
chapter 3 - Train before you want to fly.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


Location - New York | 10 PM

After, after everything had calmed down, I returned flying calmly through the darkness of the night towards my house, it had been a very good first impression I have to admit, at this moment I was more worried about what awaited me with 'May'

"If she discovers that I am thinking of going out at night to fight criminals, she will surely have a heart attack."

I said with a slight smile, it would be better to keep it a secret I was increasing the speed but I never expected what happened next.


The sound that marked the beginning of my transformation as well as the end, suddenly gave me transformation while I was still in the air.

"Eh? ...." When I was able to get out of the surprise I realized that I was plummeting at high speed.

"What the hell!."

I tried in every possible way to transform myself again, but it was useless, nothing happened, what was worse, my body did not respond at all I felt exhausted, without any other remedy, I just closed my eyes I crashed directly against a wall, bouncing towards a garbage container.








"What have you done !."

I replied as I came out of the garbage container there were many suspicious substances, I did not want to know what they were so I just finished leaving, shaking my body trying to remove the garbage from it.

"Can't I transform? I seem to be reaching my limit."

Immediately I started to think, I had not previously realized the danger I was running, either because I am not used to transformation at all or the fact that I did not know how to fight it was very obvious that I had a limit, also adding that in my previous life only ran from fights is like trying to run the first year, definitely needed training

"I need to learn, Martial arts .."

I said to myself as I started to walk, towards the apartment in this way it took me another hour to get there, it takes another hour to say that May gave me a big reprimand, she seemed very scared so after trying to calm her I went up to take a well-deserved bath and later rest.

A week later.

I got up very early in the morning, after having breakfast I grabbed my backpack with speed, it was clear that I was in a hurry.

"Peter, where are you going so early on a Saturday?"

"I have a project to do! I'll be back in a few hours May !."

Without saying more I ran out of the place, where she can go they are probably wondering because it was hyperactive that she learned to peel, the first step for the total change in her life and she knew just where to do it.

In the distance, while I was running between the avenues, dodging the people who saw me with surprised faces and the occasional saying nothing Christian words, I had finally reached my destination I stopped to catch my breath seeing the sign in front of me that He said.

Chikara Dojo

This is just where the martial arts teacher better known as 'Colleen Wing' gave classes, even though she knew it was for the Hand, it was still the best option, it was also the place where the plot of the Iron Fisk series would take place, this I certainly put a smile on my face.

After leaving my thoughts, I entered the Dojo the classes had already begun, several boys a little older than me were grouped, making agile movements with their bodies, at first glance they could seem great but before my eyes, they were like in slow motion, In front of them was a beautiful girl of Asian appearance of average height, tied black hair, dressed in a white fighting doji.

You could see with the naked eye the incredible body that she had through the Doji, without a doubt Dany Rand would be very lucky, when she looked up, connecting her eyes with mine, I smiled slightly

"Hi! Can I help you? .." She said with a slight smile, as she made me arrange her hair.

"Eh?... If the truth is that I came to ask about the classes."

"Oh! Well, the classes are from Monday to Saturday there are 3 different ranks, the Advanced have their class in the morning from 7 to 11, the middle grade from 12 to 4 and the beginners from 5 to 8 the payment fee it is 1,500 a month plus the fee for the equipment if you want to buy your own. "

While she was explaining I could feel her gaze, she was scanning me up and down probably to know my attitudes or if she already had my own experience I just limit myself to listening.

"I understand, in that case, I would like to pay both fees and be able to stay and watch the classes for today."

Widened her eyes in surprise

"I have no problem with you staying but are you sure?"

I nodded "Yes I'm sure Sensei Colleen."

This brought out a slight smile on the girl's lips, I had to admit that she looked very cute smiling, after paying the registration fee I went to the locker room to accommodate the beginner Doji then calm down I'm sorry I took a lotto position seeing the class that was being taken at the moment, they were those of the advanced course, their movements were without a doubt someone advanced, but they were still nothing before Colleen's ability

My eyes were fixed on every movement that came out of them, recording Even the smallest detail was like a golden eagle watching over its prey from the air every flexion of joints or tension in the muscles, it was acutely watched by my sight, I also have to admit you must in when I looked at sensei colleen's butt.

Some of the disciples of the advanced class looked at me with a certain mockery in their eyes, you don't have to be a genius to know that they considered me a weak effeminate because of my appearance, on the contrary, the girls saw me differently, the hours continued to pass until that the class finally ended, during that period I did not move at all Colleen you must in when she directed my eyes I could notice a slight smile, apparently, I never hope that she will take this seriously.

When everyone started to leave there was one who stared at me, not very friendly I did not want to pay attention so I ignored her seconds later, colleen I did it.

"So? What did you think? .."

I got up "Hmmm? Well if I had to say something I would say that it was very revealing it would certainly be difficult to oppose, the students of the advanced class."

He laughs slightly. "Well, without a doubt you are a good observer, you don't have to feel less little by little, you can achieve the same thing, I'll take care of that."

As he listened to her he was walking to the front of the cotton pad that was on the ground.

"I have no doubts about that sensei apart from being very cute she is very good at martial arts." After saying this I got into the attack position, shown by the previous disciples.

"May l?."

I asked with a slight smile I could tell that a small smile was drawn on Colleen's face, she was surprised but at the same time, she wanted to see what she was capable of.

