
Shopping & Scheming Spree

Rong Lian was about to tear her hair out if they didn't get out of this clothing store. The sixth one this morning. And that was without including the various jewelry and makeup stores they'd also visited along the way.

Like someone possessed, her younger cousin had gone crazy with her preparations for the tea party. Rong Xia had even ambushed her at seven, loudly declaring her intention to be the most dazzling young miss in attendance. Being way too tired from planning most of the night, she didn't bother resisting against such youthful exuberance.

And before her sleep-addled mind could catch up, they were already on their way to the capital's shopping district.

Now, hours later, hungry and exhausted and more than a little cranky, Rong Lian was cursing herself for accepting in the first place.

"Eldest Sister, wouldn't this color look great on me?" Rong Xia chirped nearby, holding up a bolt of light green brocade for her to examine.

Ignoring her headache, she tried to smile and act as usual. "Of course, anything would look good on you."

"That's true," her cousin giggled. "Every color suits this young miss!"

Grinning, Rong Xia grabbed a few more bolts before marching up to the shop manager, her maids rushing to catch up.

Rong Lian finally sighed and lifted a hand to her still aching head.

'Just one more hour', she reassured herself.

Only one more hour of this torture, which should be enough to satisfy her cousin, and then she could meet with---

"Miss Rong, what a surprise to find you here!"

A voice that grated on her ears called out from behind her, full of a familiar sugary sweetness.

Taking a quick breath to brace herself, Rong Lian turned around to find Lin Wanyue and two other ladies. One of which was Mu Lingxue's younger and more favored half-sister, Mu Yingxue.

These were the three young misses she'd asked Su Yan to investigate.

'What a coincidence!'

With a perfect smile, she gave a slight curtsy. "Greetings to Miss Lin, Second Miss Mu, and Miss Feng."

Lin Wanyue nodded while Mu Yingxue returned a similar greeting. It was only the timid Feng Yuning, merely the daughter of an imperial censor, who bowed deeply. Unlike Miss Lin or Second Miss Mu, who both had a much higher status, she couldn't afford to offend Miss Rong.

"We're shopping for Her Majesty's tea party. Is that why Miss Rong is here too?" Mu Yingxue asked, her charming smile easily making one feel at ease.

No one could ever imagine such an endearing beauty had tormented the original Mu Lingxue for so many years.

In fact, if it weren't for her privileged knowledge, she too could've been fooled.

Pushing away her thoughts, Rong Lian laughed. "Yes, but not in the way you think." She gestured towards Rong Xia, who was in the middle of paying. "I'm only accompanying my cousin. She will be coming to the palace with me in place of my mother."

Mu Yingxue's eyes lit up. "I heard about Madam Hua's pregnancy, congratulations!"

"Many thanks for Second Miss Mu's kindness," she said with as much fake cheer as she could muster, "I'll be sure to tell my mother."

Feng Yuning quietly offered her own well wishes while Lin Wanyue ignored them. Instead, she was glancing at something over their shoulders. Her lips curled for an instant.

"Eldest Sister." Rong Xia suddenly appeared at her side, looking at the rest with curious eyes. "Who are they? Your friends?"

Before Rong Lian could introduce them, Lin Wanyue let out a giggle. "This is your cousin?" She swept a glance over Rong Xia and smiled. "She's very pretty! Is there a particular reason we haven't heard of her before, Miss Rong?"

Her voice was slightly raised, just at the right volume to catch the attention of the other young misses present in the store.

Rong Xia's cheeks burned as the knowing glances pierced into her like a thousand needles, all at once.

Obviously, they all knew the hidden meaning behind Lin Wanyue's seemingly kind words --- the only reason she, a young miss of the Prime Minister Manor, wasn't well-known was because the status of her family branch was too lowly.

At the side, Rong Lian's hands fisted inside her sleeves as she struggled to calm herself.

Her cousin, annoying as she might be, was still a child, barely a few months older than Rong Xuan. And true, they could hardly be considered family, but she still wouldn't allow someone like Lin Wanyue to belittle her.

"My cousin doesn't have the fortune to be as prestigious as Miss Lin," Rong Lian said, traces of ice present in her smile. "It isn't surprising none of you have met her before."

Lin Wanyue's smile had widened as she spoke, until her next words swiftly wiped it away.

