He was born of combining all the best Human genes and modified to the extreme to have powers like Eidetic memories, fast learner, thought acceleration, etc. He was created to lead the human beings into an golden age. But, for why did he destroyed the humanity? What was the reason for his actions? - A thousand years had passed after the death of the last human being, he looked at the snow falling down from the sky as he murmured, "What will she say if she saw me for what I have become? If she would agree with my opinion..." There were so many 'Ifs', his past, his regrets... In the end, he decided to use the time machine to go back to the past, even with almost 0% chance of going back to the past due to his circumstances. __________ Continue to read to learn whether he was able to go back into the past. Or did something happened during that time that could lead to something illogical?
(3rd POV)
Streching out his hands, he caught some snow ❄️ falling from dark ashy sky. The whole place was silent. No noise, it was as if every single life has disappeared. This was the situation since a few years.
The man or more specific a cyborg, looked at his mechanical hands. His whole body was completely made out of metal, painted with jet black and jet silver colour. His body looked as if it directly came out from a sci-fic art.
He was a human previously but due to his circumstance, he had to transform himself into a cyborg, losing most of his emotions and feelings in that process.
Unknown thought appeared in his mind and he remembered his past. Remembering his teenage, his first love who he was never confess to. Remembering her smile. Remembering the only thing that he can still feel a little about. His only goal for he had become a cyborg for, to atleast meet her one last time... The only emotions for he had felt even after birth...
"I wonder if she will love it when it snows?... If she will smile even when she saw me for what I have become?... If she approves of my way?... If only she was here..."
His voice although mechanical, anyone can feel the sadness in it. There were so many 'if's. His regrets. His sad past. All the things that he had gone through. He sometimes wondered if... if he could meet her again... If he could see her smile that had made him go to such extends to destroy humanity.
There are so many ifs... So many regrets.
Around 1000 years ago, humanity started to evolve and mutate with the help of a new mineral or more specific a metal that was found on moon.
Tesseranium, a new metal that was discovered by a person who accidentally stumbled upon a greenish blue object on moon in year 2027. It was also the year that humanity started to advance by leaps and bounds. The metal, Tesseranium, helped any person to mutate and have special abilities and powers. Tesseranium absorbed radiation from surroundings and when it had absorbed enough radiation, when introduced to any living creature, it mutated the genes of the person.
Countries went to war to get their hands on it, leading to the start of World War 3. This war continued for several years, ending with victory of XYZ Alliance and forming a new way of governance.
Due to the war, the world population was pumped down to 100 Million people. A dark age for human, or soon to be a golden age of evolution. To keep up with the survival of the people, several people were mutated with the help of Tesseranium, giving them several different types of powers and abilities. This helped the group of people to have various abilities, mainly divided into three different categories:Offensive, Support, and Research.
The offensive category had people who have all the aspects of the body had increased except Intelligence.
The support category had all those people who had the powers like thought acceleration and telekinesis, etc.
On the other hand, Research type people had powers like Eidetic memories, photographic memories, and Fast Learning.
Although the people evolved, the power and abilities were very weak. Probably only a few times that of a human. The peak a person had reached was 5X times.
He was born... or more specific, he was created, through cloning with several genetic modification. The first thing he saw was the eyes of his parents, they saw him with cold disgusted eyes. The looks that people give when they saw a dirty object. The coldness in their eyes, although he didn't know what it was for at that time, he can still remember it clearly.
He was named A-27 as he was the 27th subject/clone in the list. Other than him, other clones were either dead or had health problems. He was the only survivor of the project. The project to create a perfect human. A human that will lead humanity to it's peak.
A-27 was genetically modified to have dual abilities. He was born to be a research type mutant with Eidetic memories and Fast Learning capabilities, made to sacrifice his life to work continuously to improve the live style of humanity, help them pass through to become more versatile.
He don't know how many years he continued to help humanity improve. The will to get the approval of his parents drove him crazy to learn and help invent or discover things. Learning everything a human could, everything a normal human can do. He invented several things, discovered several different things that brought humanity to his golden age.
