
chapter 1 : inner pain of a childless woman

"God why is my life like this, this is my nine years after I got married I haven't give birth to a child talkless of children, when will I ever give birth to my own children. Hmmm, all my mate have given birth to two or more children here I am with nothing but a barren tommy" Mary was inside her husband house lamenting over her barrenness. While Mary was still thinking she didnt even notice her husband has arrived listening to what she has been saying. He said" my wife God giveth children he will surely answer our prayers". Mary face her husband with a weeping face and said" don't you think God has forgotten me" Daniel answered" God never forget us but just waiting for time to bless us" he pet his wife and she calm down

Daniel and his wife are one of the richest people in the country A. There one of the renowned businesspeople in the city. Their business is known worldwide. They do not lack money or basic amenities of life but is very painful that their marriage has not been bless with any children yet. They tried different medicine, different prayer home but it seems it not yet God time. Daniel had been very faithful to his wife that when he was advice to take another wife refuse and wait patiently for God time.

At dinner, Daniel told his wife that a doctor that might help was introduced to him and he has bought morning ticket for their flight. The next day they met the doctor, he run test for them and prescribed necessary drugs for them. Although Mary has lost hope but still take the drug as prescribed and continue praying for God intervention.

After 3 months, Mary was very sick that she was force to attend hospital, she was admitted and was confirm pregnant. It was a joyful things that make the whole household of Johnson happy. After Mary was discharged, she was treat with extra care by her husband, family and friends. Few months later, Mary put to bed, a beautiful baby girl.

Friends and families, gather together to welcome this beautiful girl with different baby gift, she was named Daniella Johnson. Daniella smile Drew people to her as she was such a loving girl who does not stress her mother. She allow other people to carry her and she always grace them with her beautiful smile