"After all, not everyone can come from an illustrious family like Miss Lin." Her gentle voice washed over the entire store, filled with admiration. "Especially having a father and brother like yours¹, my cousin indeed would never be able to match Miss Lin."


¹As a simple reminder, women in ancient times derived their status from not only their husbands, but brothers, fathers, uncles, etc. This is why RL specifically mentions LWY's father and brother.


Silence, like the calm before the storm, settled over the surroundings for a few moments.

At first listen, Miss Rong's words sounded pleasing and even genuine. But one only needed to think a little deeper to realize the thorns concealed in them.

What 'illustrious family', the truth was Miss Lin's family relied heavily on the dwindling favor of the Grand Princess² --- to not only snatch the position of Minister of Works³ for her father, but even suppress Lin gongzi's⁴ continuous scandals.

If it weren't for their connection to the imperial clan...it was only too easy to imagine what the status of the Lin family would actually be.


²Grand Princess (長公主): A title reserved for princesses who were the older sisters and/or aunts of the emperor.

³Ministry of Works was one of the Six Ministries under the Department of State Affairs in Ancient China. Usually considered to be the weakest of the six ministries.

⁴gongzi (公子): Way of addressing a son of nobility or of an official.


The rest of the store's occupants seemed to have frozen, not daring to move from where they were eavesdropping. Even so, everyone couldn't help staring at the statue-like Lin Wanyue.

Anticipating her reaction as if she were a bomb about to explode.

But to almost everyone's surprise, it wasn't Lin Wanyue who spoke next.

A pleasant smile on her face, Mu Yingxue came forward and gave a shallow curtsy.

"I apologize on my friend's behalf if she offended your cousin, Miss Rong. Yue'er was simply curious, as we all were, about why we hadn't met her before and didn't mean to hurt her by asking."

Around them, the spectating young misses started to whisper, a few even nodding at Mu Yingxue's words.

Even Lin Wanyue had relaxed, a gloating look now in her eyes.

'Skillful, indeed.'

Rong Lian was starting to see why this Second Miss Mu was the second-biggest villainess in the plot.

Unlike her, the model for all ladies to follow, Mu Yingxue was much more approachable. She had a good relationship with almost all the young misses in their circle, constantly praised as a kind and fair-minded person.

One word from her and any conflict would sway in whatever direction she wanted.

'Even so, this Second Miss Mu is still below me.'

Rong Lian also shocked them all --- by taking one of Mu Yingxue's hands and gazing at her with misty, earnest eyes.

"I'd like to thank Second Miss Mu for your sensible words." Her smile was rather rueful as she glanced at Rong Xia, who'd had enough sense to stay silent. "I have always been too overprotective of my cousin. She's been hurt many times in the past by similar questions, ones that weren't as harmless."

"But as Second Miss Mu said," she let go and turned to Lin Wanyue, "that doesn't excuse my earlier rudeness. Hopefully, Miss Lin can forgive me."

She bowed towards Lin Wanyue without the slightest hint of reluctance, much to the amazement of those around her. The two of them were usually at odds, after all.

Lin Wanyue frowned and looked away, ignoring her, while Mu Yingxue's smile was rather strained. The only one who looked relieved was Feng Yuning, who had chosen to stay out of the way.

As Mu Yingxue reached out to help her up, Rong Lian stepped back with another perfect curve of her lips.

"In fact, as an even better apology, why don't the three of you join us for lunch?" Her eyes shined with hope. "I've reserved a private room at Celestial Fragrance Teahouse and I would be delighted if you all came."

This time, many people did gasp, including Rong Xia.

Celestial Fragrance Teahouse was one of the most exclusive establishments in the capital. Even reserving a private room was difficult, it had to be done months in advance. For Miss Rong to make such an offer...it showed how sincere she was in making amends!

Struggling to maintain her smile, Mu Yingxue tried to refuse, "That is extremely kind of you, but---"

"We will give you the honor of entertaining us, Miss Rong," Lin Wanyue interrupted with an arrogant scoff, like she was doing her a favor.

But the sparkle in her eyes gave her away almost instantly.

Rong Lian barely held back a snort. Who would've thought the high and mighty Miss Lin would be this excited. It was too obvious she'd never been to her cousin's prominent teahouse.

"Perfect, let's meet there at noon."