"Very good if you insist you can show me your current abilities." smiled

«This Boy is very daring. Is he trying to achieve the movements of the advanced class?

that is too pretentious it shows that he has no prior knowledge, some limits cannot be broken so easily, perhaps, are you trying to show off to gain my attention? »

While Colleen was thinking this in the center, I kept my eyes closed, letting a few seconds pass, inside me I felt something strange I could notice the previous movements all were recorded in my head, thanks to Peter's photographic memory when I opened my eyes I began to follow the patterns of movement to the letter immediately my body began to move with grace and fluid, blows and kicks of great difficulty were perfectly developed, even though I could not match the disciples in skill my movements were not at all beginner.

This left Colleen wide-eyed who was seeing everything in a state of shock, she knew she had no martial training, then how? her sight was not wrong it was the first time this boy learned martial arts this was not possible who the hell was this boy

On the other hand, I was also surprised, one thing is to be able to decode and understand the concepts of the movements but quite another to be able to do them without practice, this perhaps was because it was not my body this body belonged to Peter and Dany is aware of both, I mean, this was their ability, this added to Peter's incredible perception resulted in a monstrous combination.

When I finished doing the movements, I sighed to try to relax a little.

"How did I do it, Colleen Sensei?" I said while looking at her.

She still kept looking at me in shock "Eh? .. yes. I think I already know the answer but I need to ask you this. Is it the first time you practice martial arts?"

I nodded "Yes."

She suddenly began to laugh softly, in her mind an idea was being born she began to see me differently and not as the fragile boy who wanted to learn to defend himself, well in theory if he wanted to learn to defend myself but not from simple people if not from a higher level, much higher.

"This took me by surprise I admit you impressed me .." She replied as she walked to the center-right in front of me.

"Really? In that case that makes me happy."

"My interest is piqued! How about we find out your current limit to find out where I have to start teaching you !." After saying this she smiled.

Raise my eyebrow with interest

"You are challenging me to a fight sensei," I said with a smile.

Her smile became more noticeable.

"That's right, as a martial artist and as your future teacher it is impossible that you have not piqued my interest unless you are afraid in that case I can understand."

The latter was like a blow to my pride after all I was a superhero, or well that was trying to be in any case understands the essential.

"Very well I'm sure I can't beat him, but I bet I can hit him. "

"Oh? ... You sound very confident if you can't make it you will have to clean the dojo as punishment." A cunning smile touched her lips.

"Okay, it's a deal, but I can hit her." I stared into her eyes I knew he was crazy for doing this but there was no going back, it was also exciting.

"She's going on a date with me!"

Come on, I was a boy trapped in the body of a strange combination of two people, both first-rate geniuses but still virgins to die, adding to that gives a rare and very sad coincidence, and I always liked them older I have a new opportunity in a world I was a fan of so why be shy?

I could see that it caused surprise in her, by the way, she looked at me she was arguing in her mind whether it was correct or not but I could know her answer when I saw that mischievous smile again.

"Okay, I accept the conditions .."

When the words ended the environment became somewhat heavy, all my concentration was shot at her in the slightest of movements this fight would begin, without waiting any longer I threw my body forward in a small burst of speed I tried to use my right leg in a turn to sweep her legs but was cleverly dodged by her before I knew it a kick was aimed at my face at high speed, I was able to dodge it by the natural reflexes of the body throwing my upper part back I turned my body to compose myself quickly.

This time it was she who took the initiative moving forward, too fast towards my torso she was looking to do a knockdown by taking my right arm before she finished applying her force I could give me how much luck, I anchored my left foot quickly on the front of her left leg in a padlock preventing me from getting up, when she realized that I had blocked it I was trying to make another quick movement, but unfortunately I was faster than her being in that position I took advantage of using my bodyweight together with my super strength I grabbed her waist with Both hands, and I threw myself back, taking her with me, we both turned on the ground until we were on top of her, I managed to grab her hands, when I looked forward I could realize it.

Our faces were very close inevitably I could see part of her chest that protruded through the Doji, her breath blew in my face for brief seconds, we looked at each other, seriously shit that was beautiful there were a few seconds in which I lost myself


There was no way I could get out of it, not at the moment I tried to crawl but I could not get away, in the end, it released me.

"Get up this isn't over yet," I reply with a smile.

Little by little I got up, I kept my arm held by the pain I felt at that moment, even so, I was also smiling.

Everything started again, only this time we both threw consecutive blows, she could stop mine without effort but I received most of it, the difference in levels was immediately noticeable, I knew this, I knew that I was at a disadvantage, I was just waiting and patiently holding for an opportunity as if it were a hook, this one came not long after under his guard so I bet everything for everything in one shot

I anchored my feet tightly to the ground preparing to jump into spring with force I lifted my body off the ground looking for his face, what I never expected was to see his foot dangerously close to my face there was no way to avoid that in the air, seconds later I could raising the impact on my cheek my face turned violently to the side, she thought she had won but that was a mistake.

Never stop trying what I had in mind my leg as a whip advanced with force and power colleen

She was surprised by this, she moved her face back by pure reflex avoiding all the impact but not the scratch of the blow.


Without my body hitting the ground, cotton was violently defeated.

"This boy .." she did not do so well after receiving the blow from the blow she felt the force of it, making her lose her balance momentarily as she looked at the boy on the ground, she brought her hand to her face with a weak smile. his hand


Blood had flowed from her nose, she laughed slightly in surprise, it seemed that for the first time in her career, she had encountered some kind of genius in martial arts.

"Nothing bad."

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