
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Unexpected News for Jasmine

In Glasgow, Scotland...

In the discussion suddenly a phone call comes to Evan. It's from Jasmine Nemesis. Evan picks up the phone and Starts to talk with her. Over the phone Jasmine is angry likewise anytime volcano will be explode. On the phone Jasmine is complaining him because of being disrespected.

" Mam calm down and tell me plz what kind of disrespectful thing did my group towards you? "

" When your group came to investigate my house they also planted micro cameras inside my house. "

" What? " says Evan. He is shocked. How did she get to know that the micro cameras were secretly installed in her house. Because the cameras are not simple cameras. They are invisible micro chips. Evan understands that of course Jasmine is not an ordinary woman.

" Excuse me mam. May be you are mistaken. Why my men will do such work "

" What the.... Do you think I am telling lies to you? Look Mr Kevin I have a proof that your men did this disrespectful thing towards me " says Jasmine with much anger.

" Proof.....what kind of proof " Evan is nervous.

Jasmine sends him a video. It's a CCTV footage. In the footage it shows clear that his men were planting cameras there. And her personal bodyguards found those cameras with special radioactive camera ditector. Evan has nothing to say. He politely says sorry and he also says that he is really ashamed for being such careless.

" Look Mr Kevin You are the best PI of Paris and that's why I gave personally you this task. But I am sorry I have to take back the case from you "

" No no plz I am extremely sorry for this unexpected situation. But as you know I am the best so give me a 2nd chance. This time me and my team won't let you down. "

Jasmine agrees with this promising words of Kevin ( Evan) and allow him to continue with the mission.

Evan is disappointing on Erickson. He informs him about these and Erickson apologises to him. Evan warns him to do the work properly.

Leon informs that the attacker is not coming out or doing anything. It's annoying suspicious so his force are going to check into his ( the attacker) House. Evan also agrees with this. Everything suddenly is going out of control.

Next morning, Paris, France....

Jasmine is trying to call Melchidech but the call is not connected. What the hell is happening!!! Why that damm guy switch off his phone. Jasmine is even thinking that why the group of PI planted cameras inside her house. Are they suspecting her? Did they know? No no no that's impossible. But Melchidech is missing. Something is definitely wrong. At that time a maid come and says that Mrs Fawzia Orlando has come with her daughter Urvashi Orlando. Jasmine is surprised. Why at this time her father's wife along with her daughter has come to meet her. Jasmine goes to the drawing room to meet with them.

Jasmine says hello to them and tells them to have seat.

" How are you Jasmine? " asks Urvashi.

" Fine. How about you? "

" Yep you know that I am always fine "

" We don't have such time Jasmine. Just come here to give you a nice news " says Mrs Fawzia Orlando.

Jasmine becomes curious to know the news.

" what is it? "

" My daughter Urvashi is getting engaged with Prince Aaron with the willingness from both families "

What? How can this happen? Jasmine is seriously shocked. She never thought that her mother figure like woman Princess Cecilia will arrange engagement between her step sister and Prince Aaron. Jasmine never gets love from her father. After the death of her mother she never gets a little shelter from her father's huge mansion. The house is only for his legal wife and legal child Urvashi. She got little love from Princess Cecilia and now what is happening. Princess Cecilia and Prince Andrew are making engagement between Urvashi and Aaron. How can they do this to her.

" What aren't you happy for your sister, Jasmine " Says Fawzia with a devil smile. She invited Jasmine to come to the engagement party. Jasmine takes the invitation card happily.

After they leave her house, Jasmine's P.A Sanah comes to her and asks " Are you ok mam? "

Jasmine starts to laugh. She is laughing madly. And then she stars to shout crazily. She tears the invitation card and says " Nooooooooo. I am not ok Sanah. I am not Alright at all "

In England ( house of the attacker).....

The force goes into the shadowy house of Melchidech. It is very dark. They look for him but didn't find anything. One man Switch on the light. They notice a wall. The wall is full with pictures of Princess Alice. Even there written task no. and how did he fail to complete this target ( fail to kill Alice). Seeing this situation everyone is startled. They try to find some clue without this pictures. After searching so hard, they find a notebook. It's a lock Notebooks and they need password to open it. They take this notebook and come out the house. After sometimes they inform about this to their leader Leon Ramos. Leon orders them to unlock the notebook and bring it to him. Throughout this notebook they will be able to know many unknown and unexpected things that will help them to complete the mission.

The Royal Palace, England...

The Commander of Royal Navy Force General Jason Maxwell comes to the Royal Palace to meet with King Charles. King Charles welcomes him warmly. Jason Maxwell and Prince Alfred used to be best friend. After the sudden death of Alfred, King Charles was totally broken. This time Jason hold him like a son should do. So King Charles told him to come to the palace to see him whenever he gets time. He adores Jason like his own son. And another interesting thing is Jason Maxwell is the Father of Evan Maxwell. Jason and Charles are having chat. After that they start to play chess game. Charles is almost going defeat at that time Alice comes to them and on behalf of her grandpa she makes a good move. Suddenly the game is changed. And then what? Yes Jason is defeated. Jason is really amazed by seeing the wisdom of Alice.

" Wow our little princess has now grown up. She is now even become the crown princess. "

" Yeah after the engagement party of Aaron and Urvashi, the crown ceremony will arranged and that time I will officially crown her to be the next queen after me."

Alice smiles but she is also worried. This tittle is not just bringing her fame, respect. This tittle is also bringing her attack, death alert. She has also a secret mission like King Charles. Mission to find the hidden dark truth, mission to find and finish her enemies, mission to change cruel fate, mission to take revenge, mission to rewrite the history. She is also waiting for her love " Richard ". When and how will he appear in front of her? She feels happy to think about Richard. She also believes that Richard will change and make a beautiful world for her.

>>>>>>End of Chapter 07<<<<<<<