
First slot

Adam was surprised, or should I say shocked. He didn't understand what was happening to him, much less why this book was here, and why he was in an unfamiliar place.

Adam picked up the book for the sake of interest, but what happened next embarrassed him. The book lit up, and the cover went from a boring design to a bright and trendy cover.

Beneath the title of the book was a simple message:

[The Creator's Pen is activated. The first slot is in "narration" mode.]

Raising an eyebrow, Adam opened the book and looked at the first page. There it said, "Summoned Hero: Battle with the Demon King.

And underneath is the paragraph: [Having been summoned, Kobayashi Yukio was not immediately met with good treatment. Involved in palace intrigue, he was kidnapped by an unknown nobleman who kept him locked up, wanting to use him as a bargaining chip.]

Adam was surprised and his eyes sparkled with interest. He didn't understand what was going on, but he sensed it was something interesting!

Meanwhile, as if someone was writing in real-time, new lines appeared.

[And so, the day X came when the young man was to be sent straight to the nobleman to begin negotiations with the royal family.]

Adam smiled and waited for the next lines, but nothing appeared. He was puzzled, but even after five minutes, nothing appeared.

- Why did it stop-" Adam wanted to complain, but suddenly froze when he heard a creaking sound.

He looked over his shoulder and saw the heavily armed knights enter his "room. Adam sloppily hid the book, which made the knights suspicious.

- Hey, what are you hiding there, you bastard? - The tall knight suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, grabbing Adam by the wrist.

- Aaah! I-I-I wasn't hiding anything, honestly! - Adam answered with a scream as his wrist was squeezed.

The knight made an incomprehensible sound and gestured to the man behind him to check.

Adam was roughly searched, even stripped naked. However, they found nothing, which puzzled Adam greatly.

After all, Adam was holding the book in his left hand, which the knight grabbed. However, they didn't notice anything.

"They can't see the book?!", Adam realized.

The knight who had searched Adam discarded his clothes in disgust and turned to the first knight.

- John, there's nothing here. Most likely, the kid was just "calming himself down," replied the searching knight with a chuckle.

- Ha-ha, that's pathetic. As expected of an alien, though! - The knight named John sighed, giving Adam's wrist a sharp squeeze.

Adam cried out loudly and fell to the floor. His naked body made contact with the rough and dirty floor.

- Get dressed quickly, and we'll go to the lord. You have five minutes.

The knights left the room and closed the door. Adam gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, beginning to dress. There were tears in the corners of his eyes and snot coming out of his nose. The intense pain made Adam's eyes redden.

Five minutes later, Adam stood up and walked out, opening the door. Immediately a blow came to his neck and he fell to the ground, sinking his face into a muddy puddle.

Being stunned, Adam could not move. He felt a strange sensation as if his whole body were paralyzed.

The knights showed no pity, treating Adam like a sack. He was dragged along the muddy roads, and his face felt every stone. And the moment they arrived at the castle, Adam's face was bloody and dirty and completely unsightly.

John dismissed Adam with disgust as if he were a dung beetle who had just finished his meal. He pointed at Adam and shouted something.

Adam could not hear because his ears were clogged with mud. Then a man approached him, who was dressed in a black robe and his face was hidden under a hood, making it impossible to identify his appearance. In his hands was a rod decorated with a green jewel.

- Weak cleansing.

A soft glow of blue burst from the gemstone and then stuck to Adam's body like a thin layer. Five seconds later, Adam felt all the heaviness on his body go away.

But his musings were interrupted when he was forcibly lifted to his feet, whereupon the thin layer disappeared, bursting.

No sooner had Adam recovered than they grabbed him by the hair and lifted him into the air, making him look into the face of a large knight with a sharp chin that looked like the result of a crossbreed between an Italian and a house donkey.

- Freak, you'll be in front of the lord, so don't talk without asking. Any disrespect will come back with a broken bone and disobedience with a broken limb. Do you understand?

Adam could only twitch his chin slightly downward. He felt intense pain. Immediately after his nod, the man let him go to the ground, and only with great effort was Adam able to hold himself in place.

Two knights grabbed him on either arm, giving him no hope of escaping. Walking down the long corridors, Adam felt the eyes of the servants on him. Most of them sympathized with him, while the rest scoffed.

From the corner of his ear, he caught scraps of dialogue between the two young maids that included the words "execution," "king," and "conspiracy".

Adam had a bad feeling about this, but his thoughts were cut short by the loud sound of the door unlocking. No sooner had Adam stepped inside than an interesting scene greeted him.

Sitting on a luxurious throne, adorned with jewels, a middle-aged man embraced half-naked maids, groping their breasts. Now and then there were seductive moans.

Adam's mind was full of question marks, but from the looks of the other knights, they were used to it.

Cursing the man in front of him, Adam lowered his head, not wanting to see this picture, but as if to spite him he was forced to look at it.

As the maid was about to let go to her knees to do you-know-what, the man suddenly struck her on her bare stomach, causing her to be thrown back several meters.

Adam watched in horror as the woman coughed up blood and sobbed. But no one paid any attention to her, as if she did not exist.

Finally, the man let go of the other maid, who ran to the woman, helping her up. She was walking away in quick strides, but it looked as if she was running for her life.

Adam shuddered at such a violent scene and looked at the man. He too was looking at him with a piercing stare. His bright green eyes and vile gaze examined Adam, making him inwardly cringe in disgust.

The man had an ugly appearance, a thin build, and a curvaceous figure. His skin was pale, and the deep wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes gave him a grim look. His hair was missing, and his distorted facial features gave him an eerie appearance.

- How interesting," he suddenly spoke in a squeaky voice, - Hero, huh...

Adam blinked puzzled, and in that second the man was in front of him!

- What a beautiful face, - the man smiled warmly, but Adam felt a shiver, - What a beautiful face!

With a scream, the man gripped Adam's face tightly, squeezing so hard that the teeth in Adam's mouth broke under such pressure, and the cloth tore. His throat was filled with blood, causing him to spit it out.

The man gently removed his hand, which had a few drops of blood on it. He gestured to the man in the black robe and Adam felt warmth on his face.

"Have my teeth recovered?" thought Adam and shuddered.

The pain was so severe that he couldn't even think. He couldn't even scream, as if something was forbidding him to do so.

- I wish I could torture you, handsome," the man said in a gentle voice, his green eyes flashing, "But I need you. It's a pity.

Adam heard the door creak and armed knights dressed in silver armor burst in. On their shoulder was an emblem unfamiliar to Adam.

- Here come the guests," the man laughed.

Next chapter