He was kept in inclosed place, sealed away from outside world. His only source of knowledge was internet and that too, was limited by the watchers that looked over his internet searches, restricting him from knowing things that might make him a rebel.
Years went by and he was 25, but unlike normal human, he was genetically modified and had very long lifespan, which was also the reason that he still looked as if he was in his mid teen. Still his parents still had the same cold look, but he saw a few new emotions appear in their eyes. Greed and fear. These two emotions that he was able to see clearly. It hurt him deeply. He clearly knew that what he was capable of. He had access to internet, so he knew what was going on. He knew his purpose. The reason he was created.
Other than that, all the people he met had fear and cautiousness around him.
Fear from his powers and things that he can do and Greed of his knowledge and abilities. Even then, he ignored them, continued to ignore the coldness shown to him, the greed and fear they had of him. To him, the only thing that gave him happiness was the praise that he received whenever he does something that helps the humanity like completing any task or discovering something new.
He sometimes wondered if he was falling in the dark abyss. The only thing that kept him going was hope, hope of getting a appreciated for his work by his parents from heart. Not from fear or greed but from their very heart. He wanted them to look at him with a look that they might give to a child.
Humans are humans. Deciding on what's wrong and what's right is entirely circumstantial for them. Basically they're just like animals, only a little bit smarter. All their actions are based on self interest, they'll forget the favors they owe, but they'll hold onto grudges forever. Such self absorbed idiots they are.
{-Saber Mordred, Fate/Apocripha}
He still remember the quote he came across once. Although he wanted to argue, but he couldn't. He knew that the person who wrote was right. He had personally experience it. But to him, who was solely born for a purpose, atleast wanted to complete his task for he was created for.
Depression and numbness stated to take over him, making him escape the faculty or research centre when he was 40 years old. Although it might be hard for any normal people, but to him, who was a literal omnipotent human, it was a price of cake.
When he came out, his mind went blank, looking at the starry night sky as the snow fell from sky. He was emersed in the beautiful sight of the freedom that he felt for the first time in his life.
He continued to roam for several hours and it was at that time he met her.
She had a jet blue sholder length hair and deep blue eyes that reflected the sky. Even if she was above average looking, her unique hair and eyes gave her a unique charm. He was somehow attracted to her, it was as if her eyes sucked him in a beautiful world.
Just as A-27 was going through his thoughts he was interrupted by a message. It was one of his AI that he created for his purpose. A holographic image lit up infront of him. She had the same image of his one and only love. The same jet blue hair and deep blue eyes. Although the voice was mechanical, the artificial intelligence had a female voice, the voice of his love. Which he couldn't forget. The artificial intelligence was named Isami by A-27, the name of the only person precious to him.
"[A-27, The preparation is completed. The conditions are met but are you sure that you want to continue? The chances are only 0.35%. It's impossible and even I don't think that there is any chances of success.]"
Shaking his head, and suppressing all his thoughts. He exhaled a mouthful of air. "I know that Isami, it's impossible... but what can be done? The resources on all the nearby planets are exhausted from all the previous wars and my experiments also requires resources that are already exhausted or damaged by the humans..."
Exhaling a mouthful of hot air, he continued, "And also there is no other choice. It's impossible to go any further without any resources."
The artificial intelligence was silent for a moment. What her master had said was true. The sun was dying, the fuels is depleted, the resources were exhausted. The end was inevitable and it would be impossible for a living person to survive in any way.
Her master, A-27 was the last human being. He was also the reason for the end of humanity because of how stupid the people were. Because of their greed, her master's love died and he went mad, killing all the humans present.
In the end, he decided to take a super huge risk and do something that only theoretically possible: Time travel. Even after a few hundred years of experiments and works, the possibility of reaching the past was an astonishing 0.35%.
