
chap 1: return of death

at the end of the world, in a remote country called Transylvania, lives a man dressed in a black hat, a black jacket, a black mask and black leather shoes, rumors say that everything those who crossed his path have gone mad and we lost their heads, his name is "Spawn of the death" he is the very embodiment of fear and death, this incarnation that you called concept. may death accompany you during his story.

<< hey you, i am talking morons >> said a group of delinquents

"uh .. yes ... sorry I have nothing on me" replied a shy voice those brown hair fell over those shoulders, a brown face masked by a pair of round glasses, a school uniform we would have said...

<a girl ... interesting> replied Spawn perched on a building over 2000m high, he was observing the scene intently, it will be impossible for an ordinary human to hear or see anything from that height, but Spawn he was not ordinary

<< do not say anything my pretty, you have many assets more convincing than a handful of money, go let yourself be done you will see it will do you good >> said one of the thugs

<it's true he's right, it's been a long time since I got into the air, grabbed her> said one of the thugs who seemed to be the leader of the gang

"kyaaaaaa, no don't come near me " the young girl shouted with all her strength

<no one will come and save you my pretty, no one dares to face us in this slum, the same the police fear us> replied a third thugs who was quite close to the girl in tears

the thugs were about to abuse the innocent girl when something strange happened, the sky suddenly turned black the clouds had stopped moving, the atmosphere was in phase, but the scariest thing of all was the silence that reigned.

<hehehe it's very bad to teach a poor girl how to defend yourself> on a mysterious voice, which seemed to come out of a black haze

"what the fuck are you who you?" asked one of the thugs

<who i am doesn't matter, but rather what happens to you that's the most important> answered strawn as he walked towards them. one of the thugs noticed something strange, he was dressed in black and with each of these steps left only dead behind him, insects, plants and even the soil would die instantly

<dirty son of a bitch, you will regret having meddled in our affairs> one of the thugs pulled out a knife and approached strawn at full speed and stuck him in the head

<ahahahah poor fool, it'll teach you how to meddle in other people's affairs, now die dirty shit> said the thugs happy for his heroic act

<the problem with humanity is that they are purely unconscious and cannot assess the level of danger they face >> replied strawn


how is that possible, you monster you should be dead

<death does not make me laugh, I do not know this concept, it does not exist for a being like me> spawn withdrew the blade from his head, part of his mask was cracked and giving way to a half of his. face, a lightning flashes illuminating his half of face on this dark night

"" uahaaaa !! a .. dead alive .. you monster "the thug immediately turned and tried to run away, but before he could take a single step his soul was instantly ripped and floated in the palm of Spawn's hand.

"ugh" He..is dead, asked one of the panicked thugs, stay away from me you monster was repeating

<< Approaching I have no need at all, >> Spawn replied.

"" Well stay where you are and let me ... "before he could finish those words strawn snapped his fingers he instantly exploded from inside, his blood spurting all over the alley giving a scarlet hue to this once dark alley

"stay away from me" the remaining thug rushed over and took the young girl hostage who terrified by the fear that strawn instilled in their minds, had lost all control and was unable to make the slightest movement, even inhaled was practically impossible given the pressure exerted on them

"if you approach I will kill her, then do not make a gesture" the thug had put a knife on the throat of the young girl

<killed her? it's not my problem if she dies,> replied strawn got closer and closer

the panicked thug didn't know what to do, and with a sudden movement he accidentally slit the girl's throat, which instantly collapsed to the ground, her throat lying in blood. the thugs was petrified, he did not know what to do, when suddenly the ground was invaded by skeletal arms which grabbed him by the ankles entering him into the ground, he had the impression of being swallowed up by the ground him -same

"aarggh what's his shit"

<this is your passage to hell where turmoil and pain awaits you> replied Spawn

"Shit stop it, I beg you, I don't want to die". implored the thug in vain. a few seconds later he had disappeared in the depths of the abysses, the time which had been stopped by the arrival of Spawn resumed its normal course

<< poor young girl, you who have known death so unjustly, you therefore the pure soul was unjustly sent to the abyss, I order you to come back to life >> Spawn incarnated his formula of soul resurrection

the girl's body started to color again, then to move, and finally she opened her eyes, and placed it on the face of strawn which looked more like a skeleton than anything else.

<how am I alive?> asked the girl

<< the arcane of resurrection is a magic which allows me to bring the dead back to life in other words I have offered you a second life >>

"I don't know who you are but I sincerely thank you, I will never forget you"

<< my name is Lord Spawn the king of death, and you too will end up forgetting me like all the other humans that I have met before you, such is my curse, goodbye girl, I could have erased your memory but I prefer to keep hope that someone will one day remember me> (Spawn)

a thick haze appeared and Spawn disappeared inside

"this man he told me his name when he doesn't even know mine" what a weird man ... by the way where am i and what am i doing in an alley? I can't remember it anymore "

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