
The Worst Luck Ever

After waking up and his power was back Anti decided to use the fullest. You see Anti's power isn't like the one's in superhero story's.

His power relies on his thoughts. Let's say he imagined getting no luck in a lottery ticket before buying a lottery ticket and then when he bought it he would have seen that it was a winning ticket. But after that he would be in a unlucky state which lasted depending on the probability of the action actually happening without his abilities. The reason why he was happy that his power came back was cause the last time he used his power he used it on a

Lottery ticket which gained him and his family a lot of money but to be exact the ticket gave them 145 306 071€ . After gaining so much money his father put a good amount od the money into his bussiness. The were used to rise their status. Now after a year later and with Anti being 15 years old and a first year in highschool it was finally time to execute his plan.