
Chapter I

I woke up abruptly to find my hands & feet tied to cold iron cuffs that were chained to an old bed.

The room felt slightly airy and I had guessed that there may have been a small crack in the stone walls.

My body felt lighter than usual, I almost felt like I was in a dream like state, but the presence of the cuffs restricting my hands and feet were a deathly reminder that I was in a nightmare and not a dream.

I tried to wriggle myself free, or yell for help but both of this options deemed useless.

I was trapped in an airy room tied to metal cuffs, and I was lying on polyester sheets.


Back at home, my sheets were made from the finest of fabrics, my father would ensure they came from around the world if they couldn't be made in our kingdom.

I wouldn't even allow Chu Chu my dog, to sleep on polyester sheets.

Yet here I was, the daughter of two of the most important people in my country, lying on polyester sheets.

My mind drifted to back home, my parents and if anyone even had realised I disappeared, when my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the door.

From behind it, a tall, muscular creature stood in the room, his presence somewhat changed the eerie feeling in the room.

His brown locks cascaded down his broad shoulders, and his emerald green eyes seemed to shine miraculously even with the little light that illuminated the room.

"Miss Riviera? " He said, raising his bushy eyebrows.

His voice was even more mesmerising than his face, when my name escaped his lips it was as though God himself had come down from heaven and even bowed to this man.

I hadn't even realised that he hadn't addressed me by my title.

"Where am I?" I questioned the creature.

"You Riviera, are in Wales." The creature said, nonchanantly.

" I beg your pardon? " I said, completely confused.

There was no such place called Wales, I knew this like the back of my hand.

I had been taught from such a young age, the foundations of my kingdom, and even the surrounding kingdoms.

"My pardon?" The creature laughed.

"You don't need to beg for my pardon" He laughed.

I was very much confused, Was he was trying to make a mockery of me?

" Haven't you been taught any etiquette? It is improper to address a person without asking for a pardon." I said, completely taken aback at his improper attitude.

He laughed mockingly.

" I demand you to take me back to my kingdom at once." I said

"I'm afraid that won't be possible miss." He said, and by the tone of his voice I knew he was serious.

"The Kingdom of Orilegon has been completely destroyed… you're supposed to be dead."

He then turned around and left the room, leaving me without his name, and in complete shock.

My mind raced to my parents, my relatives, friends, they were all dead?

My dog and even the servants who I rarely gave my attention to, had been killed? Murdered?

My last thoughts landed on the servant who raised me, Lady Annabeth.

Lady Annabeth took care of me from a young age, she took on the large responsibility, the burden that my parents should naturally have done, which was raising me.

Lady Annabeth had her own daughter, Marisa, who I had grown alongside and we considered each other to be sisters.

There was no difference between how Marisa and I, had been brought up, despite our differences in status.

My eyes pricked with tears as I realised how much love I had for both Annabeth and Marisa, I wanted to tell them I loved and appreciated them, despite how stuck up I behaved at times, but that opportunity was not there anymore, forever.

They were all dead, everyone I knew was dead, my kingdom was dead.

Out of frustration I tried again at the chains I was bound to, but it was useless, bruises began to appear, and I was becoming more and more tired by the second.

My last attempt was to try and use my magic, I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier, but any attempt of using my magic was futile.

The chains I was attached to were made of solid Iron, a faery's absolute strongest weakness.

There were no barriers anywhere in the room whatsoever, I could not sense any fields or magic, which meant..

Either I was in an area that prohibited magic, or had a barrier which prevented me from feeling magic, Or..

I was on earth.

How was this possible though?

But how had humans discovered Orilegon my kingdom?

I had only heard of Earth in folklore stories, there was books about creatures who harboured no abilities and were wingless.

Humans were creative and even innovative but real?

Not a single book or Orcseed had mentioned anything about the existence of actual humans.

Maybe perhaps because my people had never had a chance to encounter a human?

Even if I was not on earth, then where in the world was I?

And what would they want from me, a faery from Orilegon?

And why would a faery take the shape of a human, was it to throw me off so I would not guess where they were from?

I started to accept that I would die too, in this foreign land, the last survivor of my kingdom, with no magic and probably eaten by humans, or killed by another magical race when the creature stepped into the room again.

Panic started to form in my chest and and I quickly took a sharp breath.

His presence didn't scare me but brought a sense of calmness which confused me.

He smelled like human, the smell of earth, trees and metal.

A very unfamiliar smell which I knew had to be no other than human.

I had read in books how humans have a very distinct smell compared to magical beings, which is very earthly and not airy or flowery or light as a faery would.

These smells would have terrified a faery like me but, if he was a faery eating human like the books said, wouldn't he have eaten me already?

Surely by now, all this talk is just time wasting, I could have planned to escape, but I'm sure he knew that I couldn't.

Perhaps this was what the humans called.. conversation?

Faeries didn't engage in conversations, speech was a way of communication, and so we only deemed it necessary.

Meals were silent, and a faery of high importance was the only one allowed to speak, and only if it was a matter of urgency.

Conversations were deemed trivial and a lack of time, so what did it mean to humans if they had them ever so often?

I peered down at myself and realised I was not my faery size, or at giant size, I was.. human size.

I appeared to fit the bed fit for a human just fine, However if I was a faery I would be a mere bumblebee in comparison, maybe that was an exaggeration, I was what the humans call a midget, just about four foot tall.

In my human size I believed to be the height of an average human female, about five foot five inches.

My skin didn't have a glow around it like it usually would back in Orilegon.

And the most terrifying feeling was not having the tingling sensation on my back where my wings were.

I was wingless.

"Riviera?" He Questioned, eyeing me from head down to my feet.

"If you wish to know more about this situation, I can tell you everything, but you must promise to work with me."

I stared at him, completely unsure of an answer to give, his eyes were sincere and honest, and I felt as though I could trust him but, to put my trust into an entire person, who I had never met before, and to top that a human?

I was unsure if I wanted to go down that path.

Trusting a human, a creature that its race had been known to be selfish, arrogant, irresponsible and even arguably evil, seemed to be an illogical decision.

In some books, humans were even described as a downgrade from the Ogre race, with sharp teeth and aggressive nature.

Ogres were actually kind creatures who never want any troubles, their appearance always causes anyone to think otherwise.

But this human, showed no threat to me, his speech was calm, and he carried no weapons, his posture was not tense, neither did show any aggressiveness.

And he most definitely without any shadow of doubt not have sharp teeth.

Were the faery folklore wrong? I thought, puzzled. Maybe they were misunderstood like many did about Giants or Ogres?

I never even paused to think if he was scared of me, after all I didn't even know how I got here, I was in his territory after all, and I'm sure humans had their own theories about faeries, as this human already knew who I was and my kingdom.

Given the circumstances, I knew I would die here, not knowing what had actually happened, I had little knowledge of earth, and this human would be my best chance of trying to get home and it would be completely irrational and irresponsible of me to waste such an opportunity.

"Well I don't have much of a choice do I?" I replied.

The man stepped to the side of the bed, and unlocked the chains placed on my hands and feet, I rubbed the sores that were now very prominent.

"You know my name" I said

"But you never gave yours."

"Noah." The human said.

"Noah Miller."

Next chapter