
Saved By John Smith?

"In the name of his majesty the King of England, we demand you release our comrade at once!" coming out with guns in their hands were a small group of men.

These men were dressed in colonial type outfits and their leader had some type of blue armor on with black boots and long blonde hair.

Both sides were now even with weapons drawn as they looked at one another ready to move forward and attack at any moment.

"Why are you invading our lands?" one of the red skinned warriors cried out in anger. Riku hearing this was a little lost for words as he tried to untie himself.

Although he had nothing on him and no darkness to rely on, he could only try to either be saved by these colonial type men, or to escape on his own.

"Where the hell am I?" Riku thought as he realized how tight the ropes around his hands and feet were. At this point, he could only rely on the help of these men to free him, but will they be enough?

"I am willing to speak to your chief peacefully, but after we landed and set up our small walls, your people attacked us. Are you not willing to listen to reason?" the blonde haired man asked as he turned to look at Riku who was strangely dressed compared to him.

He was unsure now if he should save this boy, but that was all he seemed to be, a strangely dressed boy. His honor would not allow him to see this boy being taken away by these tribesmen under his nose.

"Our leader John speaks the truth! Surrender this boy under our care and we will allow you all to leave peacefully!" one of the colonial men shouted out.

"So the leader's name is John?" Riku thought as he flipped himself around to get a better view of the two sides.

"Fine, the boy is yours, but this is not over. You have invaded our lands and there is a price to pay for that!" one of the tribesmen yelled back as he raised his hand up to signal to the rest to fall back.

Just like this, the threat to Riku's life was no more and the colonial dressed men helped untie him. "Hello, my name is John Smith, and you are?"

"My name is Riku." he replied to the man in front of him. This man had a calm and composed look to him that welcomed Riku.

"Alright then Riku, you should follow us back to our camp. With those Native American tribesmen lurking around, it is not safe for a boy to wander. I am not sure how you snuck onto our ships, but we can only have you join our camp for now until we figure this all out." John Smith said.

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