
The Stalker

So we were just chilling at home when I felt that weird feeling again, I was no fool. I knew when I was being watched.

    I decided to take a bit of a shot in the dark and left the house for a while. After walking a ways, I decided that I couldn't find him at all, no matter how much I looked. That was when I first started suspecting that he was like me. That he was different from other people. That he was not...  A human.

"Is he onto me?" Thought Kei as he watched Oliver. "No. He couldn't be, he's just a kid." With that last thought he left Oliver's mind and went back to his body. "Whew, still not used to that..." He said as he left.

Kei and Tyler closed their eyes. Then opened them when Oliver opened his. "Tyler, do you see?" "Yes Kei, I see it."

"Good. We will need to know where he will be and when. Otherwise it's our heads that will be on the chopping block, not his. He appears to not fully understand his power... That means we need to strike fast, understand?"

"Very well Kei. I'll send agent black after him in a few days time."

"Make it quick. Something about this boy is unsettling to me..."

"Understood, sir"

The two woke from their trance and went back to Malums main base.

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