

The party was already in full swing with different people from different countries crowding Mr Lee and his family trying to gain their favour. Angela and Angelo had to fake smile and greet different people they can't even remember. They were very bored, like literally.

"Yo fucker!" Jimmy yelled once he saw Minjun and received a hit on his head from his mom. Angela and Angelo burst out laughing.

"What's up bro! How's your head?" Minjun asked laughing with Minju earning a glare from Jimmy.

"Sometimes I wonder why people keep insisting that both of you are enemies". Jimmy pouted.

"Devono essere stupido (they must be stupid)". Minju and Minjun burst out laughing. "I don't know what you just said but... Wow!" Jimmy said finally noticing her, he looked from her head to her sexy and beautiful legs before going back to her face. He did a low whistle, "Damn... Mila {gotten from both of her names} never thought I'll see the day you wore a gown, you cleaned up nice".

"All thanks to the stuck up man". Minju replied sneering at him for the nickname.

"Man... Your dad did you bad.. Hahaha... You look like a monkey in a tux....hahaha". Jimmy burst out laughing at Minjun making him earn a glare from the latter, Minju joined him laughing.

"Damn.. Bitch you look like a seductress". Jenny said approaching them and checking her out. Jenny was wearing a breast tub green pencil gown that ends at her thigh showing her great curves, she curled her brown shoulder length hair and combed her bang to the side, a ten inch shoe and she did an heavy makeup. She hugged her friend and hit her butt making Jimmy and Minjun laugh.

"Oh my gosh! Minjun you look like a freaking god", she stopped, checking out Minjun, "damn I just wanna feel those strong hands around me, let's take this to your room". Jenny hugged Minjun tightly pressing her body against his. Minjun looked at his sister begging her to help him with his eyes.

"Let's leave this boring party and do something more exciting, what do you say?". Jenny traced his body with her finger licking her lips making Minjun stiffen.

"His answer is no, you can keep your pussy to yourself". Yoona walked up to Jenny and removed her hands from his body. Yoona was wearing a dark blue bodycon dress, packing her silver hair a tight multi braided bun with slightly puffy top but she wore a silver sneakers.

"I'm I dreaming or Ayaan's wearing a dress, like a freaking dress not joggers!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Wait your name is Ayaan?" Minjun asked surprised. Yoona nodded.

"That's a beautiful name, by the way you look beautiful". He smiled slightly before being dragged by Jimmy out of the party. Yoona watched his retreating figure and blushed whispering, "you too".

"Bitches.. let's dump this party and go have some real fun". She said smiling deviously, "wait here I'm gonna get our fun", She sneakily passed everyone.

"She's up to no good again", Minju said shaking her head. Few minutes later, Jenny came running to them with two bottle of champagne laughing crazily, "Run!" she shouted and the three of them ran to Minju room, closing the door behind them they fell on the bed laughing.

"You are crazy!" Minju said in between laugh.

"That's why you love me Bitches, I'm your personal bitch".

"How did you manage to enter Mr Lee wine villa without being caught and even stole two?" Yoona asked laughing.

"I have my ways, I didn't steal it I only borrowed without returning", Jenny said and winked at Yoona.

"Don't tell me you are going to drink that alone, you are not even up to eighteen". Yoona stared at her.

"As much as I would love to, no, it's for us to drink besides Ju wouldn't mind".

"Of course I'm in, I would gladly take any opportunity for me to piss off that stuck up man". Minju got up from the bed and walked over to one of her tables, opening the drawer and taking three wine glasses.

"You are both crazy". Yoona said shaking her head and taking the glass filled with champagne from Jenny.

"So..... Ayaan, what's up with the dress? I know your parents are not like my dad so....." they both looked at her expectantly.


Yoona sat on her big bed staring at her screen and smiling to herself.

"Darling, ti koitas " (Darling, what are you doing?"

"To agóri eínai ómorfo (the boy is quite handsome).

"den eínai aftó Angelo (isn't that Angelo??) "

Ayaan quickly hide her phone and tried to change the topic," mamá ti kâne is edó (mom what are you doing here)"

"Írtha na se do, ètsi sou arèsei aftós (I came to check on you, so do you like him)". Phoebe Yí walked over and sat down besides her daughter on her bed, she looked at her expectantly with her ice blue eyes. Ayaan smiled looking at her mom before lowering her head, "O bampás eínai píso? (is dad back).

Phoebe shook her head staring at her daughter weak act of trying to change the subject,"Min alláxete to théma (don't change the subject)". Ayaan stared at her mom before giving up and coming out clean, "Próstimo naí dêchomai (fine yes I do)".

"Kánei xê reí (does he know)"

"Ochi den thélo pes tou, ektós den tha to Kánei San eména den eímai o typos, den to Kánei paratiriste mou (no, I don't want to tell him, besides he won't like me I'm not his type, he doesn't notice me)". Ayaan confessed everything to her mom sadly feeling defeated.

"Min to enkataleí pete, tha se voithíso (don't give up, I'll help you)". Phoebe said hugging her daughter and patting her head.


Yoona told her friends everything, "and that's how I ended up like this". She drank the champagne smiling sadly.

"I'm sorry for flirting with Angelo, I was only joking". Jenny apologize to Yoona. Yoona drank her champagne staring at Jenny coldly before slowly nodding her head.

"I'm I not pretty? Why don't he likes me?" Yoona suddenly blurted out, her face was already flushed. Minju and Jenny looked at her surprised to see she already drank six glass, they were stunned.

"Wow your face is as red as a ripe tomatoe" Minjun laughed at Yoona as he and his friends entered the room laughing too.

"Don't tell me a tomboy is actually blushing or you got punched, I would actually like to thank the person who actually did it". Minjun laughed again, "Don't tell me you actually want to cry, to answer your question, you are ugly, you look like a soured pumpkin".

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM ASSHOLE!!" Minju yelled angrily.

"Chill sis, I'm just here to tell you the party is over and pumpkin's parents have already left".

Minju got up angrily and kicked him hard on his stomach, "That's just a warning now SCRAM!". He and his friends quickly ran out of her room. Yoona was crying after hearing the insult.

"You would have let me deal with those assholes " Jenny shouted angrily.

" Don't worry Yoona, we will get our sweet revenge on Ange". Minju said smiling devilishly.

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