
Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

The protagonist’s soul walks through the universe of a mortal and merges with the grandfather’s soul in “Rick and Morty” during the journey. He inherits his grandfather’s talent and knowledge and then survives, grows stronger, expands, and rages in the Marvel and DC universe please support me on patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 100 advance chapters on [[[Patreon]]]] or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/harsh07 -------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Movies
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169 Chs

Chapter 27 : Clayface

It wasn't always like this. Back before I was Clayface. Back when I was Basil Karlo, I was on my way to the top. Red carpet movie premieres, million-dollar mansions, fast cars, beautiful women. And that was just the start. I had big plans. I had ambition. I also had a temper. When people pissed me off, when people insulted me, people got hurt. That ain't ever changed. I don't figure it's ever gonna. My entire career went down the drain after I hit that director. They took my life away, so I became Clayface to get revenge. Still had the big plans. Still had the ambition. And more than anything else - I still had that temper.

 — Clayface


"Separate the Clay face and the killer croc and Take care of yourself," Jude teased in the Batmobile.

Jude's assertion is not without merit. You must understand that although most of Batman's adversaries are ordinary people, they are far from being entirely competent. Occasionally, supervillains emerge, such as the imminent threats posed by the mud-faced and killer crocodile.

The killer croc is quite formidable. It possesses superhuman physical fitness and the extraordinary recovery ability of Captain America, who has been injected with the super-soldier serum. Clayface, on the other hand, is different. It has multiple abilities, including deformation, corrosion, and simulation. Ordinary weapons such as swords, guns, clubs, and bullets are ineffective against him. Dealing with him requires special methods.

Soon, the two arrived at Ruby Cosmetics Company, a company located in a remote part of the west of Gotham City, where the police had already surrounded it. Spotting the Batmobile approaching, Sheriff Gordon hastily pushed aside the crowd and ran over.

"It's great for you to come, Batman," Gordon exclaimed. As Jude exited the co-pilot's seat, Sheriff Gordon initially mistook him for Robin, expressing surprise when he saw and recognized Jude. Bruce intervened, explaining that Jude was there to help address the immediate crisis. Sheriff Gordon, reluctantly abandoning the idea of arrest, glared at Jude and declared, "I will keep an eye on you!"

Jude grinned casually, "Okay, Sheriff, there's time to scrutinize me. It's better to discuss the situation first so we can formulate a plan." Gordon, without saying much, redirected the conversation to the ongoing situation.

"More than half an hour ago, Clayface and Killer Croc raided this place and took many hostages. We inquired them about their demands, but there was no response," Gordon briefed. "I attempted a charge, but as we entered the company building, a hostage was thrown out of the window by the killer croc, warning us not to move."

Bruce frowned at this unusual behavior. "Killing hostages without making any demands? This isn't their typical style."

"Yes, especially the killer croc. He has always been motivated by money when robbing and killing. The motive this time is very strange," Gordon explained.

Curious, Jude asked, "How many people did these two guys take hostage?"

A rough voice echoed from the building, "Batman, you're finally here. Your appearance this time is far slower than I expected." The voice was familiar to Bruce; it was the Clay face. Bruce shouted, "Basil Karlo, I'm here Now tell me your purpose."

"Hahahaha, purpose? My purpose is to kill you. Now you enter the building but remember, you're only allowed to come in alone. Anyone who dares to follow, if there's one more person, I will kill one hostage. Understand?"

"Okay, I will come in alone, and you have to follow the rules," Bruce responded. He opened the armor on his wrist, revealing a microcomputer hidden within.

As they set off, Alfred, the housekeeper, had already taken control of all the monitoring devices in Ruili Company, transferring everything to Batman's microcomputer. Bruce projected a holographic film review, displaying hostages with their hands and feet tied, and a killer crocodile sitting nearby.

Gordon, acknowledging the situation, said, "The warehouse is on the inner corridor of the seventh floor. I've arranged a sniper. If you can't subdue him, I will try to kill this guy."

Bruce, adhering to his non-killing policy, couldn't blatantly interfere with the police's actions. "I will try to stop it." With that, he entered the building.

Sheriff Gordon relayed the news and arranged for the sniper to find the best position. Suddenly, he turned to Jude, asking, "What is your role? Batman wouldn't bring a useless person."

"Of course, I will follow up and quickly resolve this issue."

"No, didn't you hear what they were talking about? The hostages will be killed."

"That's easy; I'll be just out of sight." Jude activated his belt, disappearing on the spot and entering an invisible state.

Gordon asked, "Where are you?"

"Just by your side, Sheriff. Next, I will deal with the killer croc. Bruce may have more trouble facing the Clayface. I suggest you transfer a fire truck immediately, and let your people be prepared to come in at any time to rescue the hostages."

As Jude mentioned Bruce's name, Sheriff Gordon's expression changed drastically, whispering, "How do you know?"

"Of course, he told me himself. Don't be so nervous; he said I'm not a bad person." Jude walked to the edge of the building, turned on the switch to absorb gravity, and went straight up the wall, step by step.

On the other side, after Bruce entered the building, he closely examined the holographic projection. However, he couldn't find the mud face, and Alfred's voice sounded in his ears. "I'm sorry, Master, I can't find him. The Clay face must have integrated with the building. He may be hiding anywhere. Be careful."

Bruce, silently, proceeded up the stairs to the seventh floor. When he reached the corner of the third floor, the wall next to him suddenly trembled, and a mud spear pierced out abruptly. Bruce, on high alert, immediately jumped aside.

Unfortunately, the ground he landed on also turned into mud, instantly swallowing his calf. Bruce hurriedly fired a hook, tying the stair railing on the sixth floor, and used his strength to free himself from the quagmire.

In just a moment of contact, the battle clothes covered by the quagmire had been severely corroded and peeled off. Bruce stared closely at the muddy water, seeing the mud shoot out immediately after him. It turned into a long stick of mud, reaching the sixth floor faster than him, and transforming into a human form with a yellow hue.

"Hahahaha...Batman, long time no see!" the Clay face exclaimed, deforming an arm into the shape of a knife and slashing at the hook rope. The strong corrosiveness caused the rope to break.

Jude ascended the seventh-floor step by step, reaching the warehouse where the hostages were held. The room was windowless, housing a killer croc. Time was running out for Jude, perhaps it will take only a few seconds.

Taking out the cryo gun, Jude took a deep breath and decisively pulled the trigger.


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