
Chapter 10: Vision's Demise: Fujitora's Revolution Unleashed

Thirty years ago.

The land of Krojashi fell victim to pirates who looted their precious heavenly gold. Unable to meet the exorbitant demands for heavenly gold, the kingdom faced dire consequences. The ruler of the Krojashi Kingdom, having failed to seek aid from the world government, embarked on a quest to find the last remaining resources for the surviving residents.

In the end, the enraged populace united to create a rebel force. They stormed the royal family's stronghold, overthrew the Krojashi royal family, and declared their separation from the World Government.

Within ten days, the Marine warship answered the call for a Buster Call, launching an assault on the Krojashi Kingdom. Following the bombardment, the surviving middle-aged men were compelled to relocate to the Bridge Kingdom, contributing to the construction of a bridge that had been in progress for seven centuries.

Later on, the World Government falsely claimed that cruel pirates and human traffickers had ravaged the Krojashi Kingdom.

Monkey D. Dragon recounted the events of the Kingdom of Crocia's tragedy 30 years ago. Even now, survivors of that incident reside in the Kingdom of Roja within the Bridge Kingdom.

Sabo expressed that Admiral Fujitora might believe there are no survivors, perhaps overlooking the existence of slaves. The boy in the fire symbolizes the disparity between the two worlds.

Fujitora: Unfortunately, that seems to be the reality. When I arrived at the port inferno, there were no survivors.

Nami: It's an incredibly harsh truth.

Golden Lion: My dear Miss Navigator, do you truly believe the World Government embodies kindness and justice? When a nation can't meet the heavenly gold demands, do you think it's merely a label for a non-member country?

The rules of the World Government don't extend to non-member nations. Do you grasp the implication?

In the New World, you might notice numerous non-affiliated countries. Have you ever encountered such nations globally? Particularly in East Blue.

Even in East Blue, the realm of the least formidable pirates, no non-member countries exist. Do you understand why? The Krojashi Kingdom serves as a prime example.

The World Government possesses the authority to dispatch troops to non-member nations.

Counting solely on so-called justice and benevolence, can those allied nations endure famine and meet the exorbitant demands for heavenly money?

What a jest.

Jiehahahaha, in this world, power ultimately dictates all the rules.

The Golden Lion's words resonated in everyone's thoughts.

Yet, no one could contest it.

Sengoku and Garp still maintained a certain moral standard, offering no justifications for the Krojashi Kingdom.

Concerning the Five Elders, they may try to shift blame among themselves.

Yet, it proved ineffective.

Admiral Zephyr, predating his Marine days, still lingers, and with this chat room, many things cannot stay concealed.

As the onlookers remained hushed, the visual narrative unfolded.

[Young Fujitora took the boy and departed from the fire scene].

[Above the tumultuous blaze, dense clouds as thick as curtains gather, and after a while, raindrops the size of beans begin to descend].

[The downpour quenches the furious flames, unveiling the harrowing aftermath concealed by the inferno, resembling a terrestrial purgatory].

[Charred corpses lie scattered, and colossal shell craters dot the landscape].

[Fujitora stands on a slightly elevated soil slope, gazing at the unfolding scene. His eyes reflect a mix of sorrow and righteous anger].

[I can't discern if it's rain or tears streaming down his face].

["The strong protect the weak, and the World Government is meant to establish order and safeguard the people. Why has it come to this?"]

[Fujitora muttered softly, a sense of fracture evident in his thoughts].

[I can't determine how much time passed; even the torrential rain ceased. Finally, Fujitora cast a profound gaze over the scene before him and then unsheathed his sword].

[The blade's gleam swept through, and blood dripped directly from his face].

["Ignorance is a blessing. There are too many scenes in this world that people can't bear to witness."]

"This guy."

All who beheld this spectacle couldn't help but be astonished.

Especially those of considerable strength.

Due to the unique nature of the light curtain image.

They could directly sense the substantial enhancement in Fujitora's aura following the sacrifice of his sight.

Beyond that, his determination and depth of understanding undoubtedly experienced a profound breakthrough.

"This man."

Roger couldn't help but express admiration.

Who else possesses the courage to sacrifice vital eyes willingly?

Furthermore, it appears that Fujitora managed to evade by self-destructing his eyes.

In reality, it resembles enlightenment.

By willingly sacrificing his eyes, he constantly reminds himself of the darkness prevalent in this world.

Hence, rather than growing weaker, he emerged even stronger.

This exemplifies a genuine individual, a truly powerful one with an indomitable will.

Frankly, if the system hadn't provided the answer, Roger would have believed that this man named Fujitora was the true leader of the revolutionary army.

["I want to change the world."]

[The boy, saved by Fujitora, appears to have rebounded from the profound shock, speaking in a subdued tone.]

["I want to change the world."]

[The boy's voice gradually grows louder; the blood on his face washed away by the heavy rain as if he's reclaimed his vitality.]

[His facial features are resolute and brave, his eyes so determined that he doesn't seem like a seven or eight-year-old child.]

["How do you plan to change the world?]

[Fujitora asked in a low voice; two lines of blood flowed from his eyes, like blood tears]

[He didn't expect that the boy he saved from the fire would be so enlightened. ]


[The boy's eyes are firm and frightening: "Only the revolution."]

["This world is entirely rotten. We aim to dismantle the old system entirely and establish a new one. We'll shatter and utilise this decayed world to forge a New World."]

["A New World founded on freedom and equality."]

[Fujitora displayed a hint of surprise; he hadn't anticipated a child of seven or eight to express such sentiments.]

[Curiously, he inquired: "What do you plan to do?]

Following the question, even Fujitora found himself chuckling. He hadn't anticipated posing such a query to a seven or eight-year-old child.

Yet, to his surprise, the boy responded promptly after contemplating for a moment.

["Grant me a year for training, and then I'll delve deeply into a specific kingdom worldwide for a thorough investigation."]


["Yes, without research, there is no authority to speak."]

[The boy declared with determination.]

[Fujitora was genuinely touched; he inquired earnestly: "My name is Yixiao, what is your name?]

["From today, my name is Roja, Ashirat Roja."]

[Roja spoke softly.]

[Ashirat means a child covered in dust. He will never forget the day when the Krojashi Kingdom was destroyed, and he will never forget the dust on his body.]

[He is a child born from the bottom of the earth.]

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