
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Small talk before the big game

"So we ready?"asked Aldric.

"You sure that this would work?"

"It should."


"We'll got there whenever you want."

"We'll go tomorrow evening,is that okay?"

"Yep, sounds cool."

"Zack, you cool?"asked Riahna.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I'm worried about you and me being just a human, it's hard for me to concentrate and worse, PROTECT YOU."

"Hey hey hey. It's gonna be okay. You've been a human since your birth and you have protected me a hell of a lot of times and trust me, I'm not gonna out there doing some dangerous stuff without my friend here beside me. Do you understand that?"


"I don't care if you're a human. I don't care if are sentimental and emotional as you are. I just want you by my side fighting evil."

"I hate you."


"Beside you? I'll be ahead you. I'll always be a step ahead of you cause you act like dip shit sometimes."

"😄Well I do have a sidekick to help me so..."

"😄Love you."

"Love you too but as a sidekick."

"God, You're so annoying."

"I know."

Somewhere out in the universe:

Jake is tied off from a hanging slot and he's blacked out. After a couple of minutes, he opens his eyes and gets panicked and confused of where he really is. He kinda looks around and he saw Andre right next to him in the same situation.

"Andre!.. Andre!... Wake up."yelled Jake.Hearing this Andre wakes up distinctly and gives a terrified look.

"Where are we?"asked Andre.

"I don't know but I don't like this. Something's up."

"You think?"

"Do you have something?"

"What do you mean if I have something?"

"I.. um..."

"I have a knife in my pocket but I don't know how to get it."

"Great. We'll find a way."

The next day morning,

"Aldric, Can I ask you something?"asked Riahna.


"What happens if we destroy Lesas?"

"The wrong becomes the right."

"You know I hate when you use philosophy at a situation like this."

"Um.... Lesas get's destroyed. Maybe his inner blood, the human blood can pop up. We don't know."

"What happens to the reality's?"

"The whole reality's will vanish. Everything... boom.. Gone!"

"Does using the Ragon vanish memories?"

"Well, your Dad, your Mom and everyone associated with it would go, yes that's true but I mean what's the worst to happen?"

"I don't know."

"You worried about this reality?"

"There's a lot of people here who got some hope of living a better life."

"It's an illusion. Don't make it trick your mind."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but you're so great at advise."

"Yeah, well kids learn I teach."

"I'm not a kid."

"Yes you are."

"Don't ever call me a kid."



"Kid, kid, kid, kid.."



"Shut up."

At the dining hall,

"Do you think I should work out more?"asked Aaron.

"Are you literally saying those words?"said Riahna.

"Well, I kinda look fat."

"God, now I know your mother's post."

"Hey. It's just a common question."

"It is not a common question."

"Come on just tell me if I look fat."

"What if I tell you Yes."

"You would brutally make me sad from the inner sidings of my body and my mind and I might get into a cardiac post where I would get a heartattack which will eventually make me hard to breath and maybe let me go to deep sleep rather called as 'Death'."

"Okaaaay and then No."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you."

"Hey, where you going?"asked Jaydon who got into the scene.

"Um.....Just a field trip."said Aaron.

"This doesn't look like a field trip."

"Ofcourse it's a field trip."

"Then tell me what kind of a field trip needs about 6 bags of weapons officially taken from the store room?"

"Um..... Riahna?"

"You guys are going to make the Ragon huh?"

"Look, It's different."said Riahna.

"How is it different?"


"What happens when all this goes after plan?"


"We die right? Just vanish from the universe and just go somewhere creepy?"


Jaydon just walked away without saying anything. Riahna thought about a second and ran after him.


"What, do you wanna talk about something like us dying in about a week."

"Hey, I hate to say this but you're a dips**t."


"I along with the people in that room are wiling to sacrifice ourselves for saving the world. So if you have to talk about this more and just babble about dying for doing something great like this. I suppose you shut up."

"You're really mean."

"Did that work?"


"Great! You okay?".

"Beside for the fact that you yelled at me.Yes"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You did your best.Can I come with you?"

"Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the greater good?"

"Pretty much I guess."

"You can come."

At afternoon,

"Hey, Mom wants to see you."said F. R.

"Adult talk."yelled Aaron.

Riahna went with her to the room and the queen was standing there with the king.

"Is it time to go?"asked the queen.

"There's about three hours to spare."

"I'm sorry that I didn't get to spend more time with you."

"It's nothing."

"You've grown up."


"Everything that I dreamt about you, it's really happening."

"You have a daughter for yourself and she's standing there talking nothing. You should help her, be with her and support her. I don't have any memory of you or your husband. You have a life of your own here, don't be sorry of you're not able to look after someone who's not really your problem. So, just don't feel sorry about this."

"I don't know what to talk."

"Well you can say that you'll try your best to be with the reality that really needs you."

"😄I'll be with the reality that really needs me."

"Riahna"called the king.

"Your majesty."

''Good luck with your adventure ahead. "

"You're cool."

"Well, You're me so..."


"Be safe."

"Just go you'll be okay"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much sure that I'll do okay."