
tailor and city day

when meet back up with the others, they stare at me with shock on there face

"where didyou go?" qui ask

"bandit handout, to look for treasure but they there were just gold" saying with a sigh

""what was the black slash you did? it was to strong, what rank are you? zhang's said.

being flushed by all the questions, looking down I see they all had rings which had stains of blood. "it was a move I learned when I was in danger, I'm just rank 3 warrior and rank 1 mage, btw where did you guys get those rings"? insist with a grin.

"after you left we looted the bandits.. or what was left of them. and we found 4 space rings, we took one each and wanted to give you the last one" qui says with a smile

"no need, you guys should keep it. we all got treasures" beaming a smile back

as soon as we bordered we were off again, the rest of the trip was really uneventful. watching the trees turn into grasslands then into farmlands. the road getting packed full of people or other carriage heading to star city.

staring out the window, lost in though. I go over the letter again in my head. that guy is form a different place which is more advance, I wonder if I will ever go there or how strong they are.. or if theh are more then just him in this world? so many questions. I'm to weak and have to little knowledge to act and search for answers, but for now I should start reading music sheets in the ring. looking st lines and drawings, how do I read this? there are no words. I need to find a musician and learn how to read music sheets. depressed I quickly scan the piano and flute. I need to find a big enough space to play you, but the flute. I take out of the space ring and hold it in my hands the trio look over at me curiously.

" hey nyx I didn't know you know how to play music" zhang's said.

"I don't, I found this in the hideout and though it look cool" rubbing my hand on it, thinking for a moment I bite my pointing finger tip and drop some blood on it. the other look at me confused. the flute started to glow for a bit once the blood contacted it.

"it's a magical item" the trio said st rhe same time

" I guess so" as I put it to my red lips and blow into it. a high pitch sound came out the end of it, causing pain to everyone ears even mine. quickly stopping i look at it"am I that bad? thinking to myself. I put it always, I need to find a way to learn music.

counting starting out the window and see another wall city in the distance, with a long line of people going in and out. once we got in line it took us 55 minutes to be next.

next the guard yelled

the carriage rolls up

25 gold, the guard said.

since when was it so expensive to go to star city, zhang's ask with an infuriated face.

the tournament is soon so we raised our prices if you don't like it fuck off. the guard said with a cold tone.

waving my hand 25 gold appeared, "here" to tossing it out the window and into his chest. the carnage move forward. once we are inside the carriage goes to the building where the other carriages are. we get out and wave in thanks to the drive and walk away.

the hostile and bustle of the city is one I hate, I just want to find a Tailor, blacksmith.and an inn. our group slowly walked through the city. half an hour goes back and we are lost. let's split up, one group finds an inn and we meet back here at sunset " I suggest

"good idea, qui and I will go to the Taylor and blacksmith you and luk go find an inn and get 3 rooms." handing them some gold we split. walking though the city I have a feeling that I'm getting stares from males and getting jealous stares from females. it's probably because qui looks pretty. forgetting I'm not wearing my mask. we make it to a Tailor.

"good afternoon, how many I help you" and old lady comes to the front and greats us with a welcoming smile. the calluses on her hands tells you she worked her for a long time and is a pro.

"I would like 9 new robes, of your softest interior cloth and your more durable outerwear clothing, 7 undergarments, 6 C cup 32 bras." I say in a heartbeat.

" and what would you like madam" she says looking at qui.

blushing " 2 robes, 3 underwear and 3 D cup 36 bras. I would like the bra to be blue, black and pink. if.possible" qui says with a blush.

"will you two step in the back for measurements" the old lady lift her hands to lead them into the back change rooms.

Pov guys

" why are we stuck looking for an inn" luk complaints to zhang'

" if you wanted to go with then why didn't you say anything" Zhang retorted

walking and looking at signs, they couldn't find an inn, eventually they gave up and asked someone for directions.

"there is a famous in. called star inn. it's the best, just head north and you can't miss it" rhe stranger said before leaving

following the directions they eventually made it to star inn. which didn't look like an inn at all, it was massive, and made with this white brick which seem to glow. walking in, they felt as if they were transported to another world. everything was first class and bright. the attendants were beauties.

