
Rhesus: The Erethreal Gladiator

Rhesus, a rebellious gladiator slave starts a revolt against his master. In its aftermath, he finds out the supernatural is real. Manius is furious after escaping the onslaught and vows revenge on Rhesus with help from the powerful witch Sergia, but will she help him, or Rhesus?

Mel_McPix · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 7

Manius was waiting impatiently for the street guards to remove the last of the corpses from his villa. He hated that he would have to attend most of their burials. The one he especially wanted to avoid was that of his wife. How he hated her. Already, several of her family members requested his presence.

Her parents already paid him a visit and voiced their disgust in him, at his incapacity to protect their daughter while obviously preserving himself. Manius despised sitting there digesting their words. He wanted to smack her father across the face with the back of his hand.

Once they were finished chiding him, they began to discuss final arrangements for their daughter, his wife, Iulia. It was to be a lavish farewell. Manius was expected to pay for it all, that was made quite plain to him. After that, he didn't hear much of what they were saying. Sweat was now running down his face and he was doing everything within his ability not to erupt at them.

Just then, the street guards interrupted the assemblage, with the news that they captured several house slaves and one of the gladiators. Manius tried laboriously to stop the smile that was beginning to edge up the corners of his mouth, "This is good news. Mother and Father of most precious wife Iulia," he said in a formal fashion, "I will leave you to attend to the punishment of those responsible for your daughter's untimely departure. I trust you both to make fitting final arrangments." and with that, he left, following the street guards.

As he was walking with the street guards to the Consul he let his imagination run wild with the tortures he would apply to the defiant slaves. He imagined slitting throats, roasting testicles still attached to the body, slicing off fingers and toes, and many other delights.

While standing outside the Consul waiting to be seen, a woman walked by him, the likes of which he had never seen. She was a common plebeian, that he could see by the way she was dressed and by the basket of goods she was carrying, but that is where the ordinary ended. She had radiating ginger tresses bound into a mass by cords that cascaded down her back. Her deep, hypnotizing, sapphire eyes curtained by a forest of dark lashes could easily enslave any man. She was a young woman with a tiny frame, yet revealing perfect feminine curves. She was probably not yet twenty years, but he didn't care about that. He needed to meet this woman.

He excused himself from the street guards, saying he needed to use the bathroom. Then he quickly caught up to her on the street. She was shopping at one of the street markets.

"I wouldn't buy any clothes here," he said while looking intently, "there are much nicer clothes in the shops near the Consul."

She turned to look at him, "The clothes in those shops are too costly."

She looked up into his eyes. He felt God smacked by her beauty. "They are not too costly for me. I'd be happy to buy you a whole wardrobe of new clothes."

"You are very kind, but I can't accept an offer like that." she squirmed, now feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you already promised to someone?" he asked, afraid she would say yes.

"No, I just don't know why a stranger would do such a thing," she rubbed her hands together in front of herself nervously, "I should get back to my mother's street market. She probably needs my help now." She made a gesture in the direction she needed to go.

"I'll escort you safely then." he smiled, as he walked with her, placing his hand on the small of her back temporarily to guide her. It sent a shiver down her spine. It wasn't that Manius was physically unpleasant, but she felt as though he was trying to buy her.

"I'd love to know what name belongs to such a radiant beauty as yourself?" he queried with a smile.

"Mintha Flaccus, and yours?" as she raised a brow.

"My name is Manius Livianus. It's a pleasure to escort such a heavenly beauty, Mintha." he offered his arm, and she hesitantly took it.

They walked about a city block to where Mintha's mother was selling vegetables."I think this young lady belongs to you." Manius stated.

"Has she caused some trouble?" Mintha's mother stopped what she was doing, waiting for a response.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to make sure she was delivered safely back to her lovely mother." he lied, with a charming smile.

"My name is Manius Livianus, a pleasure to meet you. You have some very fine selections here." he looked around her market stand, but he was talking about Mintha more than the produce.

"I'd love to make a purchase and have it delivered to my villa." He said.

"We don't normally deliver purchases." She glared, thinking he was now pompous.

"Not even if I buy all of it?" he quizzed, hoping to have the possibility to see Mintha again or at least to proposition her parents, and to boast of his wealth.

"Well, if you are buying all of it, we can certainly entertain the prospect of delivery." her eyes were wide with surprise and excitement.

"Great, then it is settled. And who exactly am I buying from?" as he picked up an olive, popping it in his mouth.

"My name is Calliope, and you have already met my daughter Mintha," she responded.

"Is there a Mister Calliope?" he quipped.

"My husband, Jove, is selling in the north today." She said.

This disappointed Manius because he knew it would be much easier to take Mintha as his own from a poor widow, but his wealth should be enough to impress the father. It just meant he would have to impress them both with a few meals at his villa. Once he had Mintha, he could cut them out of the picture.

"Very well then. I shall see you both later. Perhaps I can order more, and have more deliveries in the future?" he said.

This made Calliope smile from ear to ear. "Absolutely."

"I am off to attend to some business then," he stated, "I'll be waiting for my delivery later."

Manius was consumed with thoughts of Mintha. Absorbed with thoughts of ravaging her body and making her his. He had to shake the notion. He had things to do.

He returned to the Consul, and they were ready to see him. There before him stood three house slaves, two ragged women, and an elderly man. There was also one of his gladiators.

"What would you like to do with them? Do you want them crucified along the streets?" the Consul asked.

"Oh, what would I like to do to them?" he thought shamelessly.

"No, I'd like to take them with me and delve out the punishment myself," he stated "this is a very personal matter. My wife was murdered."

"Very well, as you wish." the Consul said, motioning the street guards to take the prisoners and follow Manius.

Manius took them to his Ludus, a training camp for gladiators, instead of the villa. The guards shackled the prisoners to a wall and left.

He turned to the slaves, an enormous twisted grin edged his lips.

"Let the games begin." He laughed.

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