
Transmigrating with 2334 chapters of knowledge

It is said in certain religions that reincarnation happens in this world. It allows a person to start their life anew. Thanks to this process, after the mortal body's death, a person's soul survives and begins existence in a new physical shell, usually along while losing one's memories of the previous life.

There are many conflicting opinions on this mythical tale. Many do not believe it, and some are skeptical of the truth.

Few people actually dare to believe it.

Because every time someone is killed, they die. Their body and brain stop functioning and we can't ask them what happened to them.

Such a price is just too expensive to test this theory, and the thing that people just cannot accept is the fact that after paying with your life, you don't even know what the outcome is.

So even if someone dreams of reincarnating, they would not dare to suicide so indiscriminately. What if the rumors were fake, and it was just a scam?

If John Doe had not died in an accident by slowly bleeding out to death after getting hit by a truck, he would rather not attempt it. But now he was thoroughly convinced, because the reality of the truth had been laid before his eyes and there was no denying it. He has really been reborn!

He could imagine more cozy and comfortable worlds to come to, but he had the admit that the world of Gu was one of his favorites.

'It's just a pity… From the start I had wasted an absurd amount of effort, reading thousands of novel chapters, making my parents furious and inciting people's disappointment. I went through suffering and multiple depressions. If I knew this would happen, I would've jumped in front of a truck a decade ago…' John thought with a sigh. Even though he had transmigrated, he would rather do it earlier or be better prepared.

Reverend Insanity is the greatest among thousands of novels, benefits are the essence of heaven and earth.

It comes with two thousand three hundred thirty four chapters - there are too many to memorize. Some include very small yet important information. And some include precise timings of certain events throughout the entire five realms.

That said, it is too difficult to remember every little thing.

'But even if I don't remember everything in perfect detail, I still remember the most crucial things. What is important is that I am now in this world.' After the thoughts of pity were put aside, John's heart burst forth ambitious and determined feelings, because in this world he might be able to achieve Immortality!

To be able to transmigrate to a cultivation world, this fact made years of his miserable life entirely acceptable.

Not to mention he had come to this world with a priceless treasure, so it's not like his years of reading novels were meaningless.

This precious treasure was his 2334 chapters of Reverend Insanity novel knowledge.

In his memories are a multitude of all kinds of treasures and precious items that no one has opened yet in this time, different precious Gu recipes that are not yet discovered. All the big events and incidents he can easily grasp by the veins of history. There are numbers of figures: some are predecessors of hidden levels; some are geniuses, some are young jade beauties, some immortal fairies and even mermaids.

With this knowledge John has a big advantage over someone transmigrating blindly. With good planning and execution, he could empower the situation with great fierceness and elegance. It was not a problem now that he could take a step ahead of others, breaking the higher boundaries!

'I'm in the Gu Yue Village and I'm one of the Fang brothers, but am I Fang Yuan or Fang Zheng?' John Doe was incredibly sensible. He collected himself together and tried to look around.

He internally clicked his tongue - he couldn't see jack shit.

'If I am Fang Zheng, then that's good, but if I am Fang Yuan, then that's even better…' John Doe quickly judged his situation.

What's the best character to transmigrate as in the Gu World? Don't mention those ordinary A-grade geniuses, even those supported by Gu Immortals, with an Extreme Physique or Immortal Inheritances are nothing special, but the main thing is to be Heaven's Will and Venerables' chosen pawn, regardless of starting talent, resources or background.

500 years of a difficult life and hardships? As long as one doesn't die, it's all extremely valuable experience and knowledge. Heaven's Will would protect you in all situations just like it did to first life Fang Yuan, as you are its valuable pawn, carrying you through any dangers no matter how much of a noob you are.



Or maybe not and you would be abandoned and left to die, because you're too useless.

On the other hand you could also be abandoned and plotted against by Heaven's Will, because you're growing too quickly due to your future cheat knowledge.

No matter what is the case though, John was prepared for an incredible adventure through the five realms of the Gu world, even at the mortal level.

The problem in front of John Doe right now was: knowing which of the twins he was.

