1 Fake System !!!

Help !!!

Help !!!

OMG, I cant breathe... someone please help...i cant swim

I dont wanna die...

I didn't enjoy my life till now please god save me, i really dont wanna die...


I was slowly losing my consciousness and suddenly I felt someone pulling me...

Air... (**Cry**)

Finally ... (**Cry**)

Breathe... (**Cry**)

**cry** ***cry***

"Congratulations Majesty its a boy !!!"after the midwife said those words the whole room exploded in cheers and tears of joy

I feel so weak...

These sounds..

what's happening..

I cant understand anything...

I can feel my breath... I'm not drowned anymore.... but these muffled sounds

Slowly i opened my eyes and was shocked to the core...



"what the hell is this... what are these giants omg am i hallucinating or something"...i can feel my heart rate raise like crazy and wanted to run away in fear but i was unable to...

I was sooo scared... this giant held me in her arms ...

"wait... my hands???"


why are they so small .... Omg what is this i cant control my body parts freely...

After few minutes of panicking i calmed down and came to two conclusions

Either i am hallucinating some dream due to asphyxia of brain from drowning or i was literally reborn...

Time continued to pass and this horror doesn't seem to end....so i realised i was isekaied...

I was wrapped around a cloth and was placed beside a middle aged woman who seems to be my mother...she has a black hair and a fair complexion and a good looking human nothing much peculiar and she seemed too weak and sluggish..

There are couple people around the bed and they are talking, laughing and rushing front and back moving things and making a fuss

There is a young kid around 10 or 12 years old sitting beside the bed and staring at me continuously without blinking a eye...as if someone would snatch me ...

oh god....its so irritating.. wish i could atleast understand what they are saying...

i felt hungry and so i tried to cry and even tried to do some sounds so my mother could feed me ...

Time passed and i was fed well... it was too weird to feed on nipples... but well... im hungry as fk i need to get used to it and stop feeling awkward...

I did have a good life in my previous world but alas i died cant help it ... i hope my parents and sister can live happily ....

I am atleast glad that i didn't reincarnate into a world where men have long hair like a girl and tie it like some pony tail or braids

And im mainly glad that they all doesn't look the same and its easy to differentiate between people !!!

Hope the people in this world aren't arrogant and making a fuss about everything and doesn't eat every living thing they see ... well lets see ...

Time continued to pass and slowly people kept leaving the room and i felt sleepy...so i closed my eyes to relax a bit and drift into some dreams thinking about both my previous world and new world...

Slowly drifting into sleep...



"Holy shittt... what's that sound"


"System???yahooo!!! my isekai package has arrived!!!"




"ugh.. it has been stuck at 99% what's going on..."



"Hello?? System are u there???"

"where the fk are u!!!!!why is it stuck at 99% like every single fkin download in early 20s"



"FAKE SYSTEM : Lol u thought u got a isekai package system? hahahah bakayarooo stop dreaming !!! "



