

"Nice." Taeyang said rather appreciatively.

Asia curled her fist and with a promise she said. "Watch your back, Kwonie."

Cristine saw on her peripheral view how Vincent smiled instead of letting a smirk drawn to his lips. He then looked at her direction that she jumped slightly when he talked to her.

"Switch seat with her now." He said to which made Cristine immediately stood up, hurled Asia to her seat without question.

"W-what was that for?" Asia asked when she was readily transferred seat like a piece of toy. She had no idea how Cristine can be that strong as to lift her. "Yah, did you scare her?" she demanded on Vincent.

"You are more scary. With that face of yours smeared with disgusting glues." he said.

"Eh?!" Asia tried to wipe the glue away when Vincent beat her into it. She instantly stiffened at Vincent's careful touch on her cheek with his thumb.

"You're ugly as is. No need to add up to worsen it." he said gently while Asia tried to push away his hand but he didn't let go until he was done.

"Stay still." he said, getting a handkerchief on his pocket.

Cristine looked around to see the students had paid their attentions to Asia and Vincent's direction right now. Then she felt Spencer leaning over to her.

"They look good together, right?" Spencer said in low voice.

For unknown reason, Cristine couldn't help but agree to the rat. As if both looked like the right puzzles brought up to complete each other.

"Let's help them out?" Spencer added with a conspiring smile now.

"I refuse." Cristine said.

"Ah meanie, meanie, meanie!" Spencer pouted at her which disgusted Cristine to the core but she didn't voice it out since the rat is still an Red4.

"Stop deceiving me with your sweetness. Clan. I still have to get back to you." Asia said when he finished cleaning up her face.

"Yeah. Yeah. Save it up little gangster." Vincent said as he gestured to their front when the teacher came inside the classroom.

"Oh shoot." Asia said as she turned behind her to get her bag. But Vincent already got it and placed it to her lap. "You didn't put anything inside, did you?"

"Not in the mood." He said in boredom while Asia proceeded into digging out her note in the subject. "Oh, nothing's strange." she mumbled under her breath not noticing how Vincent had his arm around her own chair at the back and Cristine saw it clearly to be more than sending signals to those men who had their eyes on Asia that she was already owned by him.

"Okay, turn to chapter 6 for today's lesson. Read the whole chapter and then after the class, I'm giving a mock quiz." The teacher said, ignoring how the students mumbled complains on their seats but opened their books otherwise.

Cristine saw it all. The way Vincent was intently staring while she was being serious on her reading. His hand moved to touch her hair without her noticing. As if he was more than mesmerized by her presence beside him.

Asia noticed Vincent not even bothering in bringing out the books to read.

"Yah. You wanna fail this subject?"

Vincent leaned over closely to her personal space making her blinked at the proximity.

"There is no way I'm gonna fail, little gangster. Wae? Are you concern over my welfare?" He asked in low voice and Asia couldn't help the rush of blush on her face. Seeing such reaction satisfied him as he pulled from her space with a smirk.

When the time for the reading was up, the teacher then gave a mock quiz. As for the Red4, they didn't bother participating it and the teacher didn't mind it.

"This is so unfair. Why must you be excused?" Asia was muttering while she was scribbling the answer to the sheet they were provided.

Vincent kept his silence as he only looked at her answers.

"You got one principle wrong." he noticed.

"Where?" she paused for the moment and read the answers again.

"Number five." he simply said while he looked to his front.

"Okay, time's up. Pass your papers." The teacher announced to Asia's startlement since she wasn't anymore confident to her answer after Vincent's words.

"Oh no..." Asia said regrettably.

"Don't worry. You got the rest of the questions but one."

Asia looked at him when he sounded reassuring instead of his usual arrogant attitude. She looked down to hide her reddening face from him.

When the class ended, the only student left in there was Spencer who stayed stuck on his the chair with Asia's glue prank.

"Yah! Don't leave me behind! Chingus!" He cried out but none of the Red4 listened.

Next chapter