
Rise of Mana: Renewal of The Will

"I don't want to lose those who I hold dear" "No, not again! Not without a fight!" After desperately losing everything he hold dear in his past life, Matsuoka Masayoshi and later reincarnated Riku Kiesling determined to not repeat his mistake, and vowed to himself to resurrect his mother and regain his only family back, the one he holds dear, a bond he doesn't want to lose again.      In his path to regaining his mother, he has to study at Noir Alchemy Academy to find clues and ways to revive his mother because of the scarcity of knowledge he has. What will Riku unravel while studying at the Academy?... Will it be the inkling to save his mother?... Will it be the truth of himself?... Will it be revealing his destiny?... Or will it be the true intention of the inherited Book of Addranova?... But going through the Academy will put him into disputing his own discord within himself. Will his distrust in humanity he attained in his past life hamper him off to learn in a place full of students of his age?... Will saving his mother be the only thing he has to do?... And will his mother be the only thing he holds invaluable?... This will be a grueling path, that Riku has to face to find the purpose of his second life, his second chance. Will the guilt of his prior life deters him from going onward?... Will his resolution die down?... Or will he strive forward his to his goals with all his might and willpower?... Something he doesn't have in his repentant past life...

Storyteller54_ · Video Games
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Chapter 02: A New Beginning

It was a sunny autumn day after a big harvest in the fields of my new home, it was a good harvest, this year's. I can say it's worth the hard work sowing the seeds.

I think I need to get home fast since I have a barrel of Belgrade potatoes with me.

"Wow, there is some mold already in the storehouse, I need to clean them up after this for sure" I mumbled while I'm storing the barrels away.

I could hear someone's footsteps, with

heavy breathing, it must be mom trying to carry the harvest basket alone again, she never gets it, she can always depend on me with that.

"Mom! I told you to leave those to me, I'm strong enough to do that myself, please, take care of your body" I yelled. "Oh, come now, I can do a little of this," my mom said.

This is my mom, Lillia Kiesling. If there's something I can say about my mom, I'm glad that she is my mom. She's kind and gentle, with a bit of a hard head, and very hardworking...and clumsy.

I then proceed to carry all the harvest baskets to the storage and cleaned the mold away, I can't accept any mold in my storehouse.

Thinking about my mother, I do kinda remember my old mom of my last life, even though she was so broken, but she was a nice mom, it's just my dad, I can't blame her that much.

"Riku, got all the baskets?", my mom called, "Yeah, I did, so you don't have to carry more" I just love to tease her, she pouts her cheek much in a very cute way.

But, the thing is that she is very frail, she's been like this since she is a newborn she said.

I don't know what's she's suffering, but sometimes she faints when she does heavy work or in stress or shock.

That's why I've been so strict on mom's job around the house, but sometimes she's just so reckless, I know that she wanted to help me out.

"Riku, it's almost time for dinner, I'll be going to make the cheese board, can you make something for us tonight?" She asked. "Yes!" I answered and I think the storehouse is good to go.

"What to make for dinner?" I mumbled myself, I think we'll have some leftover horned rabbit, some bits of the breadcrumbs.

I think I'm gonna make Rabbit Katsu, I still do have some jars of ponzu and soy sauce. I proceed to go to the kitchen and start cookin'.

If you ask me, can I cook? Yes, I can. I've been living alone so I'm used to cooking myself and also I have had special training in the kitchen for 10 years, so yes I can cook a lot of things.

What happened after I died you ask?

It was so dark, it felt like falling from a very high building, but then a soft warm air surrounded me, and there's a light in the direction I was falling.

I don't know what God has planned for me, but when I was diving into the light and I see my baby self and entered the body.

The first thing I saw there with my eye was a floating Book, I don't know why it was there, but that affirmed me, that the new world I'm in, is a world of swords and magic. I also saw my mom with the warmest smile.

Who am I now?

     My name, well, at least this lifetime is Riku Kiesling. I'm now studying Alchemy and I'm aspiring to become a full-fledged Alchemist just like my mom.

I don't have any goals yet in life but I guess I want to master Alchemy now.

If you're wondering what kind of Alchemy I'm talking about, it's the magical kind. But it's close to Science and Chemistry that I've known from my past life, so I was really interested in learning it.

