
Rhodia River: In the Stream of Love

Monica Silva wants to be a famous writer. Célio das Graças wants to be a powerful person to help people, and wants to get involved in politics to achieve his goals. Both have known each other since childhood, but the long life has transformed friendship into love. But when the two put their life goals at the forefront, can the love survive? In the reign of Royal Hill, get to know the lives of the residents of this residential neighborhood called Rhodia River. In it, a group of single friends move to this peaceful neighborhood in search of dream fulfillment: career, independence from parents, family, love, happiness. Adventure, romance, joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, friendship, betrayal, all this and much more you will find in "Rhodia River".

Anderson_Jose · Urban
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21 Chs

Miriam and Carlos will go out


Carlos gets in. Aurélio is putting more snacks in the showcase. 

Carlos speaks friendly, "I came here to see the diner where everyone talks."

"Hey, how are you, Chief?"

Carlos sits down, "I didn't come on an official basis. How much is that coxinha that looks great?"

"R$ 1.00."

"Complete with a soda can, please."

While Aurélio serves, he says, "Rarely do law enforcement officials speak 'please'."

Carlos laughs, "I know how to separate things. I didn't say 'please' when Monica was mugged this Monday."

"Were you the one who helped her? Poor little girl, dude, the girl was taking her manuscript to be tested by a publisher. She is trying to release a book of romance, love, things like that."

"Yes, the boy thought it was money."

"But to offer to help me here, nobody wants to, right?"

Carlos starts to snack, "Hmm... If I know of anyone interested..."

"Yeah... Not that I'm in need, but a little help is always welcome. And I always think that it helps the young man more than me."

"Sure. In my time at twelve or thirteen years old, we were already hunting for what to do. Our mothers were sorry; they only wanted us at school. Today's mothers have to push their children out of bed."

"And what about the Internet, which seems to be here to stay? For those who live in Downtown, Canongas, Tangamandápio, British Quarter... There is a fever. It's expensive and occupies the phone, what fun is it?"

"I hope it's more of a modernity used for good."

The door opens and Miriam and Sandra enter, laughing at something funny. Miriam recognizes Carlos from behind. 

Sandra nudges her and whispers, "Who is him?"

Miriam whispers too, "Those muscular backs belong to Carlos!"

"You remember, attack him outside the work environment!"

After this "advice", Miriam goes over to Carlos and sits down next to him. He sees her.

"Hello, Carlos? I didn't know you used to come here!"

"Neither does me. I'm just getting acquainted with Seu..."

"Aurélio, at your service," He turns to Miriam, "And what about you, miss? I already recognize you."

"Miriam. And I came with Sandra."

Sandra, already sitting at a table, rolls her eyes, it was not meant to say that.

Carlos tries to help, "So you better sit with her, I think you girls were talking."

Miriam realizes that she has stepped on the ball, "And when can I talk to you?" She tries to fix it.

Carlos looks at her and smiles slightly, "You know where you can find me."

Miriam wants something else, "We could vary the location."

Carlos is fast to reply, "I don't go to single ladies' houses."

Aurélio notices Miriam's distress. Everything goes wrong, "Invite the lady out, then! Isn't it Friday today? There's a pizzeria down there..."

"Would you accept it, Miriam?"

Miriam answers in controlled anxiety, "Yes, if you want it, I accept."

"I'll catch you at eight, then," He turns to Aurélio, "Sell me one more, it's very good!"

Miriam floats over to Sandra, both confidentially.

But Sandra warns her, "Girl, we need to practice these dialogues of yours!"

"Later, now let's talk about what I'm going to wear!"

The two vibrate quietly.


Ricardo emerges from the corridor and goes to the door, someone had knocked. He opens it and sees it's Luis. He enters, slightly anxious.

"Did someone follow you?"

"No, man," Luis answers, "So, a friend of mine referred me to you so I could get a job. The bills are coming, right?"

Ricardo remains serious, "Is it right? I don't know."

Awkward moment, Luis didn't even understand, "Well, I... What's the deal?"

Ricardo is haughty, "Schi... Like that..." he scratches his head, "The guys he sends me... Anyway, here's the thing. I work with a lot of things to sell. Do you know the fair that is just forming on the square on Sundays? There is a good place to start."

"Start with the..."

Ricardo goes to the shelf and takes something out. Reach out to Luis. In his hand, the cover of a cassette tape.

"Wow, we have a music producer here! Do you have tapes of Alanis Morrisette?"

Ricardo has no time for jokes, "Do you want to get the job or not?"

"Okay, okay, okay, man, don't be so mad. We just have to go to the neighborhood association to ask permission, leave—"

"It says 'permit'. And you are the one who will make it."

"How? I have no mon—"

Ricardo goes to a drawer and pulls it out, takes money, and gives it to Luis: Fifty notes.

"You are going to refund me with a percentage of sales, deal?"

