
There I was

I was in a pub looking for directions. No one knew where I came from or what I am. One thing that stood with me was that I had a past life. I used to be a male student at a local academy. I was retaking a bit of school I missed out on. This place is like a fantasy world. There were girls with dog ears and different animal features. "The worst part is that you are a demon". I looked up to see a man with horns on his head. Demons are the most powerful beings in the world. But they are also the most despised. The way you can tell that a person is a demon by their eyes and head. You have horns too but yours are the biggest I've seen. Most demons have their strength telled by how wide and tall the demon horns are. Not many demons are like you he said. I had horns about 2 inches wide and about 3 inches tall. It's like I'm a ram, I have perfect sized horns to be a ram. His horns were half a centimeter wide and only 2 centimeters tall. I'm considered to be powerful with my horns. Do you guys have a mirror? I asked him. He handed me a small mirror. I had pink hair and my eyes were red I didn't know what to say. I looked like a goddess. I almost couldn't believe it...but then realized it was just me I'm a girl. I looked like a total fantasy character from a movie. I got exited for a second. I still didn't know my name. "What's your name Missy". I had to think of a good name for my self. I couldn't think of anything. Uh...Can you name me? I asked him. His eyes grew wide. Well ok he said nervously. He scratched his bushy beard and wrinkled his eye brow. He then scratched his bald head untill coming up with a answer. How about Matilda the demon. I squinted my eyes. It was cheesy but I like it. Fine I said, I am Matilda the demon. "Since we have seemed to become friends I best to tell you my name. My name is Wraldo. I might have to teach on how to learn magic too. Come on let's go into the backyard". I followed Wraldo outside. "Now, there are 3 steps to follow when making magic. 1. to make magic you need to visualize the element in your hand or any other core limb. 2. Focus your energy to that limb. Last step is to channel that energy. We're gonna start of with manipulating regular energy. Matilda I want you to focus on your hand and do all those steps I talked to you about."you I looked at my hand. I closed my eyes slowly. Suddenly I felt like I knew how to do it already. "You feel that!" Wraldo yelled. "That's what heppends if your from this world, you'll end up knowing how to do it without practice. Now hit the ground with your hand." I pulled my fist back, channelled my energy and pushed my fist with all my might to the ground. The last thing I remember was hearing a sound equal to a explosion.

I woke up to seeing Wraldo's face. "You okay kid." We we're in a large crater in the ground about 12 feet deep. "You had so much energy it knocked you out cold." He said laughing. "Now we have to find out what element or elements you are. The elements are fire water etc. Some elements we haven't even discovered yet. Now gimme your hand." I held my hand out. As soon as he tuched it he jumped back in fear. Your elements are blood and darkness!? Kid I'm begging you to become my ally, it's about time I told you that I'm being chased by the knights in the kingdom and we can help each other. Ok he said excitedly those two we're deemed impossible to be elements now it's true! he got up and danced around the crater. Now! He handed me 3 books. Each book tells you how to focus your elements, come right back here when your done reading them. Wooohooo! he yelled as he claimed out the crater. I just woke up. and he keeps telling at me. Oh well I guess I have to. I sat down and started reading the book.

Apparently you have to visualize what you want to come up and what it's supposed to do. With blood magic, I can create animals and humans. I haven't really figured it out yet. Darkness is like any other element but is significantly powerful.

I picked up the paper and prepared to send the paper to the castle, at least that's what Wraldo told me to do. Apparently this is the kingdom of the Moon Knights. Wraldo was nice enough to purchase me a inn so I can get some rest. I climbed up on my bed. I started to think a lot as I tried to sleep. I ended up only getting 39 minutes of sleep.