Also the world I'm living in right now is really to the point that I've expected since I entered this body, it's full of magical things, monsters actually exist and a lot of people wore their blades everywhere to protect themselves.

So, this world is right up to my alley because I've aleays loved those kinds of manga with Magic and Swords.

Where do I live now, you ask?

I live in a small village named Alha, and it's supposed to be the true birthplace of Alchemy, they said many famous Alchemists were actually born and lived here.

Some of the villagers actually are the descendants of those famous alchemists. Well, I myself also am a son of an Alchemist, so lineage speaks nothing, skills always come first in business.

If you're asking what we do for a living? We either treat people or sell medicine or items used in battle.

Alchemy is something to be curious about, but the term is used a lot also in the past world that refers to ancient medicine making or some old treatment.

But, the Alchemy I learn now, is a bit different. Yes, it does involve searching for ingredients like in the games and such but it needs magic power to synthesize something.

     Not only that, sometimes Alchemists need the power and help of Mana. Mana is a spiritual being that governs over one element of the world itself.

For example, if you want to make a [Healing Salve], you need some [Spinacherb] and a [Puniball] and you need to put about 3% of your total magic power into the process, and to avoid using their magic power.

Alchemist made a pact with Mana to help them synthesize, specifically a <Dour> since you need a Wood Mana to be able to synthesize it since [Healing Salve] is made of <Wood> element.

Here's the contrast, you don't really need to make a Pact with Mana if you have a lot of mana or you're doing the officially known as Elemental Synthesis.

Now, what is an Elemental Synthesis? With understanding Alchemy, you usually need to learn how to extract Elements out of all things. Elements, basically the extract of a matter.

Even though I did a lot of research to link Alchemy to Science, I still don't know what Element actually are, only they're used as a substitute to using materials.

And they're also able to be both synthesized by Mana or just using your magic power.

Maybe I'm too into Alchemy... just like I'm to Science. Alchemy is just one of my curiosities, I'm also curious about this world, one of the things I learned from Mom and books is the history of the world, this world is not as big as the last world.

But, it's very old, if I put the time in this world to the Gregorian calendar, it would be about 3107 now, yeah, that old, to the point there was a time of Alchemy was almost forgotten.

"Riku! Don't get your mind's off when your cooking, it's dangerous!" mom yelled. "Okay"

Dinner today gonna be Rabbit katsu and some hashbrowns, oh also I synthesized a trial Ponzu sauce,

I hope it tastes good with Katsu. "Dinner's ready!" I bring out the food to the living room and we ate dinner. Surprisingly, the Ponzu sauce was good this time, even mom smiled trying it.

When I was eating, there was a weasel, looking into the living room hungrily. The smell must be spread outside of the house.

If you're wondering where is my house, my house is on the outskirts of the village, you need to enter the village to get here, and because of the location, finding materials is easy.

Though sometimes there are monsters we have to fight to get to the gathering place, I trained a lot here and the air is just so good for mom.

Also, this house comes with some farmland that we use to grow some crops and we even have a bit of chicken coop just next to the entrance.

I usually just tending the farm in the morning while mom taking care of the chickens and then sometimes Mom taught me something new about Alchemy or it's just me researching to my heart's content.

If there's something that doesn't change with me, it's that habit of my past life.

I know that our routine is kinda boring, but for me it's something I want to cherish since I don't have much time with my family in my past life because of my parents and I'm busy studying and working all the time, forgetting things that ARE important.

And I do curious of the outside world, according to the books I've read, there are a lot of unknown places, ruins that are used in the old days, I do want to know more about this world.

But, I can't leave my mom alone, not now, not this time, she needs me and I'm too young to get out.

About her illness, I've researched for a long time but I'm so limited because I can only depend on the books that we have, and also I'm almost certain, that it has something to do about my birth, and I think I might not be able to do something to it.

     But whatever awaits us, whatever happens, I want to stay by her side, even if she can't be helped, at least I'm on her side holding her hand when she's passing.

I'm going to do my best to try to heal her but I'm afraid of the worst that could happen to us.

>End of Chapter

Sorry for everyone reading this, I was having a bad bad diarrhea, so I took some rest, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!Like it ?

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