
Chapter 2: Twist of Fate

After feeling nothing for an unknown amount of time, Agent 30 suddenly felt an immense pressure as he was pulled forward. He saw countless lights fly by him as he continued onward, he seemed to be going so fast that the lights started to streak into lines. He tried to look down at his body, but found he couldn't shift his gaze, nor could he feel his body. After sometime he saw a bright light getting closer, it felt soothing and welcoming. Just as he entered that light, he heard a thunderous sound. It was as if an avalanche was occurring next to him. Immediately after a shock wave hit him so hard, it felt like his entire being was going to be destroyed, darkness filled his vision...

Pain, pain, and more pain. That is all he felt currently. Agent 30 tried looking around and as he did he realized he could look around again. He was in his usual black suit and red tie ensemble, but he didn't seem to have any of his other usual equipment.

He tried to scan his surroundings, but he didn't see much as the place he was in was dimly lit. He saw a light up ahead. Falling back to his training, he shut out the pain that was assailing him, and started forward quietly. His steps were quiet, but his strides were quick and measured. As he got to the opening, the sight that greeted him was... carnage. He saw countless entities, wrapped in bright white armor. Some were on the ground, others were impaled as if put on display. Farther in the distance he saw others fighting or being torn apart by what he could only describe as... demons?

[What is going on here?!? What the ever living fuck?!?]

Even though he was freaking out internally, his training kept him calm on the surface. He immediately picked up glowing sword, probably dropped by one of the white warriors, and crouched low. Agent 30 was skilled in almost all forms of combat, and while a sword wasn't his normal weapon, he could still use it at an expert level. As he was behind cover, he saw a white tower to his left, with a silver glowing orb adorned to the top of it. It felt like it was calling to him. He hesitated for a second, but then realized he had no other ideas where to go, so he headed toward the tower.

***Silver Tower***

As he got closer to the tower, he started feeling a pressure around him. It felt like he was walking through mud while have a weight on his back. He kept pushing forward, exerting everything he had. He saw a set of gleaming stairs up ahead, but as he got closer to them the pressure became more and more unbearable. As he was almost at the top of the stairs, he collapsed under the massive pressure. He forced himself to crawl up the last stair, and as he pulled his head above it he was greeted with an awe inspiring sight.

He saw a golden entity, with wings made of golden fire, fighting a monstrous demon. The demon was as tall as a 3 story house, with large black spikes coming from its back. It had a lizard like tail covered in spikes as well, that was even longer than it was tall. The golden entity seemed to be losing ground, and was severely injured. Golden liquid oozed from its wounds.

The entity wreathed the golden spear it was holding in light, and threw it at the demon. The demon then opened its 4 mandible mouth, releasing a primal roar that shook Agent 30 to his core. It looked like embers of hell were coming out of that glowing read maw as the golden entity was thrown against the Silver Tower, embedding itself into it, leaving deep cracks along it spreading meters in every direction. At the same time the spear embedded itself in the demons right breast. The beast roared again, this time in violent pain. It grabbed the spear with one of its 4 monstrous clawed arms, and pulled the spear from it, throwing it backward.

The beast stood for a second, as if declaring victory, but then abruptly collapsed. Agent 30 could see the golden entity trying to extricate itself from the wall, desperately wanting to finish the beast off, but it seemed it was close to death. Agent 30 looked at the beast, and saw the wounds on it slowly healing. It started to struggle to get it up. He then saw that the golden spear was only a few meters in front of him, behind a pile of rubble.

[Based on all the enemies I've seen in Devil's Gate, I'm guessing letting the big demon get back up is not a good idea. The big guy in the wall seems to be on his last leg... fuck it, I should be dead anyways!]

All of these thoughts happened in a moment, as externally Agent 30 kept his calm. He immediately rushed toward the glowing spear, it seemed like neither the beast nor the golden entity noticed his presence. As he grabbed the spear he felt as if he was dying all over again, he felt his life being pulled out of the him and into the spear.

[Of course I couldn't wield such an OP spear. FML]

As he felt his life force being quickly drained, he saw the spear ignite with golden fire. With a face full of resolution he ran toward the beast.


He screamed his normal battle cry in Devil's Gate in his mind as dashed toward the monster with a poker face. As if it could hear his internal battle cry, the golden entity looked over and the two made momentary.... eye contact? At least that is what he thought, Agent 30 couldn't see any eyes under the golden helmet. The monster saw the entity look in that direction and turned around just as a gleaming spear went straight through it's skull.

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