
Dream realm

Since no Venerable has yet to appear all the Secluded Domain of HaE part of the Door of Life and death are here Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po valley, Ordinary Abyss, Bewitching Lake, City Well, Miniscule Mountain, Reverse Flow River. I start studying the Door of Life and Death because It got quite an interesting effect, attracting every living soul who aren't protected by the Heavenly Dao mark on their body. The Door is composed of Life and Death Dao marks, the only other thing who got this are the Life and death Kun-Peng, an Immemorial desolate beast living eight thousand years as a fish (Kun) and after his death eight thousand years as a bird (Peng) to finally die. What is interesting with those Kun-Peng is the fact that they only have eighty Heaven Dao marks when they are born as fish, meaning the Life and death marks either false the Heaven Dao marks, or they have the capacity to give you back the same number of lifespans you had at you birth after your death. Either way it far too interesting for me to not study it. 

~ Before my second Grand tribulation~ 

And here we are the second Grand Tribulation, I hope it will be as challenging as the last one since the reward was quite something. The HaE Qi start gushing inside my aperture and Heaven's Will start shaping it in the form of a massive F*cking dream realm filling the whole miniature purple heaven, I start finding funny how every time I try to use wisdom path method in order to deduce my next tribulation Heaven send something outside of my prediction, never mind at least the dream realm is in a good place. Seeing nothing else coming and Heaven's Will start retiring from my aperture but the dream realm of course, I start studying the dream realm and try to see what could affect it. I wasn't really surprised to know that Space-Time could change is position when I literally exchange the Space-Time it exists in, but it isn't really useful, so I start using wisdom path method and the gut Gu I took from Dan Hu Mountain before trying the Dream realm. It may seem reckless, but I know I will be able to quit using Space-Time if the Dream is too hard so no pressure. 

In the dream realm I incarnate a will, or something similar, I had a bird eye vision on a crazy man laughing on a rock surrounded by black soil. At that moment I feel the Dream realm give the power to send beings meet the man, I choose to send the gills less fish group first, they talk about freedom with the man then left, next I send the toothless leopards, the wingless bird and more till the man stop laughing and caught a light, no a Gu before he finally left with it. 

Seeing that I complete the dream realm so easily I start interrogating myself on Heaven's Will plan for this Dream realm. I continue with the next where the same man was standing in a forest looking lost, The dream realm let me send a spider to him not really understanding why would he needs a spider, but I still did it, the spider and the man start speaking before a flock of Featherman pass and interrupt their conversation the left, the spider finish with a last comment on the Featherman and then the man start running after the Featherman.

In the next and probably final dream realm I incarnate a will as usual and saw the man younger nearly naked running away from monstrosity, in a dark environment, on black soil, the man run before finding himself in a place with no issue, at that moment I feel like I have a choice, the choice to do nothing, the choice to give this man one or more of the lights I have. I decide to give everything to him seeing that it worked every time before. The man starts talking with the three lights before rapidly aging and beating the monstrosities. Seeing that the Dream realm totally disappear on that was quite the shock, But I finally new why did Heaven's Will give me that tribulation, it wants me to understand its position toward human before Ren Zu start using Cognition Gu. Nevertheless, The Grand tribulation did give me quite the unexpected rewards first the Dream Dao marks, my Human and Heaven path attainment skyrocket. What's more it clearly exposes to me that me researching everything is the way to Eternal Life since Ren Zu truly start to oppose Fate with Cognition Gu.

Seeing that I have only three years before becoming a Rank 8 and finally stood at the apex of the current Gu world. With my current attainments in Heaven and Human paths I can easily concealed myself from Heaven prying eye even outside of my aperture, making it easy to not expose my next big project since it would anger Heaven so hard. For the next three year I will need to study nearly every secluded Domain present in the Door and unravel their secrets. I knew that my project would need Rank 8 white lichi essence beads so the only thing I could do before my last Grand tribulation is to get more knowledge to make the project the closest to perfection from the first time. 

~Three years later~ 

The last Grand tribulation wasn't something special, it was some bells chime that create powerful sound waves with different effects fortunately no matter how powerful the sound loose effect if you are far enough, and unfortunately for Heaven I am a Space-Time Gu immortal. I got many sound path Dao marks even if I don't think it will be very useful for me. As a newly ascended Rank 8 Gu Immortal, I had to contemplate the change of my aperture from Blessed Land to Grotto-Heaven. I start planning for all the Gu refinement I need to do before realising my project.

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