
Rhodia River: In the Stream of Love

Monica Silva wants to be a famous writer. Célio das Graças wants to be a powerful person to help people, and wants to get involved in politics to achieve his goals. Both have known each other since childhood, but the long life has transformed friendship into love. But when the two put their life goals at the forefront, can the love survive? In the reign of Royal Hill, get to know the lives of the residents of this residential neighborhood called Rhodia River. In it, a group of single friends move to this peaceful neighborhood in search of dream fulfillment: career, independence from parents, family, love, happiness. Adventure, romance, joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, friendship, betrayal, all this and much more you will find in "Rhodia River".

Anderson_Jose · Urban
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21 Chs

Double dating

Carina suspects Annie that Miriam is making her jealous of Carlos, for no reason.

Annie asks just for sure, "Are you sure you have no reason to be jealous of this meeting?"

Carina replies vehemently, "I'm sure, Annie! I'm not in love with Chief Roldão... Of course, he's a handsome man, I'm not blind, but the other one was talking and looking at me with a face... How she thought I was going to be bad with that?"

Annie meditates, "I don't know what Sandra is doing in that scene."

"She was helping her friend get ready. What do I do, Annie?"

Annie is moved by Carina's concern. The two girls take each other's hands. Annie smiles sweetly.

"Just now, Seu Aurélio said he would like to have both of us as his daughters because we are sweet, cute, and delicate. And we really are, my friend! I assume with pride."

Carina gets touched, "I wanted to give him that painting and he insisted a lot to pay it."

"And Seu Aurélio also reminds me of Dad. The feeling is mutual. He feels this need to protect us because we are very feminine. And that is why, friend, we must unite against people who interpret our sweetness for foolishness."

"Are you thinking about...?"

Annie decided, "Let no one make a fool of us just because we are sweet, dear! Who is this Miriam thinking she is?"

Jonas approaches that point, "Do I serve you anything, Carina?"

"Thank you, Jonas, I'm full. But, if you take me four rolls to take home..."

"Honey, I couldn't help but listen while serving the customers... And you're right. Sometimes I worry, too. You and Carina are the people that pyramid scheme sellers fall on."

Annie laughs, "And it's becoming fashionable, right? Well, I have you, Jon. Shall we help our friend here?"

"Sure!" Jonas pulls out another chair, "What should we do?"

The three start talking seriously.


Luis enters, walking slowly, noticing the empty spot, disorganized even with the few pieces of furniture that existed. From his vision, he finds Tito working on an Olivetti typewriter. Luis is amazed at the situation.

"Excuse me, Tito... Mr. Aguiar..."

"Hello, young man! Get closer. How can I help you?"

"I'm new to the neighborhood, and I need a little job to help with the bills..."

Tito has his eyes fixed on the machine, "Well, son, unfortunately, our Association doesn't have an employment agency yet."

Luis is all confused, "N-no, you didn't understand me... I have the idea of ​​a job; I just came to tell you... I'm going to work at the market that you have on Sundays and I came to ask for permission."

"Did you come to get your license? Very well, we need to have some organization. I'll only finish with this sheet."

Tito types quickly and without errors. At least, one thing he knows how to do. When he finishes, he takes out the sheet, checks it, smiles slightly, and then sets it aside.

"That's what I'm going to say on Saturday at the meeting. Are you coming?"

Luis stutters, "O-Of course."

Luis is amazed to see Tito open a desk drawer, take out his permit document, and put it in the machine, to type it too. Tito goes on talking without realizing it.

"I need your documents, address, and the fee to release you. Then I include you in the register with the others. If we continue like this, our fair will become as famous as Conjunto Lydialândia."

"At the fair of Conjunto Lydialândia, they do the Oktoberfest. Do we also?"

Tito jokes, "We do the 'November party'."

Laughter with no sense of Tito and Luis, the two deserve each other.


Sandra is checking Miriam's attire; she wears a reformed pink blouse and jeans, modeling her body favorably. Sandra approves of the look.

"Girl, you're going to rock! If the sheriff doesn't fall in love with you, then he's gay."

Miriam is laughing but alarmed, "Turn that mouth over there, friend! He is very, very manly, to exude all that authority as a policeman!"

"Way of saying, dear. I'm sure everything will be all right."

Miriam picks up makeup and begins to produce make-up in the mirror that is on one of the wardrobe doors.

"It was very good that we gave a warning to that chick, right?" Miriam asks with a mischievous smile.

"Did she receive it with some shock, or was it my impression?"

"It wasn't your impression. She was jealous. She thought she was going to win over Carlos with just that dead-fly face; until I, Miriam Abreu, came on the scene and I said I went ahead of her. Now I have to check on Monica on this one story."

"Later, right, honey? Now you have to focus on having fun."

Miriam speaks dreamily, "I'm already imagining exchanging the first kiss of love..."

Sandra, without Miriam noticing, rolls her eyes with boredom, revealing the type of "friend" she is.


Monica opens the door and enters, tired of the trip she made to San Marcos John. She comes in with envelopes of letters in hand; she has looked at her mailbox. She collapses on the sofa and takes off his shoes carelessly. She takes a deep breath.

