

"I'm so tired!" Jenny yelled and fell on the couch tiredly. They had just come back from their tour, they went to the mall and bought different things with them back.

"How was the tour?" Phoebe came down from the stairs smiling at them.

"it was so fun Phoebe, Athens is really a very beautiful place and deserves to be the capital of Greece". Seoyun said excitedly.

"Phoebe! We missed you a lot!" Alex and Hera ran to hug her.

"Nice to see you again, you guys have grown a lot".

"But sadly you haven't aged a bit, you have got to tell me your secret". Hera said teasingly.

"Still charming I see", she laughed before turning to Minjun, "Are you having a good time Angelo?"

"It's not like I have a choice", he muttered under his breadth. Minju heard him and glared at him with a warning 'mess this up and you are dead', message. He snorted, "It's not what I expected but I will try to enjoy it". Minju smiled and nodded happily giving him a thumbs up.

"Don't worry Angelo, I'll take you to the places I know you would love tomorrow". Here said hooking her arms with his. Yoona saw this and her face suddenly changes but immediately changed back to normal. Alex saw this but immediately concluded that it must have been his imagination.

"Well I will leave you youngster to freshen up before dinner". Phoebe waved at them and walked to the kitchen.

"Well well well.. Look who finally decided to come back to Athens". A girl with long ginger hair colour and blue eyes walked towards them followed by a girl with curly short brown hair, shorter than the first girl and a boy with dyed dark blue hair with piercings.

"Selene". Yoona snared.

"Welcome back little Ayaan, can't say it's pleasant seeing you again, I can see you are still classless but even worst now". She said laughing and the girl also laughed with her but the boy only glared at them.

"Grow up Selene, at least I'm better than looking like a old granny covering her ugliness with makeup". Yoona retorted back making her friends burst out laughing even Minjun.

"You freak! How dare you talk to Sel like that, who do you think you are?" the shorter one angrily yelled.

"She's Yoona and Leonardis cousin so you better behave". The boy hissed angrily.

"What? The truth is too hard to accept, I will give you a piece of advice stop following her, look! you are already as ugly as her". Minju said smirking slyly at them. The short girl angrily glared at her.

"I'll teach you trash a lesson!" selene yelled angrily rushing towards Minju. She raised her hands to slap her but Minju caught it without much effort, holding it very tightly that her nails dug into her skin, she said, "I'll forgive you this once because of your ignorance but I can't guarantee there's going to be a next time", Minju angrily dropped her hands making her fall flat on the floor, she could only glare at her vowing to have her revenge.

"Come on guys let's go, I don't want to be infected with ugliness". Minju turned to her friends. Jenny laughed and gave her a thumbs up.

"Damn.. I like this girl already". Hera said to Alex.

"Yeah, me too". Alex replied staring intensely at Minju.

"Hi.. I'm Charles". The boy walked up to Minju introducing himself. She looked at him and snorted before walking away. He felt a cold breeze as she passed him, 'She even as the same aura has Leo, this girl is interesting', he thought watching her disappearing figure.


Later that night,

They all sat down in the big dinning room, the table was filled with different delicacies making Minju salivating just staring at it. Once master Yi entered the dinning room everyone stood up and greeted him. He sat down before everyone sat down, the maids immediately started serving their foods.

"Ayaan , I missed you a lot, how have you been?"

"I missed you a lot too uncle". She smiled happily.

"Hey! Photios didn't you miss me?" Phoebe pouted.

"Nope, your trouble is too much, I actually had peace of mind". He replied teasingly.

"Hey... Not fair! I'm your only blood!" Phoebe pouted more making everyone laugh.

"Nearós kyriós welkëm (Young master welcome)". One of the maid greeted Leonidas as he entered the dinning room, he greeted his father before walking back to take his seat. The atmosphere immediately became cold.

"How's the project going?" Photios asked him.

"It's almost completed, just needs about one week". He replied.

"You are so slow! It's a simple work, you better finish it by next week if not you know the consequences".

Leonidas held the fork tightly and balled his hands into fist, "Yes father". Minju felt somehow watching this whole scene, 'no wonder he is so cold, I wonder what's going on', she thought to herself. She was bought out of her daze when sh heard Minjun talking.

"My dad owns the king's corporation in Korean and we are one of the directors in the company". Minjun replied normally but inside he was boiling with anger and only Minju could feel it.

"That's a very good father, the faster you enter the business the better, Leonidas started working for the company at the age of twelve and took over a the age of thirteen".

Minju got very angry and was about to retort back but Yoona held her back shaking her head. She angrily sat back down. Leonidas sat down watching this drama and couldn't take it anymore, he got up, "I'm full", he didn't say anything else but just left too.

"Photios, don't talk to the kids that way". Phoebe angrily said.

"Know your limits Phoebe". He angrily said. Phoebe lowered her head defeated, the was nothing she can do. Sh gave Minju and Minjun an apologetic look. Every since Kiara died, her brother suddenly became very cold and distant but it was Leo who suffered most and was greatly affected.

Minju who loves food a lot, suddenly felt full and couldn't stand it anymore, she pushed her plate aside, stood up and left without saying a word.

"I'm sorry about that! " Yoona apologize.

" It's okay but make sure I doesn't repeat itself". Minjun couldn't take it again, "Please excuse me, I'll go check on my sister". He go up and left too. Jenny and Seoyun sat there awkwardly staring at each other.


"Who does he freaking think he is! Does he think he's a god!" Minju was foaming with anger as she walked. She looked around and discovered she's lost, "Dang it... I'm lost", she angrily said. She was about to turn back when she heard a beautiful song playing from a piano, "Wow! I wonder who's that! Well curiosity can't kill me". She followed the sound until she reached a huge door, she carefully opened the door and entered the room but was surprised to see who it was.

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