Luis looks at the fifties and makes a decision. He tries to imitate the serious pose, "Deal closed. This Sunday we will start."

"Good to know, I'll get the tent."

Ricardo and Luis shake hands. Ricardo allows himself to smile slightly.


Célio and Cássio are walking through the streets, with more posters to paste. They are on another street, pasting each apart by a lamppost.

Célio asks, "Where were you earlier that I didn't see you after the snack bar?"

Cássio answers without care, "I went to have a love affair and Sandra asked me for a favor."

"What favor?"

"Ask Fábio if he—", he interrupts, "Nothing important."

Too late, Célio has already approached him, "Did you go down my street and visit my worst neighbor? It's now that you're going to tell me."

"Célio, I think it won't be good for a lot of people to know about this. It was a favor that Fábia asked for."

"What did this bitch ask for?"

"She asked—" He interrupts himself again, "So, you see, you keep confusing me and get what you want from me!"

"So I'll just tell you one thing, Cassio: when you start getting into trouble because of those favors of people who wouldn't even get along with us when we were kids, don't count on me! You're already an adult and you know what you're doing."

Célio moves away, to stick posters in more lampposts. Cássio shrugs.


Carina and Rosa talk animatedly. Sandra and Miriam come in. The visitors are not pleased with Carina's presence, but the girl does not notice the animosity. 

Rosa receives them, "Good afternoon, girls. How can I help you?"

Miriam is haughty, "I need to fix an outfit that I'm going to wear tonight on a date. You have a spool, right?"

Rosa is surprised by the question because stationery always has it. She takes a large case of different lines and colors and places it on the counter.

"Feel free to choose the color that matches your dress."

Miriam leans over to choose, "Ah, it won't be elegant; it'll be at the pizzeria down there. They say it's rocking."

"I haven't tried it yet", Rosa turns to Carina, "So, Carina, what did you say?"

"I said that I'll put all my effort and all my heart into the advertising that we are gonna do in favor of the police station."

Miriam drops the spool to the floor. Sandra takes it for her.

Rosa goes on talking with Carina, "Yes, they deserve it, especially, Chief Roldão."

"Good person, he is, right? I think I'm going to ask him if he would like to have his picture on the poster."

Miriam and Sandra exchange angry looks. 

Sandra intrudes, "Chief Roldão was just at the snack bar, Carina. I think this afternoon he will be doing an external round or something."

Carina replies, "Like he did when he saved Monica."

Miriam tests her, "If you want, Carina, I can ask you tonight if he will."

Carina asks innocently, "Ah, are you going to meet him at the pizzeria?"

Sandra holds a sarcastic laugh, and then pokes, "My dear, the date is with him!"

Carina has a strong reaction. She stares at Miriam. Carina is not reacting with jealousy, but that's what Miriam and Sandra's minds interpret. 

Rosa is just following the dialogue, "Have you chosen, miss?"

Miriam reacts mockingly, "Miriam. And now, this is it. I also want needles to stick in the machine."

"I'll seek to you."

Carina becomes bashful, "Better go, Rosa, we'll talk later."

"Bye, dear, you are going to bust this advertisement!"

While Rosa's back is turned, Sandra and Miriam exchange victorious looks. In the background, Carina leaves.


Carina has just left the stationery and walks around trying to understand what happened.

"Miriam was so weird with me... What did she want to say to me with that gaze? Was I supposed to be jealous? Did she need that long explanation?" She imitates Miriam's voice in mockery, "Thread to sew my clothes that I'm going to wear on a date tonight with Chief Roldão".

Without realizing it, she ends up stopping at the Cascais bakery entrance. Carina reflects and then decides to enter. She hoped to find someone.


Between customer gatherings, Jonas and Annie talk intimately. Jonas is giving bags of bread to his customers. Annie is beside him. When the last one leaves, Carina approaches.

"Hi, my friend, what about Monica?"

"She went to São Marcos John, precisely in Santo André. It seems that she will get a good price."

"And can I help you with anything?"

Jonas tells his girlfriend, "Make yourself at home, Annie. I'll receive from these customers who took the bread."

Jonas goes to customers who have lined up to pay. Annie and Carina go to a table.

Annie starts, "Can you tell me?"

"Annie, are you aware that Miriam is going to meet with Chief Roldão?"

Annie has her eyes out of her sockets, "Miriam? How did she do it?"

"I don't know! She was touting this to Rosa, I was at the stationery with her chatting, and then the two entered. Sandra was with her."

"How weird, do they talk like they're meeting Brad Pitt?"

Carina exclaims, "Exactly!"

"And what exactly does it bother you about?"

Carina takes a deep breath before answering, "I had a strange feeling... that Miriam was throwing me barbs."

Annie furrows her eyebrows, "Barbs?" 

"Yeah, like... she wants to make me jealous."

Annie is more and more confused, grimacing.