

A red Ford bronco with dull red paint on its body turned its way around a peninsula. The light of the setting sun glared through the car's windows showing the family within. A man ,mid thirties maybe,wore small circular styled spectacles, had dark brown eyes, light brown skin, with buzz cut hair and a dark bushy beard.

He slowed and stopped the car on a banking off the road.

"Alyssa wanna take a picture of the sunset to add to your polaroid pics?" He asked.

"Sure." She said groggily as she got out of the front seat she was comfortably 'napping' in to open the front door.

"Beautiful ain't it." He added

"Sure dad." She said as she strained through closed door's the window to pull out her camera from the dashboard compartment.

She stood steady her black flowing hair contrasted to her light brown beanie, she had brown tan skin, oval face filled with her piercing grey eyes.

Click, fwish a film came out of that outdated thing.

"Wish I could paint you right now." Her father said as he patted her head.

"Welp get in we don't wanna be there by night fall your nana might kill me." He continued. "Plus your brother will want some sweet hot coco when he reaches."

"I wonder sometimes if he is an old man?" She jokingly asked as she made it into the front seat and closed the door.

"I'm not an old man!" The little boy whined in the back seat.

Laughter was present as they drove off to the town in silhouette.