"welcome to star inn, how may I help you" the lady at the front desked ask. then she looked closely at their unkempt brown hair and messy robes.

" we would like 3 rooms for 3 weeks" luk says with a smile.

looking at him in contemp "that would be 3 low Spirit Stones" she says.

nearly coughing up blood zhang says "it's a spirit stone a week for room" in disbelief of the cost

"we offer the highest of end for our guest if you are too poor to afford our prices we suggest you leave and find somewhere else to go" she says with a smugg face.

they turn around and leave with an angry expression, "screw that place man, we will find somewhere else to go, just let them what till we are stronger and we will have the begging for us to stay". luk dost to Zhang. they walk a bit further and found a run of the mill inn. walking in side they see an old inn keeper, 3 rooms please and we like to include meals. Zhang said.

30 gold" the keeper says.

handing him the money. and getting the keys they turn to leave. backtracking to the meet up place. they hear people gossiping about seeing two beauties that just came into the city. " hey luk do you think the beauties they are talking about is nyx and qui?

"nah, I mean nyx is beautiful but shouldn't be that pretty, not is qui that pretty". as he remembers the slaughter she did.

back to nyx.

I will have them ready tomorrow morning or if you give me 30 extra gold in 3 hours. nyx looked outside and said I'll take it given her 500 gold. she sat down with qui and talked about qui past. qui was the third daughter of a minor Nobel. she didn't have the best resources to cultivate nor did she have the best talent in her family, she actual had mid good rank talent for water. it wasn't bad nor was it good. she started when she was 10 and it took her 6 years to become a rank 1 mage, she didn't dare try to cultivate qi seeing that she was already slow. when her father wanted to marry her off to q noble family she ran away and met up with Zhang and luk.

a some what and childhood I think to myself. "hey qui I was wondering why don't everyone who has excellenyt talent cultivate both QI and mana?

"well it becusde the higher one goes the slower it gets, haven't you felt you slow down since you first started? more and more resources are required to advance. not only that qi and mama will try and fight each other for dominance. it will slow you down in the long run. but you will be more powerful." she explains

"I see and I have slowed down since when i. first started"

we kept on chatting for hours till the old lady came back with our clothes, collecting our clothes, It looked like their is 2 more and it's a dress and a robe.

"hey I didn't payfor these" taking the two out and showing her.

"oh, dear it's on the house. I can't help but admire two beautiful ladies who only want robe. so I took these out to give to you. the dress is made out of rank 4 demonic night spider silk. its soft to the touch and only earth weapons can break it. the robe is also rank 4 galaxy Caterpillar silk. super rare, it can help defend against mage lord magic. they both are heat and cold resistance. all i ask for return is for you to remember this shop." she say with a smile.

"you got a deal" i said as I go outside the shop. walking outside I feel that we are getting more and more stares. we quickly make our way to the meet up spot.

once we got there we say luk and Zhang waiting with a bored look on their face.

"your finally here, what took you so long?" luk says

"we have to but clothes" I said with a cold voice. more and more eyes fall on our group.

"hey nyx do you know your not wearing you mask" Zhang said

"....I forgot to put on my mask again, why is it always me. or no one reminded me" looking displease.

we didn't know who said it but we heard" hey look its lei long, he super cool I wonder what brings him here."

seeing him come closer and closer I start to get a bad vibe. tapping on the other shoulders I guester we should leave. we walk a few steps and try to blend in the crowd as he makes his way to where we were last seen. once he gets there he looks around not able to find us. with a fast glance, his expression goes dark. pretending its nothing he keeps on walking, he takes once glance back and we make eye contact. staring at my black eyes that seems to hold a galaxy he opens his mouth as if he was trying ti say something but I flash step away before he could.

appearing in the alley I put on my mask and go out to meet the group. Zhang leads us back to the inn and we go to our rooms. once on the bed I take out jojo and hera, placing them on the bed I go to sleep.

Next chapter