
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Emotions are the weak spot of a person

Riahna started to look around as she knew that something was about to happen.She gave her heart and soul to her surroundings deeply so as to really concentrate to what was about to happen. Just then a single arrow came speed towards her and as she heard it coming towards her, she defended it by kicking it away within a small second at light speed. She stood to the ground making a dramatic pose and she felt happy for herself a she was able to defend it from killing her.The whole scene started to wear off and she was in the large room back where she started.She then heard a sound from behind and she saw that the arrow that she kicked away had hit on Aldric and that his body was bleeding like hell.

"Aldric!''said Riahna a she ran towards him. She fell over to the ground with her knees and she got hold of him before he even touched the ground.

"Aldric, Aldric!. You okay?talk to me man. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were here. ALDRIC! THIS ISN'T A JOKE ..... ALDRIC!!!"

Immediately Aldric opened his eyes and choked her neck real hard. She asked him to let go of her but he didn't hear to anything she said. She started to feel weak and weak. He took his hand from her as soon as she started to feel terrible. She fell over to the ground in pain and started to cough real hard.

"You let your emotions get past you. Don't ever do that."said Aldric.

"Don't ever... do that again."said Riahna as she took a heavy breath .

"You were never here. Your mind got weaker and weaker cause of emotions."

"You're the one to speak."


"You were willing to sacrifice for your great great grandson. So... to be frank, we're on the same page here.buddy."

"I'm training you to fight Lesas. He's powerful like hell right now and he knows how to trick your mind as if tou thunk that that's real."


"So if you're willing to stand by your emotions which will undoubtedly make you weak, then good luck losing to him."said Aldric as he walked past her furiously. Riahna looked at him walking away thinking about what she said and did.

At evening,

Riahna went over to the small hillside right next to the castle where she hoped that Aldric would be. As she hoped, she saw him sitting there staring at the sunset, peace and calm.

"Hey."called Riahna.


"So, I thought about what you said back there."


"I wanna show you something."

"Show me what?"

"Just wait for it."

Riahna used her powers to make an illusion of the past like the ones that he usually makes. She got him to a hospital where a baby was crying inside a crib whereas a lady was lying next to the bed with docters around her trying to give her an electrical shock to the heart to make her live past fate.

"Where is this?"asked Aldric.

"It's you, the baby in the crib, it's you. I tried to get to the records of American Janitor and I found it."

"Found what?"

"Where you were born to be exact."

"My past."

"Yep, your past. Back then you told me that emotions could make you weak. But what I didn't understand was that why would someone like you give any shit about it. So that gave a question away about how emotional your past where to you. So I went on a little adventure trip inside your mind. Lesas is not the only one who knows how to trick minds and get inside them."

"Well, I know it."..

"Yeah well come on man don't ruin my moment."

"Why did you do this?and how did you get into my mind right now?"

"Well, you know you're weakest spot is when you are eating."

"Wait what?"

"Oh, you didn't know that"

"Well.... um.... how.... how in the hell did you know my weak spot whereas I on the other point doesn't me myself."

"Well it's so easy to know someone's pressure point and someone's weak spot."

"You... you know.... you know my pressure point."


"Oh My God, you didn't tell me."

"Well no on would love a conversation about some guys or girls pressure point or a weak spot right?"

"You got into my mind when I was eating and what did you find?".

"The memory that I showed you now."


"I saw some things yeah."

"What did you see?"

"I'm not interested to talk about that now."said Riahna as she walked back.

"Riahna?... Riahna.... nothing that you saw in there is real okay? You know.... if.... if you saw something.....not to brag don't get into mind okay to explore or something. There's nothing inside it. Riahna.... Riahna do you hear me? I'm your trainer... Riahna!"

At the castle,

"Hey Riahna."called out Jaydon.

"Hey, what's up."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Am I dead in your reality?"

"Um.... Huh..... Um.... Can I know what's the matter?"

"No, just tell me if I'm actually dead in your reality."


"Riahna, I heard you and Aldric talk. This boy 'Jake ', Is he me?"

"You... you heard us talk huh? Okay here's the deal.".

"Oh my God. You were right. I am dead in your reality huh? I'm a ghost?"

"I can't say a ghost. You are real here, to me and to everyone. You're not some ghost or some dead person talking. Yes, the deal about Jake, it's real. You ARE him, you just have to accept that."

"I need to go."said Jaydon as he walked past her.

"Aaron?"called Riahna as she knew that he was eaves dropping on them.He slowly moved to get out of the situation but eventually got caught cause he stepped on a leaf right next to him.

"You make a terrible detective."said Riahna.

"Hey, didn't see you there."

"Aaron, did you tell him?"

"Well, he asked me."

"And you told him?"

"Well he insisted."

"God, you're such dope."

"Did it hurt him?"

"Truths can be painful sometimes but he'll be okay."

"Is it because of me?"