
Rise of the Author: Bringing Books to Reality.

Adam Harris, a young writer, is searching for new sources of inspiration when his creative fire begins to go out. One day, in a moment of despair, he discovers a forgotten book called Co-Creator's Quill. This enigmatic pen gives him the incredible power to make his stories come to life. Each new story he creates enlivens the world around him and he finds himself at the center of his own stories.

Reveraner · Urban
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31 Chs


Dangerous! Incredibly scary! Sexy! That was Adam's impression of her, though the third option would have been silence. Shuddering, Adam lowered his head so no one could see his expression.

"Not only is this vixen stronger than the emperor, but she also has a stunner of spells! In addition, her level of magic is Supreme, which is almost a peak in this book." Adam sighed and suddenly felt sorry for the emperor. "And yet Leonardo doesn't even know about her abilities. Besides, her power is on par with the Emperor's, which is usually impossible... hehe!"

Adam shook his head and concentrated on the scene. The princess and the prince were next. Adam felt uncomfortable as he looked at the princess's sweet smile.

She was a graceful and attractive woman with seductive features. She had long, silky black hair, deep green eyes, and a graceful figure. Dressed in a long white ball gown and white stockings with garters, the princess instantly attracted the attention of young nobles.

Adam blinked his eyes and surveyed her status. Emilia Vermont Isengard was a Barrier Mage with the highest level of magic, and her total power was 59.265. Adam felt the pressure.

"She's only 24 years old, and she already has those characteristics? She's only two years older than my main character!", Adam wanted to cry.

Compared to Adam's total strength of 50 points, eh? This princess was not someone Adam could provoke. However, after seeing her, Adam had some thoughts.

"If I can use marriage as a method to increase my political influence, no, that's impossible. Most likely I'll only be thought of as a pretty wrapper you can throw away whenever you want." Adam smiled weakly when he saw the handsome man.

"Here comes the easy target."

[Name: Gabriel Vermont Isengard

Level of Magic: Inferior

Class: Magic Knight

Race: Human

Political status: 68

Title: Prince

Faction: Imperial Faction

Skills: Small Power Boost

General Force: 250].

Gabriel was a tall, slender young man with dark blond hair combed back and bright blue eyes. He had distinct facial features and an attractive appearance.

However, his overall strength was negligible. He was 28 years old, but he was so weak! Even his little sister is superior to him. And it's not just about overall strength.

Prince's political influence was 68 points. There were zero to two hundred points of political influence in the political system. If zero was nothing and fifty was the level of influence of talented people and high-ranking nobles or heirs of noblemen such as Harold, then 200 was total control.

Adam scoffed even more at the prince when he remembered that the princess had 180 political clouts! This meant that she could subdue entire cities with her orders.

And the reason for this low level of Prince Adam knew very well. After all, he created this character and ruthlessly made him a stepping stone for the main character.

In every novel, there must be a character who will become the first stepping stone to the ascent of the protagonist. Adam could only shrug his shoulders and ruthlessly label the character as "easy bait.

When it came to writing, Adam was strict about everything. Especially if those books could become reality. Every superpower would be used against him!

So it was vitally important for him to make lifelines for himself. The more, the better! Of course, however, the Creator's Feather did not listen to Adam in all things.

For example, the empress was too strong and unpredictable. Adam could only surrender and watch cautiously to see which way the plot moved.

I hereby announce the beginning of the score!

Adam opened his eyes wide and suddenly wanted to swat Leonardo, who announced the beginning of the ball. But he held back.

Edric, what are you doing there? Harold's voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Adam sighed, taking on a pitiful expression.

- B-brother...

- Stop loafing. - Harold said, frowning at Adam's pathetic appearance, "Try not to disgrace our family. Find yourself a worthy partner for the ball, or go off to the balcony somewhere!

Having said that, Harold turned away and went to invite some noble maiden. Adam narrowed his eyes but made no reply. He looked around and started looking for some girls Adam could spend time with.

Soon, he found one available girl. She was very weak in overall strength and had no magical talent. Judging by her coat of arms, the girl was from the baron's family.

She had long, sleek black hair and the same black eyes. She wore a gray ball gown that was very closed. Adam approached her.

- Hello, lady, - Adam performed the standard bow with his hand over his heart and smiled softly, then held out his hand and said, - May I have the honor of asking you to dance?

The lady blinked her eyes, and Adam's eyes froze for a second. Finally, she nodded with a smile and placed her hand in Adam's palm. Finally, they began to dance.

It was a regular waltz that Adam had learned back in high school, so Adam felt confident. The lady in front of him seemed to be well-taught, too.

- What is the young lady's name? - Adam suddenly inadvertently asked.

- Lilith von Scheidark! - smiled the girl.

- And I am Edric von Aschenwald. Nice to meet you.

The conversation that followed was ordinary enough. Adam only tried to keep the conversation going so as not to die of boredom, but who would have thought that this young lady was so sociable?

She asked many questions about Adam, to which he only gave vague answers. He sensed something amiss in her questions, and with her not answering many of his questions, Adam suspected something was amiss.

"What is that strange feeling? Her total strength is only 10!" thought Adam and shuddered, "Could she be hiding her level? It's not impossible; after all, the system is set up to provide superficial information."

When Adam created the concept, the system was added because of its popularity in the genre. But he decided to make this system rather weak; it could collect information, that's all.

With this, Adam tried to limit any ways in which the protagonist could become even more cheating. Besides, as Adam remembered, the limitations of the book also depended on Adam's initial level.

Watching Lilith's movements carefully, Adam sighed. Finally, they finished the dance and parted with smiles on their faces. But Adam's smile was strained, and as for Lilith...

Adam still felt her gaze on his back, which grew dark. However, when he saw Harold approaching, Adam changed his expression to one of pity and groveling.

- Edric! Quickly follow me; we must greet the Imperial family! - Harold said quietly with a demanding tone. - Remember! Any wrong word and your head will be severed from your neck. Understand?! -

- Yeah! - uttered Adam fearfully, which satisfied Harold's ego.

But in his mind, Adam cursed Harold, and when he saw the lipstick mark on Harold's collar, his curse became even stronger. However, when they reached the stage, Adam suddenly became a noble and respectful older brother, and Harold became a loving older brother.

- Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the Empress. - Harold bowed to the Emperor and the Empress and then to the princess and the prince.- Your Highnesses.

Adam bowed, mimicking Harold's movements. And then he felt the familiar and terrifying look on his face.

"What does she want from me?"

Feeling the piercing gaze of the empress, Adam felt the urge to run away. This woman had a tyrannical power that surpassed even the emperor!