Once the customary farewells were said, Rong Lian winked at her stunned cousin and escorted them out of the store. It was imperative she meet with her new guards now, before she was stuck in the most stifling lunch of her life an hour later.

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After ditching Rong Xia in their reserved room with a rather flimsy excuse, Rong Lian sat across from Su Yan in another, more luxurious one. She raised an eyebrow at her elder cousin.

"Well? Where are the guards you promised me, Yanyan?"

Su Yan's response was to merely flip a page of the book she was reading. Miffed, Rong Lian was about to place her chin on her hands when a knock caused her head to whirl towards the door.

"Is that them?"

Her cousin rolled her eyes. "Yes, you impatient thing."

She set her book down on the table and called out in a light yet imperious voice.

"Come in."

The door opened. Two people, one man and one woman, entered and came forward to pay their respects to Su Yan and her, their new master. Rong Lian studied them for a moment.

They seemed to be around eighteen and were clearly twins, despite a few differences. The girl was pretty, but in the sort of way that would fade in a crowd, her laidback posture not helping to counter this. Meanwhile, the boy was similarly handsome, but the sharp, cutting edge of his gaze as it pierced through you marked him as someone to remember.

"Their names are Baiyue," the girl bowed, "and Heiye." The boy did the same.

Rong Lian's lips twitched. White Moon and Black Night...her cousin had many talents, but naming was not one of them.

"Tell me more about your skills," she said, preferring to hear it straight from them. One could learn a lot about a person by how they described themselves.

Heiye went first, his voice low and gravelly. "Answering Master, this subordinate has been trained by Miss Su's shadow guards. Meaning this subordinate is best in speed, tracking, and stealth."

Rong Lian blinked, this guy was too stiff! As he spoke, his face remained as rigid and unmoving as stone. All except for those penetrating eyes, that seemed to catch any and every miniscule change. If one judged simply by appearance, it would seem he really had potential as a spy.

She turned to Baiyue, who had shed her dull mask and was now drenched in an aura chilling to the bone.

Unlike her brother, her voice was soft, and full of frost. "Answering Master, this subordinate has been trained by several renowned experts of the jianghu⁵. When it comes to sword-fighting and throwing weapons, this subordinate can attest to being one of the best."


⁵jianghu (江湖): Literally translates as "Rivers and Lakes", but figuratively refers to the "Martial World" or the "underground world of martial arts". A section of society consisting of martial artists, gangsters, thieves, beggars, prostitutes, merchants, entertainers, and anyone else wanting to operate outside of mainstream society or in the grey area of the law. (Source: immortalmountain.wordpress.com/glossary/wuxia-xianxia-xuanhuan-terms)


Her gaze fell to the sword and daggers strapped to Baiyue's waist. She smiled. This girl would be the perfect guard. Especially since as a woman, she would be able to stay at her side at all times.

"All right, the two of you go guard the door," Rong Lian ordered. "I'll call you in when I've decided on what tasks to give each of you."

The twin guards bowed before they exited the room. She noticed their steps were full of grace, to the point of being soundless.

Her lips parted. 'Just what kind of prodigies did my cousin find for me?'

"So, what do you think, Lianlian?" Su Yan smirked at her dumbfounded face. "Aren't you regretting not accepting my help all these years?"

It was Rong Lian's turn to roll her eyes despite the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Yes, yes, I'm blind and stupid for denying the great Miss Su for so long."

"You said it, not me. Don't forget that."

Rong Lian forced back the almost instinctual urge to retort. There were more important matters at hand and she didn't have time to waste.

"What about the medicine?"

At this, Su Yan sobered up. She took out a small ceramic bottle from her long, crimson sleeves and placed it on the table. Her fingers were still coiled around the bottle's neck, eyes serious, as she said, "Lianlian, this medicine isn't a joke. It's tricky to use and---"

"I know that, Yanyan," Rong Lian cut her off, taking the bottle before Su Yan could pull it back. She met her cousin's glare head on. "I know that, but I need to take this gamble."

She paused. Those words sounded rather heavy. Rong Lian reached out to give her cousin's hand a reassuring squeeze, smiling softly.

"Don't worry. Although Yiyue isn't yet skilled enough to practice as a doctor, she has the medicinal knowledge to make sure I'm alright."

"She better," she heard Su Yan grumble under her breath.

