

<p>"Have you ever wondered why you were birthed ?<br/>Or why you are still existing?, what is your purpose...well, I have ...I do everyday ...<br/>I wish I could stop breathing,it's easier than killing yourself isn't it?"<br/><br/>HAZEL : Ria !, I can not believe the time has finally come for me to visit the human world<br/>***<br/>RIA: I don't see why you are so happy about it,humans are utterly disgusting, they don't think about anything else but themselves<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: coming from someone who has never been there or will ever go there {hazel scoffed}<br/>***<br/>"I walked away from the hallway and went straight to my room. Time for introduction...<br/>My name is Ria Venae Asmodeus..yes..yes , I know what you are thinking, my father is a demon lord, and I am his sixty seventh child, but lucky me... I am his favorite so that cut me some slack and earned me a few privileges the other children where denied of ... like the authority over the demon army in Gaya ( Gaya is a place In hell, I'll fill you in on that later)<br/>" I have the ability to fly and read minds , yup pretty basic and boring for a demon , compared to other demons who can do cool stuff like shape shifting, possessing people or objects, worse part is my father forbade me from learning how to fight, because I couldn't regenerate...<br/>you are probably Wondering why I'm like this ...My father had a thing with a human and they made a baby, that baby was me ...yup I'm not a full demon ,I'm a half demon . I have never seen or heard about my mother, my father never spoke about her ,he only told me she was human and that was the reason my powers had limits and as long as I was within the walls of Gaya I'll be safe ; like argh...you made me a general of an entire army and I can't even fight... that makes zero sense to me, now that I think of it , it's just a title he totally did it because he wanted to make me feel better and more of myself, since I really couldn't do anything other than sitting around and watching everyone do it for me , which is kind of fun ...but really I'm just a useless piece of shi...(knock knock)<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: I'm coming in { Hazel barged into my room} I'm sorry,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings<br/>" she came to apologize, wow... well Hazel is my fathers 34th child, my elder sister, the only one I'm close to... she is way way older than me , she is also very strong and powerful, I remember that one time when she killed over five thousand demons in one blow , she was so cool...but that was centuries ago, I was like a hundred and sixty four years old, still so young..."<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: Ria ! ,are you even listening? ( I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realize she was in my room) <br/>***<br/>RIA: my mother...( an akward silence followed my statement)<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: ( she cleared her throat and sat beside me on my bed ) what about her?<br/>***<br/>RIA: what happened to her? ( she held my hands and pulled me in for a hug, that's the closest I've ever been with my sister and she is my only friend)<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: I have no clue ( I broke away from our hug, but she still held my hands)<br/>***<br/>RIA : you should know something... anything...( my voice became very shaky) <br/>***<br/>HAZEL: some people did say father ate her ( and she started laughing, did she think this was a joke, because if It was I'm not laughing,I don't find it funny at all)<br/>***<br/>RIA : it's my mum,you don't think I deserve to know the truth ( I was trembling at this point,I felt this surge in my body and this rage coming from the pit of my stomach) last time I checked father was a slutful demon not a glutton ( I stomped out of my room, and she came after me)<br/>***<br/>HAZEL: Ria wait !! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it , I was just trying to help { luckily for me her boyfriend Nagas stopped her from chasing after me }<br/>***<br/>NAGAS: let her be, she needs time and space ,I'll have a word with her , just go back to your quarters okay,I'll catch up with you later<br/>{ then he started running after me, but I was long gone by then, surprised how he caught up so quickly}<br/>" I sat on the third floor of our castle balcony, everywhere,everything and everyone was dark , the sky was blood red , nothing like sunshine here in Gaya. It's like this every time of the day .<br/>Nagas is eight thousand years old, I have had feelings for Nagas for as long as I can remember, I mean what's not to like, he can transform into a snake completely or normal demon and take both forms at once , he also has supernatural strength, great sense of smell, flexibility, elasticity, agility... The list can go on for ages...Not to mention that his beauty is like no one else in hell... even Angels are threatened by his beauty except our one true master Lucifer... Anyways snake demons don't have horns in their demon form unlike regular demons like me and Hazel , the freaking thing just pops out of our foreheads anytime we take that form, not to mention it's hella painful,but not as painful as it will be when you will end up here...Ahhhh yes Nagas also posses the Dao sword , pretty cool right? ... His father is pretty cool too Vasuki king of the serpents of Laila, but it is a lower caste kingdom, because his father is not one of the seven demon lords ruling over hell.<br/>My father Asmodeus is the third demon king of lust in hell...out of the nine circles in hell,he is in charge of the second one which is the destination of the lustful and adulterous, basically anyone controlled by their hormones.<br/>Cleopatra and Helen of Troy were among it's famous residents back in the day but you can expect this place to be full of angsty teenagers and reality television stars by the time you arrive. This wonderful place is called Gaya, where I live.</p>

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