1 Awakening

"Who am l?"

"Where am I?"

"What am I?"

Those were the thoughts running through Min-Jun's mind as he awoke.

Min-Jun slowly opened his eyes but was immediately blinded by a light almost as bright as the sun.

Min-Jun looked away instinctively to avoid the blinding light banging his head against the metal in which he was standing against.

Grabbing the side of his head that was now throbbing while simultaneously looking away from the light Min-Jun noticed that he was in some kind of metal chamber shaped like a cylinder everything around him was a dark black metal except from a glass window directly in front of him in which the blinding light was shining through.

After the pain of his head began to fade he removed his hand from his head and leaned against the only flat part of the chamber that was directly behind him still turning his head to avoid the light but immediately after the pain had faded Min-Jun felt a burning sensation through out his body except for one place his feet that felt as cold as walking barefoot in snow.

Min-Jun looked down avoiding the light and grimacing at the burning sensation throughout his body.

Directly below him was ice that covered his feet Min-Jun as soon as he saw this immediately felt a sharp pain in his feet and felt a sudden urge to cut them off to escape from the torturous ice.

"Aaagh" Min-Jun let out a short scream and squeezed his hand into a fist biting his finger nails into his palms.

Minutes that felt like hours to Min-Jun and the ice that covered Min-Jun's feet was now all melted and drained through the holes in the bottom of the chamber.

Shortly after the ice was eradicated soon the burning blinding light was to and following the eradication of the light was a mechanical female sounding voice.

"Subject Min-Jun has successfully been revived" the voice said with no trace of emotion.

As soon as the voice finished it's sentence the cylinder split in half and opened up revealing a room filled with identical chambers all the exact same as the one Min-Jun had been trapped in earlier.

Min-Jun stepped forward one small step no longer leaning on the flat peice of dark metal in the now open chamber and was now looking straight ahead.

Right after he took his first step Min-Jun immediately fell to the ground like he was a toddler who was just learning how to walk.

"Someone who has been dead for centuries and has done nothing in that time obviously would be to weak to walk or do anything for that matter" a loud booming voice echoed throughout the room filled with chambers.

Min-jun looked up now on all fours trying to push himself up but to no avail standing directly in front of him was a tall man who had long blue hair and square glasses he also wore a white doctor's coat.

"Who are you? And where am I?" Min-Jun asked now tensed trying to push himself up.

"My name is Seo-Jin I am now your personal doctor and my job is to get you ready for the start of your military training" Sri-Jin said as he extended a hand toward Min-Jun.

Min-Jun had many questions but decided to wait till later to ask them he lifted his trembling arm and took the outstretched hand directly in front of him and gripped it has hard as he could which was not very hard.

Seo-Jin practically lifted Min-Jun of the ground with surprising strength and wrapped his arm around Min-Jun to keep him upright and they began there walk.

It took a while and many near falls but they finall made it to the door that led outside the room it was a giant steel door and to the right of it was a small screen that had a bunch of numbers on it.

Seo-Jin sat Min-jun down and made his way over to the small screen and started pressing on it randomly each time it was pressed a beeping sound followed after he stopped pressing numbers he place his entire hand on the screen and it immediately glowed green.

The room began to tremble and a loud noise followed as the giant doors began to open in front of them revealing a seemingly endless hallway that was all white and there were rooms on each side of the hall as far as the eye could see.

Seo-Jin lifted Min-Jun up and wrapped his arm around him again to keep him up.

"Unfortunately are room is pretty far off so we have a long walk ahead of us so get ready" Seo-Jin said beginning there long and treacherous walk.

I truly treacherous hour later they finally made it to a room that looked identical to all the others It had a small bed and a door that led to a restroom on the right of it.

It was and incredibly basic room with focus only on the necessities "have a seat on the bed" Seo-Jin said calmly

Min-Jun listened and did what was asked right after Seo-Jin directed Min-Jun to remove the plain white shirt that was covering his almost deathly malnourished body.

Min-Jun again did what was asked seeing no reason not to and did not want to anger the person that could give him the answer to what the hell is happening.

Seo-Jin walked towards Min-Jun sitting on the bed and stood directly infront of him staring at his chest that had no fat and barely any muscle.

Seo-Jin lifted the side of his coat and stuck his hand in it to retrieve something from his inner pocket it was a small thin square that was white in color he removed something from the back of it and stuck it directly on Min-Jun's chest.

To Min-Jun it was some random thing that Seo-Jin had put on him but to Seo-Jin it was different.

Mun-Jun noticed that Seo-Jin had been staring off into space for a couple of seconds and began to study his face it took awhile but he finally noticed it the glasses Seo-Jin was wearing looked very normal but something was different on the pupils of Seo-Jin's eyes Min-Jun could see something that looked like a glowing screen.

After awhile and a awkward silence Seo-Jin snapped out of it "hmm this is very interesting the higher ups will be happy with this one he has very good genetics" Seo-Jin said to himself ignoring the fact that Min-Jun could still hear him.

"Ahem" Seo-Jin cleared his throat and looked directly into the bright green eyes of Min-Jun

"I'm sure you have many questions and I'm sure this will answer some of them" he said as he reached in the inner pocket on the other side of his jacket revealing a medium sized translucent tablet.
