



"Quickly open the door!"

I kept hearing someone shouting my name while banging something loudly.


I should have died why I kept hearing things?

Was this what going to the afterworld feel?



It was getting irritating.


I replied angrily.


Was I able to speak?

I thought I have died?

I tried to open my eyes.

But, it was too bright.

It took me some times to adapt.

What I saw surprised me.

It was a familiar ceiling.

A ceiling full of posters of famous bands all around the world.

MR. BIG, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and many more.

I quickly woke up and looked around me.

Rooms full of posters, with a bookshelf full of CDs and even cassette tapes.

It was the room that I used until recently.



"A B!TCH!?!? You said?"

"Dear quickly take the spare key from the cabinet!"

I realized that it was my mother voices from the opposite side of the door.

But, it too late.


She enters my room forcefully while holding a broom.

"You dare to curse at your mother?"

She asked with her loud voice while hitting me with the broom she holds.





"What? Sorry?"

"It's not enough. I will educate you on how to respect your parents."

My mother kept hitting me for a while after releasing her anger towards me.

My father, on the other hand, was watching me getting beaten from outside the room, sitting on the sofa while taking a sip on his coffee.

"Come and have breakfast quickly. It was time for you to work."

"It's good that I have woken you up, if not you will get fired on your first day.'

"But not only you did not thank me for it, but you also cursed at me!"

My mother whose anger has subsided started to rise again.

Her hand wanted to hit me again but remember that her son was having his first day on his new job.

She could only sigh and quickly leave the room and returned to the dining room.

I, who was confused and in pain, was looking around the room still in bed.

The room that holds many memories and where I grew up.

But from what he remembered, I should have died from a heart attack.

But, hearing that today was my first day on work from my mother.

It was really strange.

My first day on work should be years ago.

I quickly tried to look for my phone and found an old looking flip phone on my bed.

I took it and amazed by how old the phone was.

It was my phone given by my parents after graduating from high school.

I took the phone and open it to look at it.

The date that was shown on the phone surprised me.

It was XX09.

10 years ago...

I have returned to the past.

To be precise, I have returned to the day my work life begins.

Today was the day where I would start working on an entertainment agency called ZxY Entertainment. A small entertainment company managing only a few actors and some singers. Today was my first day at work, if my memory was right, I would be assigned under a manager who managed a rookie actor.

After working for a few years in ZxY Entertainment and became a manager, I decided to leave the company and follow a close friend of mine who decided to create an entertainment company. You have guessed it right, it was called KCM Entertainment. The name of the company was an acronym of a friend of mine, Kim Chong Man. A man that would later accuse me to embezzle the company's money that would cause my death.

Thinking about that made my heart to beat faster because of anger.

I have no idea at that time that he would betray me as a close friend. A friend that has been working together for more than 10 years. I have been his friend during his high and low. Helping him solving troubles here and there. Even donating some fund to the company after being promised to be given some shares when it goes public. But, the truth was so painful, our company did not survive for long. The girl group, LastKiss, that we debut after long training and audition did not survive long in the industry and decided to be disbanded. As their manager, I also decided to resign but it also could be said as laid off as the company does not have the fund to pay salaries to workers. Chong Man also approached me asking for more fund to help the company to survive, but I rejected the idea as I, myself have no money left even for me to use necessities.

Days after disbandment and being laid off, then things started to get strange. Calls from loan shark keep coming to my phone. My parent's house has been seized by the bank because of the unpaid loan. Everything was going downhill, even my house was full of red labels. Then that day finally came, the day where I was caught by the police after being accused of embezzling the company's fund and my death.

I was angry.

I was angry at him.

But, I was angrier to myself.

Why? How?

But, everything was in the past.

I have returned.

I will change my own future.

Next chapter