
Rinsing Lies

The Souls' kingdom is a magical place. But there are still evil people in this magical world. Will our main character be able to go through the harsh falls in life?

Maria_Dua_Francis · Fantasy
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6 Chs

As an apprentice

The little boat set off a long way to a small village. The man with a beard who kidnapped Peter held Peter's hand tightly and took him to the market. An old man approached them. "Is this charming little boy your son?" asked the old man. The man replied, "No of course not. He is just a common boy on the streets." The old man stared at Peter for a moment and continued, "I'm a blacksmith and I need someone to help me with my house chores. Can I adopt him?" "Sure, for 30 shillings," said the kidnapper. The old man handed 30 shillings. Then the kidnapper left Peter with the old man. The old man led Peter to a hut outside the village.

"Young boy, I am Alfie Jones. What is your name?" asked Alfie. "Peter," replied Peter without making eye contact with the old man. From that day, Peter became an apprentice for the blacksmith Alfie. Alfie did not have formal manners which Peter was used to but he was nice enough to give shelter and food to Peter. Peter soon built a great relationship with Alfie.

Years passed and Peter became a handsome 20-year-old man. He had completely forgotten his past and had accepted his fate. One day, Peter was on his way to deliver Alfie's hammers to the market. He met a group of young boys. One of them, who was his friend, approached Peter. "We will sail to other villages and sell our goods. Imagine the profit we'll have! We'd make a great fortune!" Edward said with joy. "I'd like to sell these hammers and other products of Alfie. He would be very happy to hear this. Can I join these men?" Peter asked Edward. Edward nodded and Peter ran home.

"God has blessed us, Alfie! We have a chance to sell our goods in other places and make great profit!" Peter shouted in excitement. Alfie stood there with a calm smile on his face. "Oh, my dear boy, and how are you going to other places?" Peter explained what he heard. Alfie looked at Peter thoughtfully. "It might be very dangerous. You know that you are the only one I have in this world. I can't imagine losing you my dear child!" said Alfie. "But I'm already 20! I'm old enough to make decisions. If I stay here, there is no path for me to get a position in my life. I promise Alfie, I will be careful and protect myself," said Peter. Alfie noticed how determined Peter was. In the end, he had to let him go. Peter packed his things and left with the group at twilight.