"How hard it's to help the world..."

She starts analyzing the mail. She passes and leaves aside what seems to be some bills. The latter made her more interested, the quality of the envelope was superior, and it had a timbre. Monica smiles and deduces that it's from the publishing house where she sent her book. She settles on the sofa, excited, opens the envelope, takes the letter, and reads it avidly.

"Dear Monica Silva: We wrote this letter to inform you that we are very grateful for having sent your manuscript to the publisher, but at the moment, we are not interested in the publication of your—"

Monica reacts shocked and disappointed, with the feeling of defeat and uselessness. Tears begin to well up in her eyes.

"I sent it on Monday and they wrote on Tuesday; that is, they didn't even read it properly!"

She hears Célio's voice, "Monica!"

Monica wipes her tears and gets up, not noticing that she still has the letter in her hand. She opens the door and Célio enters, noticing his countenance.

"Monica, what happened?"

"Nothing, Cé."

Célio analyzes her, "You look like you've been crying. You haven't cried like that since I bothered you when we were kids."

Monica smiles and gestures for Célio to sit. He does it.

"You are right, friend. But, it's nothing so serious," She also sits down, "I was rejected by the publishing company where I sent my book."

"Bastard guys! What's the name of this publisher? I'm going there tomorrow—"

Monica laughs, touched, "Oh, Cé, it's not a big deal! These publishers receive hundreds of books every month and they need to choose only a few to be published. Unfortunately, I wasn't chosen. But, no problem, I'm writing another one, and—"

Célio firmly insists, "No way, Monica! You're gonna release this first book, let's do things with the method. It can't be that bad. Where's it, do you have a copy?"

Monica reacts in surprise, "Do you want to read my book?"

"Not my type, but everything for you, Monica."

Monica gets much admired, gets up, and goes to the computer desk. She pulls out a drawer and takes another packet of sheets. It should have almost a hundred pages, but Célio accepts the book anyway.

"Thank you very much, Célio. So, did you come here to tell me something?"

"I wanted to know how your trip to the printing press did."

Monica takes something out of her pants pocket and hands it to Célio, "Here, this is their budget. I think we have to see other options tomorrow, although this one swore it was the cheapest."

Célio reads skeptically, "Hmm... Everyone says they are the cheapest, and the most expensive comes with the argument of quality. Don't worry, Monica. Focus on your book that tomorrow I'll make the trip."

Monica feels truly grateful.


In the pizzeria, there is some gathering of customers delighting in pizzas, according to the advertisement, made with the same affection as in Italy. Although most of the clients are in the family, there are also couples enjoying the moment to date. The door opens, and Fábio and Fábia Peres pass through it. The two are in branded clothing; they overshadow too many customers.

Fábio guides his girlfriend, "This way, Fábia."

"Where's that maître d who just serves to accompany us and ask if we've made a reservation?"

Fabio glances impatiently at his girlfriend, "You're watching a lot of movies, woman! It's just a simple neighborhood restaurant; let's go before more people arrive."

Fábia mumbles, "Oh, how much lack of glamor..."

Fábia Peres and Fábio choose a table and sit down. She is looking at the surroundings and he already looks at the menu. A boy acting as a waiter with a general Italian phenotype approaches them. Fábia widens her eyes with the "bello ragazzo".

"What will you want?"

Fábio gets bothered by the beauty of the waiter, "What is the difference between you, my comrade?"

"Our pizzas have a filling on the edge; they are not dry like the Brazilian ones, and with no ketchup or mayonnaise."

Fábia gets excited, "See, honey? Here we are really in the Alps!"

"This is Swiss, lady." The waiter corrects her.

Fábio looks at Fábia and she looks down. He returns to the menu and chooses a certain flavor with his finger. The waiter takes note.

"Very good choice, signore. What about what are you going to drink?"

Fábio gets impatient, "Go coca!"

The waiter feels the combination strange and leaves. Fábia doesn't even disguise that she is watching the guy walk. 

Fábio questions, "Did you say, love?"

"I said we should go to this place more often!"

"I thought pizza was not a popular food for women. There's cheese, fattening... You know; something to be eaten once every two months?"

Fábia Peres hasn't got it yet, "So we will mark March as our next date here.

Fabio puts his hand on his glabella. Then, back to the door, Carlos and Miriam enter.

"Look at the smell! It already made my belly growl."

"Yeah, let's choose a table," Carlos says.

The two choose a table away from Fábio and Fábia, they don't even see them. 

Carlos takes the menu, "I'll look soon. How about... 'capricciosa'?"

Miriam misinterprets the name of the pizza flavor: "They must care. Come on, it will be an unprecedented experience for me."

Carlos smiles at her, "And what we will drink?"

"Let's go Baré!"

Carlos gives the famous laugh. Miriam was amazed at finally giving him a reason to laugh like that. She says in thought, "Finally he laughs like that for me. You're doing it, Miriam, go for it!"

Miriam remains stunned at the meeting.