
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Face To Face

Alice comes back to the palace. It is nothing special. Alice doesn't react anything as so many things happens to her. She is calm. She goes through the corridor where she notices her uncle and aunt are starring at her in a strange way. Like they are watching her like a ghost. Alice comes near to them and sits and has some tea.

" ymm Maria you still make tea with gentle test. I used to miss this taste when I was in France. "

Maria thanks Alice for such beautiful complement.

" Uh...Now you are here. So you will have this taste everyday whenever you want " says Cecilia.

" Of course aunt. I will stay here forever as the Queen of England. I hope besides grandpa you uncle and my little cousin brother will stay by my side always and help me for becoming the best queen "

" Of...of course Alice. We are always with you " says Cecilia.

Alice gives them a beautiful smile. Behind the smile she is hiding her pain, her sadness, her thirst of vengeance, her terrible anger.

A few hours ago.....

Alice comes to the watch tower of Atlantic Ocean. Alice calls some of her men and tells them to open the jail. It's one kind of abandon place now so it will be easy to interrogate the attacker secretly.

The attacker is tied by jailor with heavy chain. And a royal gurd comes to the jail to help Alice. The royal gurd pours water on him and the attacker gets conscious back. He opens his eyes slowly. He is very tired and bleeding. Alice sits in front of him and starts to ask questions.

"Who are you? "

" Why should I tell you? "

" I am asking again who are you? "

" I am also telling you again why should I tell you? "

" I was politely asking you but you literally failing me. So Mr Curter starts your work "

Mr Curter ( royal gurd) starts torturing him. He starts him whipping him untill the attacker starts to bleed but still that man doesn't say anything.

" You are really a royal dog of my enemy. Tell me who are you and who the hell send you to kill me? Tell me " Alice shouts at him. But the attacker only smiles with his bloody face. Alice slaps him and orders Mr Curter to continue his torture. No matter what she has to know the truth.

Mr Curter takes a ranger and cuts off his two fingers. The attacker is shouting so much. It's no painful. He is aching to the death.

" Now tell me. If you tell me the truth and help me then I will leave you, give you a comfortable life. So you have two choices work with me or die little by little. I Won't let you die so easily " Alice starts laughing like villainess. Just like Isabella was laughing at Ivan.

Alice hit nails of the attacker with the ranger and he starts to moan and says, " Stop it. Stop it. I can't take it anymore. I will tell you the truth. But please don't do that with me "

Alice orders Mr Curter to stop the torturing. Alice starts to record all the conversation among themselves.

" Who are you? "

" I am Branson. "

"So Mr Branson what do you do? "

" I am professional contract killer "

" Who contracted you to kill me? "

" Prince Andrew "

" What? " asks Alice surprisingly. She doesn't wants to believe that her uncle wants to kill her. " What the heck are you saying? Why should I believe you? Huh!!"

" You can check my phone. You can see all the messages from Prince Andrew. "

Alice Checks the messages. She finds all the messages that was sent from Andrew to kill Alice as soon as possible. Alice can't believe this. His own family, his uncle wants to kill her. " You are the guy who wanted to kill me in the France "

"Yes I am that guy. I wanted to kill you to complete the order of Prince Andrew "

" Oh stop it stop it. Don't say anything "

Alice gets out from the jail and tell the jailor to give him some food and keep eyes on him well. She snatchs his phone and takes it with her. After that she gets on the car. She is crying. She feels so lonely. Her own family is now her enemy. She comes back to Palace.

After drinking tea she comes to her room. She takes of her clothes and her wounds in right arm is bandaged well. She had done bandaged by the doctors of the jail quickly. Alice look herself into the mirror and she feels herself so helpless. Likewise she has lost her way, lost her soul. Suddenly she stars to have flashbacks. She starts to remember the jail where Isabella was hanging, torturing and bleeding. Her headache is increasing. She becomes numb. She calms down herself and remembers that the jail is the same jail where Isabella was murdered. She was thrown into Atlantic Ocean by the men of King Ivan. Alice understands that It's time for face to face with Isabella in her dreams. She is the one who can help her.

In the study room of Prince Aaron...

Prince Aaron is studying attentively. His parents are sitting down in front of him. They are in tensions, in fear.

" Aaron my dear son won't you talk with us?? Don't you want to say something? Ok Aaron sorry that...

" Stop saying bullshit mom...." Aaron throws his books away and shouts at Cecilia.

" Aaron don't get angry. You know that I have ordered Melchidech to finish her today as she was going outside of the palace. But Melchidech couldn't able to kill her. I will kill Melchidech along with Alice "

" Then do it dad. You know that I always tried my level best. I always live each day, struggle each day to get the Throne. And I will able to get closer to the throne if you get the throne. You should be the King Of England after grandpa and after you I will be the king."

" Don't you think I also want the throne. I also want to be the king. For this I even finished my biggest competitor my dear elder brother Prince Alfred. But who knows after that his daughter will be my biggest competitor. I should kill her that time. "

After that Prince Andrew tries to contact with Melchidech but he can't. That makes them really tensed and angry.

In Glasgow, Scotland....

After the hard mining work, in the evening the group of Evan and Leon starts to discuss. They goes to the forest on their secret base.

" The mining is almost complete. " says Evan.

" Yes we have to wait untill the gold bars come out. If they are found Prince Andrew comes to inspect Himself and that time we will be able to catch him red handed. " says Leon.

" I have found out the blue print of this mining. And I have to find the contract of the prince with this work organiser. I am on it. "

Leon asks her force to know the updates of the attacker as they are following him. His force are gathering information from the spy who are in England for this mission. But they confirm him that this day they don't see him to come out of his small shadowy house.

" Oh no did something happen? Where have he gone today? We have to find out " says Leon.

In the midnight, the room of Alice...

In the dream,

Alice is walking on the path of dark. Blood and broken pieces of glasses are there. She suddenly cuts her legs with a glass piece. She notices a light is coming towards her. It is Isabella.

" You are waiting for me Alice."

" Yes. You know me really well. You also looks like me. "

Alice notices that Isabella also gets cut on her leg with glass piece.

" Your leg also gets cut off like me "

" Of course cause you and I are same Alice "

" When you are in pain I also feel the pain. You and I are same how? How is this possible? "

" Because you are reborn Alice. Isabella is reborn as Alice. You are reborn in the same bloodline, same royal family. My parents also died in mystery just like your parents. Later I found my father body into the cave where you found my promise written on the stone. It's a momentum, a memory. "

" What?!! "

" Yes Alice. My enemy were my cousin brother Ivan, my uncle and aunt . My uncle - aunt raised me well to be the slave of their son. And Ivan used me wisely, made me the villainess and he became the hero of the history. You also found out that you uncle order to kill you. "

" Yes you are right "

" You are now on the same way. You have to be careful. Because your family is your enemy. Your uncle, aunt and your cousin brother Aaron. Aaron is Ivan. He is also reborn. He is reborn to rule again. And you reborn to change the cruel fate, to rewrite the history. "

" How can I do it Isabella? I am alone."

" You are not alone Alice. I am with you, your grandpa is with you and your love, my Richard is with you "

" Richard, your husband. Is he also reborn?? "

" I rebon as you, Ivan reborn as Aaron and so Richard is also reborn. Don't worry Alice wait for him. You will find him. When you find him the heaven will light up the sky. The stars will glow more. The light of stars will show you the path, will remove your darkness. He will love you and help you to complete your Mission of being the queen. Mission of rewriting the history.

>>>>>>>End of Chapter 06<<<<<<<<<