

Yoona opened her eyes slowly and closed it immediately because of the sun entering the room through the curtain, she was having a splitting headache but could only grumble, 'umm... This doesn't look like my room' she immediately sat up but caused loudly, "F*CK!!".

"Oh my gosh! Finally you are awake, you scared the shit out of me!" Minju quickly ran to her side.

"What happened? Ah... My head hurts!" Yoona rubbed her head and sat up.

"Well..for one you drank six glasses of champagne making you very drunk, then my idiotic brother insulted you and for the first time I saw you crying for my brother, then you torn the dress into two saying it's not worth it again and you almost ran out with only bra and underwear, most importantly why didn't you actually tell me you like my brother?"

Yoona was stunned, she scratched her head smiling embarrassingly, "I didn't know how to say it, sorry for all the troubles I caused you and Jen".

"It's no problem, in fact I'm gonna help you revenge my brother for making you cry, just wait and see he will never know what hit him". Minju smiled deviously as she sat with Yoona on her king size bed. A knock was heard in the door and Minju let the person in. Peñalolén walked inside the room with a plate of hangover soup.

"Good morning miss Minju and miss Yoona, this is what you requested, breakfast is already served and master king asked for your presence".

"Thanks Peñalolén, we will be there soon". Minju smiled. After she left, Yoona drank the hangover soup and felt a little bit better.

"Do you have anything for me to wear to school?"

"Umm... I think you should look at the time first". Minju scratched her head.

"Oh my gosh! It's already eight, we are so late!" Yoona exclaimed.

"I think you are forgetting something". Minju said.


"Well....today is kinda Sunday...so...."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yoona chased Minju round the room, with Minju laughing.

"I'm sorry but it was so fun watching I couldn't stop". She said laughing.


"Alright enough of the play let's go down if not we are going to miss the show".

"Wait I have to change". Yoona ran inside the bathroom.


Yoona and Minju came down smiling happily.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad". Minju greeted as she sat down on her favorite spot. Mr Lee only nodded not taking his eyes from the newspaper as he ate his corn bread with poblanos and sour cream. Her mom smiled at her before eating her chicken ñ waffle tacos.

"Good morning Aurora, good morning Mr Lee". Yoona greeted and took her seat next to Minju.

"Good morning Ayaan, how was your night?" she smiled.

"It was great thank you". Yoona replied respectfully.

"burgiado(liar) ", Minjun smirked. Minju glared at Minjun.

" Today, you two will be going to the company with me". Mr Lee spoke not taking hie eyes off his newspaper. The servants quickly rushed and served Minju double strawberry waffle and strawberry juice, and Yoona, cinnamon French toast casserole and plain yogurt.

"Thanks", Minju said to the servant before turning to her dad, "I have things to do, I'm not going anywhere".

"You are going whether you like it or not". Mr Lee closed his newspaper and slammed it on the table angrily.

"You are not the boss of me, I'm NOT Going stop freaking trying to control my life".

"Angela, don't speak to your dad like that". Aurora reprimanded her.

"Just because you are scared of him doesn't mean I should too, I'm NOT YOU!!". Minju exploded. Aurora sat dejected staring at her food.

"Then I'll drag you there if I have to, this company was built with my hardwork and you and Angelo are the heir, I'm the boss and you are going FINAL".

"F*ck you and to hell with your Fucking company!!" Minju got up angrily and ran to her room.

"Oh you are through eating, go get ready". Mr Lee turned to Minjun speaking without any emotions.

"Whatever, not like I even have a freaking choice, you know for a father you never act as one, just know you can't always keep controlling us, I'm with ju'er on this matter". Minjun pushed his half eaten apple cinnamon pancakes and stomped off. Yoona sat there awkwardly before leaving too.

"You always know how to ruining breakfast". Aurora said before leaving without finishing her food, leaving only Mr Lee who wasn't bothered by anything and continued eating his food.


"Good morning president Lee, director Angela and director Angelo". The employees greeted as they entered the company. Mr Lee ignored them like if they were never there, walking in front with Angela and Angelo behind him. Secretary Jun quickly ran towards them and greeted too. They all entered the private elevator. Angelo and Angela came down on the 56th floor bowing their heads before going to their different office. Mr Lee's office is in the last floor, 60.

"Good morning director Angela". The employees greeted her as she entered the floor bowing their head. Angela just nodded and walked inside her office.

"Good morning director Angelo". The employees greeted him as he entered the office bowing their head.

"Good morning, where's miss Song?" he asked stopping before entering his office.

"Miss song haven't arrived yet, sir". One of the worker replied.

"Immediately she arrives send her to my office". Angelo said before walking inside his office, he took off his white coat and immediately started his work for the day.

Thirty minutes later, miss song knocked on Minjun door.

"Come in".

She opened the door and catwalk inside, she was wearing a very short red skirt and a button up black top with the first three button opened exposing her cleavage and her breast, she did an heavy makeup and wearing a ten inch black stiletto. "Director Angelo, you asked for me". She smiled seductively and bent slightly exposing her breast.

Angelo raised his head from the document he was focused on and stared at her, he immediately felt disgusted, "Miss Song you are fired, you have ten minutes to leave the building or I'll send the security to throw you out". He said coldly and went back to the document he was reading.

"Director Angelo.... You can't fire me like this... Please give me another chance". She started crying and bent more exposing her breast.

"You have five minutes". Angelo replied without any emotions. She grabbed his hands and started pleading again using her breast to rub him. Angelo pushed her to the floor taking his hand sanitizer and spraying on his hand. He felt extremely disgusted, he walked towards her grabbing her ruthlessly and throwing her out of his office, "There are three things I hate, the first is pretentious people, lies and germs, and miss Song you fall under this three". He said and closed his office door. Miss song was so embarrassed and sobbed still sitting on the floor. Nobody dared approach her, before she could gather herself, three security came and dragged her out of the office and outside the company throwing her stuff out too. Sonia was completely humiliated, as if that was not enough her clothes tore into two, she was so embarrassed, she could only hold her tattered clothe, pick up her things and walk away shamelessly.

Meanwhile, Angela saw all this commotion and shook her head, 'Angelo is too ruthless, I wonder what this poor girl did to him', she sighed walking towards his office.

Lol was Angelo too harsh on her. I wonder why he wasn't tempted but was rather disgusted by her. Well only one way to find out... ??

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