


The sky is gray, The giants they are here, disfigured , ugly , they are hunting down , hunting each of us down. Jonathan's hand weighed heavily on my shoulder. My heart felt heavier to be honest looking at him bleeding terribly. How could such a beautiful soul perish ? how can I let that happen ?.

"Isabella , I can't..." his soft voice trembles. His body is bleeding, the scent they can detect the scent of blood. But thankfully I managed to take down one of them and carry Jonathan with me. we are far away from them , far enough so that they don't smell us. I can't believe they are populating the world , taking over what was ours.Wonder how the crust can hold their weight?. their hideous face smelling the air , smelling for blood. I hide behind the wall of a tall ruined building holding Jonathan tight with me. My hand gripped his soulders as though my life depended on it. I'm holding back tears. his clothes stained with blood leaking through his body staining the only clothes I have behind. we could make a run for it , there's a town nearby . maybe I'll get healing portion there , maybe I can get hands on something I can plaster his wound. There is still hope.

There is still hope

right ? .

I look at the sky , it's ash coloured from all the smoke. the lifeless city , broken down to shreads.The giants they don't need food , they can survive without it. They claim their territories by killing humans. The fact that some can reproduce , they are probably going to fill the earth. I slowly lean to the front, strands of hair blocking my view , I tuck it behind. A Giant , about thirty six feet tall, his skin was pale green. He was wearing a shirt and shorts completely blad his face was disfigured absolutely hideous. why was I born in this era ?. I wonder how these beasts came into existence?. one gets old , devides in half and turns to two, they are basically immortals. Even if we survive right now ? will we be able to survive for the rest of our lives?. my heart started beating as the giant sniffed the air. he's close , we should maintain at least 4m distance from them to avoid them from sniffing blood. but I should not make noice their hearing senses is sharper. I hold my breadth. I'm pretty sure Jonathan is doing the same. exactly 6m run to the next building , a wherehouse , we might find something there. a cloth at last ? so that I can stop the bleeding to an extent.

The giant looks towards us I hide . my hands crawl to the only weapon I have left. the sedator. I have to aim the arrow at it's foread And the giant will faint for a span of five minutes , we have to run after that. adrinaline rushing through my body. it takes two steps towards us , I can feel from the tremour it caused. but then it started backing off the tremors lowerd. a wave of relief hit my body. I say a quick prayer if there was a god who saved us he deserved thanks. I take a peek to see what happened he's going along with one of his ugly companion to build something I guess ? I don't know but if giants gather , their only purpose is to build something or If their find their victims. they won't take them one on one, such cowards.

"let's go" I whisper to Jonarthan. he was holding his stomach tight coughing blood.

"I don't think I can make it Isabelle" his ocean blue eyes swelling. Those were the ones which were twinkling , with excitement yesterday when we escaped the city.

"you can okay ? you will" I tell him coldly. but deep down , I'm breaking down , if I loose him too I don't think I'll be normal. he's the only one I have left , the only one who I want. the only one I would give up on the world to save.

I was taken away from my family , but he felt like family.

I will save him.

I scoop him in my arms and make a quick run to the warehouse. he bit his lips fighting the pain.

I make him lie down looking for cloth oe something that I can stop his bleeding there was none. my shirt Is already ripped apart revealing my camisole , the only piece that's holding my dignity at this point. My trousers are ripped as well. I can rip half of my camisole and tie him up. nope that won't seal his wound. even my whole camisole won't seal is wound. I should've robbed more clothes. my eyes dart left and right.

"there should be something" I mutter "there should be-"

"it's okay , listen-" Jonathan interrupted me.

"no I'm sure, something should be here" I panic. I can't loose him. I can't I'd rather die than loose him.

"just listen will you..." Jonathan's voice was trembling he tried to yell loud reaching out for me. my eyes look at him with tears blurring my vision.

"live , live without me , I know you can , I'm just a passing cloud" he said and smiled his dimples showing up corners of his mouth trembling. "you are a warrior Isabelle Grace" he closed his eyes. I check for his pulse it was faint. he probably passed out.

"I- I love you" I cry. "I love you okay I'm madly in love with you I can't let go of you" I scream on top of my lungs. Tears Rolling down my eyes. I checked his pulse again, its gone , I check for breath it's gone. Pain built up in my chest. I screamed , I can't take the loss , I can't , I don't care if I attract a thousand giants. I'd rather die at this point. I lost everyone.

I'm alone, alone again.

I take out the blade in my bag my hands trembling, it's venom coated used to kill those monsters but I'm going to use it on myself. this will be the last time I'll be seeing this world. I have no purpose to live anymore.


"Live , live" I hear Jonathan's voice in my head. I pause.

"I can't-" I tell myself battling my thoughts. Maybe in another life , we can be together right ? .

Another life doesn't have to be this painful right ?.

I take a deep breath ready to kill myself.

before I do so , a bright light appears.

"congratulations you have survived the apocalypse" a voice was heard in my head , like it was mixed with my thoughts but it was alien because of how it sounded.

"what ?" I ask. totally scared.

"you have another chance, use it wisely" the voice said. I don't respond. but then I fall , I scream as I fall , the knife in my hand disappears. I was falling from nowhere to nowhere , everything was white that was the last thing I could remember.


I wake up , as the morning light passes through the window. I look around I'm in my dorm. I am in ivory school ?. How am I here ?. I look at myself in the mirror , my eyes widen ,

no tattoos on my face.

my hair is touching my knees.

I'm younger , way younger.

I'm back to being seventeen ?.

Next chapter