It made a small laugh escape her lips, even as a dark memory threatened to break past her steel control. No, she couldn't think of the reason Yiyue had been so adamant to learn from the family physician, not right now.

Shaking her head, Rong Lian laughed once more as she teased, "Well, aren't you curious about why I'm deciding to use this?" She shook the bottle, rattling the pills contained inside.

Her cousin threw another unimpressed glare at her. "This isn't funny, Lianlian. But yes, please explain your dark and twisted schemes. This powerful biaojie will be the one to decide if it's good enough to deal with your stepmother."

Rong Lian scoffed as she stored the bottle away. "This is only the beginning, Yanyan. You can't expect me to deal with her in one day."

"Whatever, get on with it."

With another scoff, she did just that. Minutes later, Rong Lian looked at her cousin with raised eyebrows. "Well?"

A slow smirk bloomed on Su Yan's dark red lips as she leaned back into her chair.

"I don't like how you're subjecting yourself to such danger, but this might be the first step to destroying that witch, so I'll let it slide for now." Her eyes gleamed with a devilish light. "And the fact that we can torture that little Medicine Prince a bit...it makes this plan of yours even better."

Rong Lian sighed. "Yanyan, I told you, he really didn't---"

"I don't care." Su Yan waved away her weak protests, her smirk wider now. "He deserves to pay for playing with my little, innocent biaomei."

"But I also teased him back! That makes us even!"

"So what?!" Her cousin smacked the small table, causing it to shake. "He's a man, Lianlian! The one at disadvantage will always be you.⁶ Just imagine the consequences if someone had actually seen the two of you, alone together!"


⁶Adding this as caution: I just wanted to make clear that here, I don't mean to say men can't get abused by women. Rather, this is mostly referring to how in ancient times, whether consensual / non-consensual, the woman would be the one to get all the blame with severe consequences.


She paled a little at the thought, but still didn't waver.

"I understand what you're saying, Yanyan. But again, there's no need to worry. Young Master Sheng isn't the dissolute man you're thinking of."

Su Yan snorted. "You speak as if you know him well."

Rong Lian froze at that, her brows knitting.

In some strange way, she did know him, right? After all, she'd seen with her own eyes the way he treated the female lead when they were alone, working on Long Yitian's mysterious illness together.

In every instance, Sheng Ye had been mostly respectable, with his teasing only going as far as he'd gone with her.

Otherwise...it was actually Mu Lingxue who was the bolder of the two, not minding personal space at all. Not in a promiscuous way, of course, but more like the female lead didn't care if their shoulders touched or if their hands brushed each other. Casual touches that were more than taboo between unmarried men and women.

And each time, the tips of Sheng Ye's ears would turn a bright red, something Rong Lian had to admit was rather...cute.

"Wait, Lianlian! You actually know him, and you didn't tell me?!"

At Su Yan's raised voice, Rong Lian jerked out of her reverie, blinking. "What? Know him? No, I don't. Not personally at least."

Her cousin glared, clearly demanding a better response than that.

Rong Lian let out a sigh. She couldn't very well tell her cousin about the visions, right? But...there was that one time. It would have to do.

"Remember when I mentioned I'd managed to convince the old doctor from a rundown clinic to teach me a few things?"

When Su Yan nodded, she continued, "In exchange for his aid, I brought money with me each session. Usually, I would stay at a small room in the back, but one time...I don't remember why now, but I had to go to the front, where the patients were treated." At her cousin's harsh look, she added, "Don't worry, I always wore a veiled hat. No one recognized me."

"Good. So, I'm guessing you met Young Master Sheng just that one time?"

Rong Lian levelled her cousin a harsh look of her own. "Yes, Yanyan, I did. Even if you don't believe me, it's the truth. However, I didn't actually meet him. I only saw him treat some patients in the time I was waiting for the old man."

Her voice grew a bit softer, something she didn't notice, as she said, "He's a good person, Yanyan. No one can treat others with that much kindness and not be a good person."

Su Yan examined her before another evil smirk bloomed on her face. "I believe you, Lianlian, but I'm still going to have my fun torturing him."

"Of course, we both will."

Rong Lian smirked as well before standing up and walking to a side desk pushed against the wall. A brush, freshly grinded ink, and a scroll of blank paper were arranged on top of it. Grabbing the brush and using her other hand to lift her long sleeve, she dipped the brush in the black ink.

