

Autumn has started...

Leaves starts to wither as my life started to shatter.

The face of the people that I trusted starts to blur. I trusted them... I never knew until I reached my state right now.

All their masks started to crack and as time goes on, their insides were revealed. The facade they are hiding are more terrifying and blood-curdling than what I have expected.

It was planned, my death that is. It was their doing in the first place. While they are enjoying my vegetative state, I started to wonder what he is doing. You should be in the company and working. What are you doing?

While I was in coma, I started to hear his voice. At first, I thought it was my hallucination. Furiousness and anger, that's what I have detected in his voice. While listening, I could sense that he is talking with the doctor but I couldn't clearly hear what they are exactly saying. The only thing that I can grasp is that I'm in coma and the chance for me waking up is close to 18 percent.

When I heard that, I smiled bitterly in my mind. I knew that no one in their right mind would still have hopes for me waking up and I was right! The doctor suggested that no one should have high hopes but I suddenly heard that familiar angry voice but this time it was more intense.

I can hear that he wants the doctor to treat me till I wake up but in a more intense and furious fashion. Unexpectedly, my heart tightens and my tears can't stop falling in my consciousness, at the same time, I didn't expect that from him.

Months passed by, he visited me daily. He even started talking to me. I was curious if he has a screw loose because he still talked to my paralyzed body even though he knew that I won't answer but at the same time, I was also touched.

At first, he started to ask me how I was doing and if he was doing it right while wiping my arms and hand. Although his voice still carries that clear, cold and with the hint of strength that I'm always familiar with. It was actually comical.

If it was still before I was caught in an "accident" and been comatose, I would definitely be scared.

One day, I can still hear that familiar cold voice but this time, it was a bit hoarse. I wonder what caused this and the reason behind it.

I don't remember when but maybe after some days that I heard his hoarse voice. I started to see what was happening but my sight of vision is a little bit high. When I looked down, I saw my body being carried away by some people and I saw his face. Although he looked a little bit distressed and cold, it is still the familiar face that I always remember.

"Ah, so I died" that's the first thing that came up to mind.

I don't know why I am still lingering in their world and why I can't leave his side. It's like I was chained to him. I can't leave his side within the diameter of 5 meters.

I can see him working, going home, eat and sleep. While working, he didn't get any secretary which is my previous job. He worked all day without thinking of his body.

As time goes on, 9 years has passed. His face is still the same. I'm starting to think if his handsomeness will never leave him till he has gray hair. In that span of 9 years, he visits my grave every death anniversary of mine and prepares a cake when it's my birthday. I also knew that he has anemia but he still worked all day and night in resulting of his company to prosper and topped the leading company, which has always been his company's rival, and lead the economic world with a large margin.

In my birthday in the 10th year, his routine is still the same with the previous years but the only difference was my heart was shocked to the very core when he visited my office when I was still alive. In my desk, there is my picture with the cake he brought. At first, I was curious. This is the first time he has entered my office in his lifetime but one thing was odd. His actions isn't deterred by unfamiliarity. He even acts like he has come here a lot of times. And that's odd.

He sat at my swivel chair while lighting the cake. He never sang me a birthday song and that's really logical because I'm only his secretary but today, he did. He sang with a low voice... With the candle as the only light source and accompanied by his voice, the atmosphere here feels so calm with a little bit of romantic ambience.

After singing, he started to take my picture in his hand. He stroke it like he was reminiscing something and that leaves me into confusion.

Why?... Why only know? You know that I'm already dead; why... Only now? Why are you playing with my feelings when I'm already dead...?

"You know, I tried to play it cool thinking that I still have a lot of time ahead of me that 'WE' still have a lot of time ahead of us. But I thought wrong. I didn't know that you'd leave like the autumn and only leave me with the coldness and the dust of the snow... I have always wished to see you in a white dress, waiting for me with a ring with a smile at the altar... and yet you did but while sleeping in a casket" He started speaking with a shaky voice

"I love you... Those three simple words, I can't even express and say that to you. How pathetic can I get?" Tears started to fall from the man to the picture that he is holding tightly. He was crying.

Where did the Boss that I know? Why do you look so different now that I'm a ghost and dead? You are shaking my mentality and feelings...

He started to pack up after a while and went home. I followed him to his house and he quickly headed to his room. After that, he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I started to vanish... While my sight was getting fogger as my body do. I saw some servants waking him up but he won't wake up. No! Wake up! Please! Wake up!

No... If only I could turn back time...


Zalex0902creators' thoughts
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