
chapter 5 class leaders

Inside my academy dorm room i was watering one of my mirror willows. As two guests were standing around and were clearly not in a good mood.

???[ why haven't you said anything yet?!?! I've showed up because the letter you sent said that you are willing to hand over your class badge.]

???[ and to think you'd invite other class leaders too.]

The two people who spoke were the class leaders of other classes. That i had invited

Shu[ well since no one else is gonna show up we can begin.]

At my words they eased up

Shu[ I am willing to hand over the badge under the conditions that you give one primeval essence stone to all of my classmates per week, and you must offer me something good enough to agree.]

???[ WHAT! That'll defeat the point of having your badge.]

???[ we'd be losing more than we'd gain, are you mad?]

Shu[ Do you two not know the importance of these badges? These badges basically make all classes like that of a clan. They pick a leader and the class will either rise or fall depending on their leader, but I'm sure you know of what happens for the class that has most if not all badges.]

???[ of course i know that!]

???[ why do you think i showed up, i want your badge!]

Shu[ The clan will reward the class leader with the most badges with what ever they want. Be it a rare gu, lots of primeval essence stones, a good position in the clan. So long as its possible the clan will give it to you, but you need badges and you'll only have mine if you agree to my terms.]

???[ i don't have to agree to your terms]

???[ i can beat you in a dual and take it.]

Shu[ that could happen, but if i win I'll take your badge and you'd regret it.]

???[ hmph I'd rather challenge you and take it for myself.]

Shu[ Well then you'll have to wait in line as this afternoon i was already challenged by another class leader.]

???[ What!?!?]

???[ your trying to sell off your badge that your already going to lose.]

Shu[ you speak like i have already lost, whether i win or lose has yet to be determined, but keep this in mind. If i win then that'll mean I'll have two badges to sell, but of course that means my price will increase.]

That comment seemed to satisfy them, after all no loss to them.


???[ you can do it class leader beat that guy quickly.]

???[ a c grade talent thinks he can compete in the schools class leader competition? Ha]

???[ shut your mouth, you've never seen Shuidi fight before theirs a good chance he wins.]

???[ yeah we've seen how strong he is when he beat Malo.]

???[ so what Malo is a hairy man who is learning how to refine not fight.]

Besides the battle arena were two whole classes and some others. Looking at the two students in the arena.

My opponent across from me was a merman hybrid woman with short blue hair and scales to match. She was fairly small standing at about 5 ft but i wasn't going to underestimate her for it. This is class's 3 leader Madi, she immediately sent my class a challenge letter after receiving our class badge.

Madi[ i heard that your a strength path gu master... how perfect.]

Oh she knows what gu master i am already. Did someone else tell her after my match with Malo, dam that was quick.

Referee[ begin]

I activated drop of strength gu 3 times and and used jab gu on my legs so that my speed increased even more, but before i could get close enough to hit her. I had to dodge to my left as a deep purple sphere landed where i once stood. The spot it landed at began to dissolve.

Shes using acid ball gu, a strong poison path gu used by a select few in the clan, and thats because it costs 10% primeval sea essence each use. So those with low primeval essence don't use this gu, but once you summon these sphere of acid they can last for about 5 minutes per 1 % primeval essence. During that time the user will have complete control of them as well.

I made my way back to the edge of the ring as Madi summoned five more spheres of acid. She had them spin around her as she just looked at me with a grin on her face.

I see she plans on using these sphere of acid to keep me away since strength path gu master have to fight up close. If i try to get near her she'll easily be able to strike me.

Its true long range attacks are strength path gu masters weaknesses, but thats why i learned how to use a bow. From the large bag on my back i pulled out my bow and arrows. Madi who saw this then took the initiative to approach me, but it was already too late.

I activated drop of strength gu 2 more times took aim and released my hold on the arrow. A scream filled the now silent battle grounds, Madi had tried to dodge my arrow but it was too quick for her. Thus my arrow pierced right through her stomach, as i was knocking another arrow in my bow the referee stopped me.

Referee[ the winner of this match is Shuidi.]

He then tossed me Madi's badge, with that i put my weapon away and walked past Madi as i picked up the arrow i shot.

Shu[ you should invest in a defensive type gu next.... or maybe a healing gu.]

You got to love weapons it makes life so much easier... or maybe thats the former American in me saying that. Luckily for me the use of weapons is allowed in fights. Letting me make up for my deficiencies.


Inside my dorm room were the previous two class leaders and the two other class leaders who didn't show up last time. These two class leaders are special because they're the two grade A talents.

They both were merman hybrid woman, one had dark green eyes and scales, while the other had deep blue hair and scales. Ji and Luna both of them have high positions in the clan thanks to their branches, theirs even rumors going around that they're descendants of Immortals.

Shu[ I'm glad to see that your all here this time.... well not counting Madi. Now lets begin]

I put my two gu master badges down on the table everyone was sitting at. Gathering everyones attention

Shu[ my price is one primeval essence stones for everyone in my class each week and a useful strength path gu. Who ever offers the best gu shall be the one i chose to deal with so try to be sincere.]

???[ what kind of trash deal is that?]

Ji[ just cause you beat Madi doesn't mean i can't beat you.]

Shu[ you can try but if i win I'll take your badge and you'd be like Madi.]

???[ your getting way to ahead of yourself Shuidi.]

Shu[ did you know that after a class leader who's been challenged they'll be safe for one month.]

???[ and at the end of that month well take your badge.]

Shu[ or I'll take yours.... and don't forget you can only get one badge after the fight and I'll once again be protected for another month.]

Ji[ so you plan on waiting till you have no badges left?]

Shu[ no i just have to wait till one of you offer me a deal, and I'll remind you all. That the person who has the most badges by the end of the year will be able to get a wish granted from the clan.]

At my reminder all the class leaders began to look at each other, sure they can challenge me for my badge after this month but whose to say I'll still have it. One of these class leaders could trade it for what i asked for.

Luna[ and what if i were to challenge you right now no badge on the line just honor.]

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