaoling had a 'WTF' face as she looked at Isa

"10 points?! I deserve at least 25! Are you cheating me?! I hope you know I used up all of my hp!!!!!" (T﹏T)

"Mi'lady, I will admit, you had me surprised back there but, you took too long. When you pause the game time goes by faster. So it has already been 23 hours and 30 minutes."

'I started fighting the ogre at 11:30 am, and paused it at 11:45 am, which means....'

"So one minute is 23 hours and 15 minutes?! Are you kidding me!?"before she could say anything else, a loud gasp was heard, Xiaoling and Isa looked over to see a female.

"You... You..."

The female had long Auburn hair put into a messy bun, with Caramel eyes. She was dressed in a blue dress with long sleeves, that looked worn out and ragged. She had on straw made flip flops and was holding a basket full of herbs.

"It appears this female human has saw you kill the ogre." Isa said in conclusion

"You don't say?" Xiaoling said with a tick on her forehead

"Would you like me to kill her, mi'lady?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Xiaoling asked deadpan

"You actually killed the ogre?!" The female exclaimed "How can I ever thank you, miss!?" (Can't see or hear Isa)

"You don't have to..." Xiaoling started to say but got interrupted

"Actually, we need a place to stay." Xiaoling turned to the voice and saw a three feet Isa next to her. The girl was startled, when Isa popped out of nowhere, but nodded nevertheless.

"Follow me to my village." She said leading them through the forest and to a small village with very little people in it

"A village was here the whole time?" Xiaoling sweat dropped

"This is quite small." Isa said

"It's a village, you nitwit. Not a city or town." Xiaoling replied

"I told you my name is Isa."

"Isa?" The female asked

"What would you like human?" Isa said earning a hit from Xiaoling "What was that for?"

"Are you two sisters?" She asked


Before Isa could get a word out, Xiaoling slapped her hand around her mouth. "Yes, she's my little sister, please don't mind her rudeness."

Isa has question marks above her head as to why Xiaoling did that. "Ah, that's so cute."

Xiaoling removed her hand from Isa mouth, "I guess so, I didn't quite get your name."

"Ah! Please forgive me for not introducing myself, my name is Ai." She said and showed them into a tiny house, a cottage. "This is where I live, please make yourself at home."

"You live by yourself?" Isa asked

"Yes, my parents died by the hands of that Ogre you killed. That's why I am so very grateful." Ai explained with a sad smile on her face

"I'm sorry to here that."

"You have my compassion as well human."

"So, How we're your parents?" this question seemed to throw Ai off "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to throw you off with the question."

"No, No. it's fine. To be honest, I'm glad you asked, I want everyone to know how great they were. They were the village warriors, they had what most did not, Bravery. Everyone respected them." Ai said and began to tear up

"Wow. That's so wonderful to hear." Xiaoling said with a smile and a glint of sadness in her eyes

"Hey, would you mind if-" Ai began but suddenly, a knock at the door interrupts their conversation.

"Miss Ai? Would you mind helping out with crops? Oh and did you get all the herbs I listed?" A angelic voice says from the other side of the door

"Oh Ida. Yes, I'll be there in a second." Ai replied "Sorry, but I have to go right now, please just sit back and relax." Ai headed out with her basket of herbs.

"New mission Mi'lady."

"Oh dear lord. Do I have to kill another beast?" Xiaoling was now sweat dropping

"No. You must help out this village. Rewards will be based off of your preformance, So no deadline this time."

Xiaoling and Isa walked out and ran towards Ida and Ai, with smiles of their faces.

"Hey! We'll help too!"


I hoped you enjoyed, and if I made any mistake let me know~ peace ✌

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