
(3) POWER!?!?

After getting myself ready, I went to the dining room and had breakfast with my family.

My mother keeps nagging about me cursing at her during our breakfast together. Even though I kept apologizing, it did not help to stop her from nagging. Getting tired of the constant scolding, I decided to finish my breakfast in a hurry and leave.

When I was at the front door wearing my shoes, my mother called.

"Kim Hyun Sook!"

"Good luck on your first day at work."

My mother said without looking at me. She was still angry but could not help to wish me luck on my first day at work. I smiled at her and gave her my gratitude.

It took me almost one hour for me to reach the ZxY Entertainment office building. It was a three-floor building including a basement. The ground floor was where all training, education and more were. The top level was where the management hold. The basement was used for storage, a dance and singing practice room, and a big practice room that usually used for dancing in groups or solo with background dancer.

If my memory was right, ZxY Entertainment was a company recently created by a former manager of a famous actor. This company hired several workers recently, and I was one of them. There were also several trainees in the company as the audition was held before they hired me.

I was feeling nostalgia as I approached the building. It has been almost ten years since I last came here. The company later would move to a larger building as it has grown and made a mark in the industry. It has produced several famous groups and solos, including actors and entertainers. When I left the company to join KCM, I could only regret. But, now as I have returned, I would not make the same mistake.

I went inside the building and was approached by the receptionist.

"Hello there, are you one of the new employee?'


"Please go to the second floor; there will be a briefing in a few minutes."

"Opening ceremony will also be held today, so stay after the briefing end."

"Alright, thank you."

I went up through the stairs while looking around the first floor. There was no elevator in this building as there were only a three-floor building. There were not many rooms on the third floor, an office for the founder or owner, rooms for the boards, rooms for the managers that divided into sections singers, actors, and entertainers. There was also a financial office and open space for resting and entertainment. There was also a big space for meeting to be held.

When I reach the third floor, I met several familiar faces. One of those faces was a person I knew well. He was Kim Chong Man, the man that probably caused my death. I stared at him for a while only looking away after realizing that he started to move to my direction.

"Hey, are you new here?"


"You have been staring at me for a while; is there anything wrong?"

"No, I was not looking at you. I was looking at the three behind you. It looks gorgeous."

Naturally, I lied about it; luckily there was a tree close by to the place he was standing.


He tried to look at the tree and strangely looked at me.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Kim Chong Man."

Trying to change the subject, Chong Man started introducing himself.

"Kim Hyun Sook."

"What is your assigned position? I will be working under the actor's section as a road manager."

"I will be assigned in the singer's section as a road manager too."

I answered lazily.

I did not want to have any connection with him.

"Alright!! The briefing will start at the meeting space. Everyone, please move to the meeting room."

A man suddenly shouted to catch everyone attention while I was listening to Chong Man BS.

"See you again later."

Chong Man said to me, but I did not reply to him as I don't want to meet him again.

The briefing was short; it was about the company vision and mission. It was introducing the boards and founder and a few complimentary massages. After the briefing, the opening ceremony was held. There were lots of food placed in the open space on the third floor. Company staff including trainees were there to celebrate. I was at the side introducing myself to other workers while exchanging contacts. The ceremony took most of the time and ended in the evening. After the ceremony, I decided to look around the building and went down to the basement to watch some of the trainees that were still training.

When I reached the basement floor, I found numbers of trainees were training. Some were in the music room practicing singing, and some were in a small training room to practice dancing. The most significant practice room was still in renovation, so nobody was using it and looking around something caught my attention. There was some light shining on the body of the trainees. Some were RED, some were YELLOW, and some were GREEN. There was also a word called status floating above the trainees' heads. I scratched my eyes and looked again and still found the light and the floating word. I was surprised by it. I thought whether I was still right in the mind. I kept looking at the trainees and found something amusing. The trainees that have the GREEN light, they were most likely to be talented. YELLOW was below it, and RED was horrible. But, after their practice ended and moved towards the next exercise, the light changes. The one that was RED while singing now changes to GREEN while dancing and the same with others some changes in color and some stayed the same. I was surprised by the newly found power. I was shocked and found myself giggling. The trainees that found me chuckling by myself looked at me with a strange look that made me embarrassed and decided to hold myself.

I looked at the trainees who were practicing again and looked at the word status.

Looking at status, probably it was similar to with the status in games like STR, DEX, and others. I decided to look at it, but nothing came out. After looking at it, I tried using my finger to touch it in the air like touching a touch screen, but to no avail, there was no result. After a while, I decided to give up and leave the basement as people started to look at me weirdly.