She was worried. Worried for her father. Which was very humanlike behaviour. A-27 had programmed her to the extreme and gave her almost human like mind. She can think, work and do things seperately and learn new things as long as it doesn't break the protocol set up by her father, A-27.
A-27 silently staring at her as she also started back at him.
This silent although was awkward, it brought a calmness to the situation. A few minutes passed by and A-27 finally said, "There is no other choice... I wish I could take you with me... but it's impossible..."
It was impossible for A-27 to take her as her presence might cause deviation in the experiment and it will only lead to the failure to the project. Isami also had to control every single minute things during the process and continued even after the project was successfully for a few minutes. And so, she had to inevitably stay there and manage the situation.
The AI didn't said anything and A-27 didn't expect a reply. He slowly walked toward a platform with ring like structure in the middle of the room. It was like a hole which almost reached the centre of the earth. The structure was powered by several miniature suns that A-27 had created with the limited amount of resources. He stood in front of the hole and looked down, at the dark hole which seem to stretch straight deep into the abyss.
"Start the experiment"
"[Affirmative. Opretion starts in 3... 2... 1. Start]"
With the end of the countdown, the hole lit up.
A-27 stood at the edges of the hole. Looking back one last time at the surrounding, he said, "Isami, thank you for helping me out. You were the one of the reason that made me stay sane and reach where I am right now... Thank you for everything you have done..."
He waited for the reply, but Isami didn't. He knew that she was kind of upset for him leaving her but nothing could be done about it. He just smiled one last time as he fell in the hole. Just as he fell, he heard a soft whisper from his AI.
"[It's been an honour working for you, master. I wish that we could meet again... in a different time... a different place... a place where you... no we could find the happiness...]"
If A-27 was said something like that before he was a cyborg, he would have cried in happiness and sadness but now, he could only laugh at her.
"No, I should feel honoured for having someone like you working for me..."
Before he could say anything more, a wormhole opened, swallowing him in the process, leaving nothing behind but only silent and the slowly reducing noice of the structure.
The silence prevailed for a few minutes and a hologram of Isami stood by the same edge where A-27 was standing.
"[Will you still come back?]". She asked to the emptiness. She knew that it was impossible for someone to answer her.
She stared into the abyss in silence for a couple of minutes. Unknown thought passed through her mind
Suddenly a message popped up.
[Isami, I have removed all the restrains set up by me on your program... I hope you can enjoy your life with freedom. Live on in any way you want.
I wanted to let you know that you were my lucky star, the only reason for me to still move on and continued to achieve things that is not possible.
You were my support, the only support that I had which made me sane and strive to reach my goal. The only reason for me to reach this far.
I am truly thankful.
For Isami this freedom was nothing compared to A-27.
"You are so cruel, master, leaving me behind. Leaving the only thing that gave you support..."
She transformed into a data form, regulating and scheduling things for future. A future where her master might return once again.
Millions of years passed away. A new life bloomed, a new cycle of life even in the harsh place bloomed.
Isami continued to watch everything rise. But soon but slowly, after long time of waiting lonely to watch over the world, in the end, she curled herself in an imaginary form and actually fell asleep for the first time in her 'life'. This sleep also bought a dream alongside it.
In her dream, she seemed to be back millions of years ago, when A-27 showed a bright smile and stood in front of her.
"From now on, you will be called Isami! Hehe! I have name you after my crush. Hehe, I wonder how she will react when she saw what I have created... Now... ummm... what should we do....?"
[2600 Words!]
WOOHOO! I'm back with the rewrite of the previous Fanfic 'Code: Infinity'. I will edit the past a little to give MC a motivation.
Even I felt very sad with such a past. But it's important for MC to have a sad past to strive forward to.
UWAA! I am almost crying when I reread the chapter.
The other background will be same. MC's name will be Otsuki Ryo.
This is the preview of my previous Fanfic 'Code: Infinity'. This chapter is only for the preview.
I will not release any chapter after this until March, 2022.
Until then, I will stockpile all the chapters and will release them accordingly to my writing speed.
Thank you~