

"John? Is that you?" with a confused look on her face, the woman dressed in Native American clothing was standing in the distance. She was both young and stunning. She did not wear any makeup, but she was still beautiful.

Her long black hair was being blown around by the wind on this small hill, as her eyes were filled with an unknown tone that went hand and hand with the world around her. This woman, she was surrounded by two small animals both cute and innocent.

One was a weird looking bird with a big and long pointy nose. It was completely green, and looked rather cute. The other was a raccoon that had a hungry look on its face. These two animals seemed extremely close with this woman and were comfortably sitting around her in a protective way.

"Here you go Meeko!" laughing at how eager the raccoon was to eat its goodies that John brought him, John casually took out some snacks and let the raccoon eat his filling.

And who is this young man?" Pocahontas asked John while looking at Riku.

"This is my new friend Riku. He shares the same feelings as us and wants to help us convince my men and your father that we shouldn't be fighting the way we are." replied John while gesturing Riku to introduce himself.

"Hello, I do not have any ideas right now, but would love to hear what has been done already within your tribe." Riku taking this chance, introduced himself and shook hands with Pocahontas.

"Well, unless I was followed, no one should be able to locate us for some time here." Pocahontas told the two men as they sat down to discuss their plans.

-Two hours later-

"Well, we should get back to our stronghold before someone says anything." John told Pocahontas as he and Riku stood up preparing to head back.

"I agree, I will also be heading back before my father becomes worried about me." replied Pocahontas as she followed behind the two.