Not to forget, he was also an Otherworldly Demon, so even as Fang Zheng he might be able to kill Fang Yuan early and take his place as the Heaven's Will chosen pawn that should receive the Spring Autumn Cicada.

Not a long later, the surrounding people let him realize that he was the younger twin - Gu Yue Fang Zheng.

John's attitude toward it was mixed, but he was very glad to be one of the Fang brothers nonetheless.

As Fang Zheng considered his situation, eventually his attention drifted to the fact that from the moment he was born, he could already fully understand the Gu World language. He could even form the words in his mind, both spoken and written, indicating that he's able to read and write as well.

After pondering for some time, Fang Zheng realized that his ability to understand this world's language was not a transmigration perk or a cheat.

In the novel all the sapient species regardless of race in the entire enormous Gu World use the very same common language, even if they live separated from the rest of the world in Blessed Lands for thousands of years, so something like this was to be expected. Fang Zheng guessed that it could be because of the rules of this world, the Great Dao or maybe Fate, but regardless of the reason, Fang Zheng was glad for it being the case, as it was a nice unexpected gain.

'This is great; this way it will be easier for me to fit in. I also saved a lot of time and effort compared to learning the language like back on Earth and my pronunciation should also be flawless. Now, how should I go about it…' John was incredibly sensible and quickly got back on track, starting to form plans for his future actions.

As Fang Zheng awoke from his first dream, he noticed that his entire bottom felt wet and strange. After realizing the true reason behind it, he felt slightly disgusted.

After a moment's consideration, Fang Zheng did the only thing that he could - he started crying out as loud as possible.

As expected, very quickly someone picked Fang Zheng up and started taking care of him.

A while later Fang Zheng heard some commotion near him.

"Come on, little Fang Yuan, drink up, come on," a woman was calling out repeatedly. "Here, come on, suck, suck."

If Fang Yan Zheng had good enough eyesight, then he would see a woman holding his twin brother near her chest in an attempt to breast-feed him, but the baby was turning its little head away in refusal.

"Little Fang Yuan, here, here…" the woman repeated impatiently, pushing the baby's head toward her nipple.

But Baby Fang Yuan kept resisting and turning his head away. Fang Yuan felt extremely ashamed. 'I'm a mature man from Earth, how could I do something so shameful! I won't suck your milk, I won't do it, auntie. Please, give me a bottle!'

At this moment suddenly a new melodic voice of a young woman sounded out. "Is something the matter?"

"Young Miss," the woman said respectfully. "It's just that little Fang Yuan refuses to be breast-fed. It's very strange, he hasn't eaten anything since he was born, he should be very hungry."

'I'm not hungry! Just give me a bottle,' Fang Yuan called out in his mind.


Despite what he said, Fang Yuan's little stomach rumbled loudly.

"Hmm? Maybe I should try," the woman said and started unbuttoning her upper garments. When her breast was exposed, the servant handed Fang Yuan into the Young Miss' hands.

Feeling the soft texture of a breast touching his cheek, Fang Yuan immediately turned his head away in embarrassment.

Young Miss caught Fang Yuan's head and attempted to turn it back toward her nipple. She softly spoke, "Come one, little guy. What's wrong? Drink up, drink up…"

But Fang Yuan kept pushing his head away. 'Are there no bottles in this world? Please, give me a milk bottle.'

"Here, Fang Yuan, you must eat and grow up strong. Here…" The young woman kept persuading, but Fang Yuan persevered in his decision.

Fang Yuan refused. 'No, I will not! Give me a bottle, please.'

The same Fang Yuan from the novel that had absolutely no shame and could do anything for his goals was now refusing to be breastfed.

Hearing this comedic scene, Fang Zheng couldn't help but burst into laughter; he had the time of his life. "Hahahahihi."

It appeared that Fang Yuan was still the first life's Fang Yuan in his 'good guy' phase.

As Fang Zheng was laughing, he suddenly felt being lifted up and then presented to a soft and plump piece of warm flesh himself. He pushed all feelings of shame aside and immediately started sucking - he wanted to eat to grow up healthy and strong.

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