
Chapter 2 - No where to go!

I was caught stealing from him, and now I had no option, but to run. I broke my eye contact with him and turned my back towards him to run far from him, but just when I took my right foot forward, he pulled me by my hand, and my body hit his chest, somehow I straighten my feet, and there he was glaring at me with his angry eyes.

I was shaking from fear, thousands of thoughts were rushing through my mind, what if he call the cops, what if he creates a scene here?

Juggling my thoughts, I decided to beg him for forgiveness. As I was about to open my mouth, he broke the silence first "How dare you to steal from me?" His voice was extremely deep, and the tone was angry!

I apologized for my behavior and asked him to not call the cops. But instead of replying to me straight, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts as if he was planning something. And I was right, out of nowhere he offered me a deal "Work as a maid, accept my offer and I'll let you go!" This shocked me, why would anyone hire someone who just tried to steal from them?

He seemed wicked and I was suspicious of him, but on the other hand, I saw it as an opportunity!

I didn't have money or a place to go, so accepting his deal wasn't a bad idea for me at that moment. After thinking a lot, I said 'yes'

Living in jail for years was enough for me, and now I'm not that scared of anything else!

Hearing my 'yes' he told me to sit in the car with him, I followed his command and sat in the back seat of the car looking through the window, waiting for my destination.

The atmosphere in the car was intense, he wasn't saying a word, and neither he told me his name, he was just driving, driving, and driving!

So to make myself more assured of him, I asked him a question "Why did you hire me?"

He looked at me and smiled, that smile was not pleasant rather I found it evil. He informed me his name first "Peter Cooper" and then he told me that I will be working for his best friend, who is not easy to deal with. So it wasn't him, but he hired me as his friend!

The guy I'll be working for is rude and arrogant, and everything is worst. he has a record of changing servants like clothes, so far he has changed at least 50 maids in just one month!

Not only that but he recently fired a maid, and now wants another one! The problem is no one wants to work for him anymore as everyone is aware of his rude nature. So left with no choice he hired me as it was urgent.

But on the other hand, he told me to keep it a secret that I'm a thief, and he picked me up from the streets.

His friend is known to be a Perfectionist, and he wants discipline in everything!

So you can get an idea of what will he do if he finds out that a thief is serving him. Probably he will turn the whole world upside down!

Working for someone so strict wasn't my main concern, the actual concern was how a girl like me who was born with richness in blood will do a work of a maid!

In my entire life, I have never stepped into the kitchen or done anything by myself.

Handling someone with perfectionism was totally out of my question!

Petet further informed me about his best friend's name, job, hobbies, and likes & dislikes.

Kevin Taylor, a famous businessman, basically he runs a huge advertising agency!

His house is as big as a mansion, he lives alone as he has no contact with his family except for his one sister, Mia!

But his sister is married, and she rarely visits him. So he is all alone!

Away from his close ones, Kevin has become cold-hearted, and he knows no empathy, he considers himself the best, and that made him full of himself!

Listening to his biography, I was reminded of my Dad, he is very similar to Kevin!

The fear came to my mind, what if I was going to another cage?

My heart started beating faster even with the thought of another cage I was trembling, but then it hit me, Kevin wants perfection and I am nowhere near that, so I can just go there and chill for a few days because if I refuse then Peter will surely send me to prison for stealing from his pocket!

We reached in front of his house, and I must say it was really big and beautiful, but smaller than my Dad's mansion.

Peter's foot stopped in front of the main gate, and he told me to go inside alone!

For some reason, I was nervous, maybe because I wasn't ready for all of this, and peter made that nervousness turn into anxiety when he said: "Welcome to lion's den!"

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