From behind her, Su Yan asked, "What are you writing?"

"A message to our dear Medicine Prince, Yanyan." Her voice was practically dripping with mischief as she drew graceful characters on the paper. "Other than my threat to tell His Highness about his meeting with the Fourth Prince, is there anything you would like to add?"

Su Yan's husky laugh filled the room for a moment. "You're starting to get rather heartless, little biaomei. I approve! As for what message I could send that miniscule Medicine Prince..." she tapped manicured nails against the table for a moment before snapping her fingers, "I've got it! Tell him, if he doesn't help you, my Su family will increase taxes on Medicine City's exports of precious herbs. That should add sufficient pressure, I would think."

"I am in awe of biaojie's talent for stabbing people's weak points, it seems I still have much to learn."

"Hah, of course you do! You're still too young and inexperienced to ever go against this grandaunt!"

They bickered like this for a few more minutes until Rong Lian finished writing the provoking message. Lowering the brush, she left the paper there to dry and went back to her seat.

It was now time to call for her new guards.

Once they were in front of her, she assessed them again for some time.

"Heiye, you will be in charge of spying on my stepmother for the next two weeks. If there is a chance to search her residence, I want you to take it. Be on the lookout for anything that could tie my stepmother to a hidden lover - letters, a suspicious hairpin, any token of love you can possibly think of. As for any questions you may have, you may speak with my personal maid Huixin back at the Prime Minister Manor."

Heiye cupped his hands towards her and accepted her orders with no emotion on his face, his gaze still intense yet blank.

"And Baiyue," Rong Lian smiled, "you will send a message to Young Master Sheng, who is currently staying at Prince Jing Manor. Of course, His Highness will have many capable guards, so I want to ask: do you feel you are up to the task?"

Baiyue gave a nod, the sharp motion full of arrogance. "Yes, Master."

"Good. Take the message over there, and be sure to send it as soon as you can." Her gaze became stern. "I hope I don't need to remind you His Highness is not a pushover."

Su Yan yawned, already bored the plotting and scheming was over. "Don't worry, Lianlian. Baiyue is arrogant but she has the skills to back it up. Besides," her eyes locked onto the female guard with the precision of a python about to strike, "she knows very well the consequences of failing a task."

Rong Lian was shocked, to say the least, when Baiyue actually shivered under her cousin's gaze. It seemed Su Yan wasn't known as the demoness of the business world for nothing...

"Apologies to Master if it seemed this subordinate wasn't taking the task seriously." Baiyue's head was now lowered to the point her chin touched her chest.

Rong Lian shot a warning look at her cousin before gently telling the girl to look up.

"The only thing I ask for, Baiyue, is for you to be careful and not underestimate His Highness. Can you do that for me?"

Determination with the force of a snowstorm filled Baiyue in that moment.

"Master can count on me!"

Satisfied, Rong Lian dismissed them. She reclined back into her chair, exhaling as the day's exhaustion seeped into her very bones. Going on a few hours of sleep had not been a good idea.

But just as she was about to doze off, her cousin's smug and downright annoying voice sliced through the warm, sleepy haze she'd fallen into.

"Don't you have a 'special lunch' to go to, my dear little Lianlian?"

'Oh no, I'm late!'

Eyes snapping open, Rong Lian leapt to her feet and hurried out of the room, with Su Yan's cackles echoing behind her.

She gritted her teeth, her cousin would pay for not reminding her!!!

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Mu Yingxue (慕莹雪): Mu (慕) is a surname meaning 'admire, yearn for', Ying (莹) can mean 'bright, lustrous' while xue (雪) is 'snow'.

Feng Yuning (封玉宁): Feng (封) is a surname meaning 'letter, envelope', Yu (玉) means 'jade, precious stone, gem', Ning (宁) means 'calm, peaceful, serene'.

Baiyue (白月): Lit. 'white moon'. No surname.

Heiye (黑夜): Lit. 'black night'. No surname.

The first scene was a bit hard to write. I'm not really good at confrontation scenes lol. Tell if there's something I should improve pls!

Also, RXia ended up coming out as a more sympathetic character, so don't hate her too much, okay? She's only 16~

Thanks for reading!! And remember to comment pls (:

Rosana777creators' thoughts