
Rewritten Misfortunes

She's lived a life of misfortunes once. In pity, the gods have given her another chance. A chance to rewrite misfortunes into fortunes. — Disclaimer: Full credits to the artist, the cover picture doesn't belong to me.

legitsian · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

The flash of a blade cut through the air, just barely missing her face. A few dark strands scattered in the light wind. If it hadn't been for her abnormal senses, it would've been a critical hit. But it was futile. Incompetent humans who couldn't conceal their overflowing murderous intent.


A base full of allies turned enemies and at its center, their sole target—Serial Zero. Calm and unfazed. It irked them, sending a trail of chills down their spines in sudden fear. How could someone be this calm and unfazed when they're about to face death?

That blank expression. Those uncomfortable lifeless eyes. As if she had expected all of this from the beginning. Impossible. Everything was planned out long before she was created. There's no way she should've known about their plans.

How foolish. A bunch of bastards who still underestimate the limits of the very being they created to perfection, standing right in front of them. They knew of her capabilities, yet they still believe they're superior? Really, it's fucking stupid.

One by one they fell. Surprised and in disbelief. This wasn't the outcome they had intended to happen. It was supposed to be the other way around. Taking advantage in numbers and overpowering the single target. Yet, they were played like fools to their very last breaths. An obvious trap they should've expected and foreseen, but ignored due to their arrogance and confidence.

Remaining at the center's space, Serial Zero stood unscathed and glanced around. The pool of crimson branched out across the floor, connecting each and every fallen body. Like a family tree, except it had mangled corpses instead of names decorating its pathways.

"Zero?" A quiet whisper to the heavy silence. He stood at the entrance, face drained of all color, and eyes wide.

She turned his way. A cold breeze welcomed his presence with a shiver. "Ah." Serial Zero looked around the room once more before meeting his eyes. "You weren't supposed to be here."

His breath hitched. Insides twisting at the filthy sight of the rotting dead who were beyond recognition. Vile is brewing in the deepest pit of his stomach and it wants to rush out, but he withheld the urge.

"Sorry about the mess." Serial Zero shakes the blood off her hands. "I'll clean it up."

Did she have no sympathy? Of course not. Why would she? Afterall, this is her life's purpose. An artificial weapon used to kill and only kill.

She kicked the lifeless figures aside like ragdolls as she walked towards him with a hardened expression. He's the only one she's ever allowed herself to be vulnerable and honest to. "What a fool I was. To believe them until the end."

"A fool indeed."

Confused with his monotone reply, her mouth moved to speak but faltered. A harsh fit of coughs stuffed into dirtied hands. A new color painted them and dripped down the side of her lips. Blue. Blue blood. She was bleeding. Serial Zero stared in shock as she trembled to the floor from the sudden weakness. Pain cut through her mind, fire burned within.

"W-What.." She was completely fine just earlier when she took care of those bastards. None of them were quick or strong enough to even land a scratch.

Then it dawns upon her. There is only one other individual who could.

Serial Zero lifted her head slowly. "You—" Another round of coughs attacked her lungs before she could question the silent man. But she didn't need to after seeing the look in his eyes, all knowing and apathetic.

He turned away. A hand hiding half of his face as he bent slightly and his body shook. For a second, she thought he was in pain from the realization of what he'd done and regretted it at the last moment. But reality is cruel. Instead of facing her with sadness and guilt, a smile danced on his lips with a breathy chuckle.

"The drink." He confessed. "It was the drink I gave you."

The water canteen, she remembered. She drank it earlier while they were on their way to the reported scene. The weird taste didn't escape her senses, but she didn't think much of it. Because why would she? She never doubted him.

"I apologize Serial Zero, but this is the end. You're too strong for us to handle now."

[ And yet, you all created me with that very thought in mind. An unstoppable being who brings destruction and tears down the very light they feared. ]

She struggled to speak. A short, shaky breath. "T-Then.. What a-about us..?"

The question made him laugh. "There never was an us." His grim gaze tore through her scarred heart. "We planned this all from the start in case we had to eliminate you in the future."

"Ah.." Her eyes stung with tears she refused to shed.

To find out the man she loves and cares for to be nothing more but a false truth broke her entirely. Someone she faithfully and loyally believed in and trusted. The one stream of light within the dark abyss she wandered.

"So.." Serial Zero coughed. It's becoming harder to talk. The immense pain is growing and taking its toll on her limited time. "You've n-never.."

"No." The only answer she truly needed.

He never once felt the same warmth she did. It was a lie. A mistake she made from the beginning and should have never done. Serial Zero knew better then. She knew it was better to avoid the irrelevant humans because she wasn't one of them.

But he tried so hard. Protecting her from the harsh words. Acting like he cared unlike everyone else who treated her terribly. A false sense of security. She fell for it. She fell for him.

His expression is no longer soft and warm. The love she once saw vanished. Replaced by the very look everyone shared when looking at her, a filthy beast no better than the dirt below their soles.

Anger took over and she took action. Serial Zero tries to hold the hidden dagger steady in her hand's loose grip and flicks it towards the target. She's never missed a shot. This one is no exception as the thin edge pierced through flesh. His pained grunt is a melody to her ears.

An eye for an eye. If she's going down, he is too.

The last thing she sees before it all fades to nothing was an unreadable look on his face.

I hope you all enjoy reading this story!

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